I think you’re panicking a bit much a bit too early, I don’t think it will do anything to destroy the community. Sure there will be conflict but… when isn’t there? You can’t take something like lgbt and NOT create friction it’s just how things are… unless I vastly misunderstand the fear.
I don’t think Hatred needed 6 answers saying the same thing, but regardless…
Proudmoore “says” its lgbtq friendly but I’ve seen more bigoted comments in trade chat on the server since I transferred than I EVER did on other servers. If anything its less friendly.
Yeah I had a brain fart Forgot that they would display “Name-Realm”.
Even after I’ve been in the same group as the Hatred from Illidan. That was a strange moment.
Hyjal and Proudmoore are both in the same time zone range, first off.
Secondly, they are at opposite ends of the faction spectrum, so they are probably trying to get closer to having “equal” numbers across the servers.
Tichondrius probably would have been a better pick to get the factions closer, but that might have made the combined population too high for them internally. I don’t know what “number” they were shooting for there so that’s just speculation.
Really? I’ve been on it since WoD launch and it’s the least toxic realm I’ve witnessed. My main realm was Rexxar and it was disgusting the things I’d read.
Proudmoore toxicity is quite tame.
That’s fine with me.
I can’t speak for rexxar, but the three other servers I’ve played on over the years have been way cleaner. The idea of having a “lgtbq” server just attracts the trolls to come and post bigoted stuff.
Its literally every day man.
Gotta drop Trade chat, homie. It gets to you after a while.
I’ve /leave Trade on all my characters because it’s just a lil overwhelming usually. General chat is usually pretty tame but can get a bit outlandish, sometimes.
Again, I just haven’t seen that, so it’ll just be our words against eachother. I spend a lot of time in trade and LFG, too. They call me the president of Proudmoore. Oh, I’m not making that up.
Hey… we get the same thing on Moon Guard, people hear about the shire then come to “see the trolls” and end up either staying to become new trolls or feeding the existing ones attention they desire.
Are you claiming to be manapaws? lol.
Did this thread break the forums?
This is a terrible idea for so many reasons. Hyjal is already high pop and proudmore full… Gonna add lag and possibly queue times… Then shadowlands drops…
No, he’s been outed as an actual predator and calls himself the king of Proudmoore because he has an addon that’s against TOS that posts a leatherworking ad at timed intervals.
I’m just your friendly neighborhood Caelus from LFG.
For a while there, I thought it did.
I’m worried about the Proudmoore linking to any realm as it already has full status. Did they forget the debilitating lag experienced in bfa pre patch and early patches during peak hours? This will only make things like that worse. There is a reason full realms don’t normally link to others. I agree there are other servers who could benefit more from merging with Hyjal; Proudmoore doesn’t need more bodies. I think they are attempting FACTION balance on Proudmoore because its so Alliance heavy. Which I’m also not much of a fan of. We have cross realm for a reason.
So you are saying there is an actual public predator roaming trade chat on proudmoore, kiiiiiiinda proving my point about it not being the “safe” server now aren’t ya.
Really? There are creeps on every realm, it just so happens that this specific and very loud creep is on our realm.
of what? Breadsticks? That guy always talks about olive garden and butter in trade chat every single day.
I don’t want to get into specifics on the forums, but no, it goes much deeper than that. In one instance, he was kicked from a guild for something involving a 16-year-old boy.