Hyjal realm merging into Proudmoore?

Ooooh that kind of predator, yikes. Well between him and Kat in trade chat, its hard to pick which one is worse.

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The lag is what everyone should be worrying about or wait times idk just freaking leave full realms alone.

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Stormrage > Proudmoore anyway. Have fun you guys :rofl:

Most of my characters are on Proudmoore. Really not happy about this. We are already full but usually avoided having queues during peak times like expansion releases. This is almost certainly going to give us a queue when Shadowlands comes out.

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Blizzard is deliberately creating queue times for a big chunk of players with this. It’s insane.

Especially since Blizzard said years ago that the goal with connected realms was to NOT create player clusters so large that login queues would result.

The combined Proudmoore/Hyjal population is almost as large as Stormrage, which is the largest WoW server and DEFINITELY has queue times on expansion launch.


And it’s been pointed out every time that there’s almost no benefit to doing so.

Alliance Proudmoore and Horde Hyjal won’t even interact with each other outside of the auction house.

We already see Proudmoore Alliance out in the open world through CRZ. Connecting the servers accomplishes nothing except merging the auction houses (which isn’t needed) and creating login queues (which isn’t wanted).

NOBODY benefits from this.


For some reason we need “horde” population equal too, it sucks. Blizzard wants to force all realms to be horde infested over 50% and finish off the alliance population, or whats left of us.

Probably to make it more horde balanced like every other server.

You know Blizz. Can’t have an Alliance dominated server now can we!

I just transferred the last of my characters to Hyjal from Area 52 for that reason. And also Hyjal being an LA server not Chicago.


Whats next MG is merging with WrA.

My old guild had a ban on inviting pugs from Stormrage because, when we had pugs who would insult us all with vitriolic words, insisting how much better they were, they were from Stormrage.

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They were just trying to pump you up :stuck_out_tongue:

Stormrage is a popular realm and is one of the best in terms of competitive play, the downside of that is you got a lot of toxic noobs thinking they are good just for playing on the server. But there are plenty of fine people on stormrage.


Left out the part about how they should not CRZ current zones if they are trying to more balance the population.

God Please no


As someone who has played on both Horde and Alliance on Proudmoore since Vanilla, I am stoked, and totally in favor of it.

I think it is very forward thinking. We do not know what Blizzard has in store. This may even be a precursor to joint Faction maneuvers, or server-only events that involve Faction cooperation down the line? It could be a stepping stone to much!

And as the game ages, and dies, and the player base naturally dwindles, servers should merge. We won’t be seeing 14 million subs again. Only an entirely new WoW 2 would do that. But this game needs some consolidation, population wise.

I know. I had this idea in mind since like WoD, just merging realms and sort of balancing them a bit. Many people have. I am glad to see it play out.

I am a big fan of realm mergers. And to see Proudmoore finally involved… I am stoked.

Hyjal has many folks who share the similar left coast attitude of Proudmoore. I think their communities would merge just fine.


WRA MG merger is not something I’m looking forwards to, but if people keep screeching about how one server is for x faction over the other, it’s going to happen.

Combined, their populations are less than Proudmoore/Hyjal will be, so that makes a lot more sense than what they’re already doing. Expect it to happen soon.

It’s a bad idea because of the people. Two totally different groups of people. I have no desire to see all the drama abound simply by the merge.

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100% true silverhand has been pretty much dead since cata-mop alliance and horde side tho horde is currently the bigger side just barely.
We are nothing more than a crz dumping ground at this point which sucks like 90% the time because its a horde raid or something that gets dumped.