Hyjal realm merging into Proudmoore?

I’m not going to mind at all. Will be nice to see some more Alliance here.

I’m a little jealous, I’d kill just to have more Alliance to ruin and gank, can’t do that here in Stormreaver very much.

I’m not entirely sure how much it’s actually going to affect WM since all the WM On folks are put onto one shard anyway, right?

But if it does result in more fights I’m totally on board.

This seems like a real concern.
There’s an expansion dropping SOON™ and setting both these server communities up for queues is terribly unfair.

It’s a bad idea because the really despicable people run back and forth between the two. So then we’d all be stuck with them. Bleh.

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Thats the issue here. They are taking a medium high pop realm (Hyjal has more players than Lightbringer) and merging it with a Hihg Full pop Alliance realm. Most people pick realms where a faction dominates. Given with today’s game state it doesn’t matter. Only thing that is coming from this will be worse AH and longer que times…Lose lose.


Thats another issue. Those top 5 realms already experience player ques during patches and expansion drops. Just makes no sense in the current state of WoW to have these massive servers where you can merge other servers to have more large healthy servers.


Faction balance matters. Just because GD posters say wPvP doesn’t exist, it does.
Trying to balance servers and then have CRZ play little into balancing populations will lead to a healthier balance overall.

This was desperately needed for years.
And this seems like a trial for fixing such issues, and potentially fixing the issue of CRZ as well.

Log in times for expansion launches?
Happens every time and the population drops off after. Or are the same people complaining about this expecting Shadowlands to be so good this remains an issue for weeks? (If so, maybe transferring is for you? What I’m told all the time for literally every other complaint.)

If this goes smoothly, I hope they keep connecting the realms - even if it means we get stuck with Moon Guard, at least I wouldn’t have to pay to have more access to people.


But this specific realm merger isnt fixing the balance issue. That is why I suggested the merger of Hyjal/Lightbringer. It would make the total pop around 15k (Around what Proudmoore is now) and leave the factions close to equal in terms of players. Now they are just making a server that is Horde dominated (A big reason people pick a certain realm is the faction representation) and make a server with no log in ques on launch guaranteed to now have login ques.


Exactly, it’s just like how I don’t want to be placed with WrA players because we’ve had experiences with them and don’t wanna be placed with those players.

Keep it separate.

Whelp. Looks like I’m going to be server transferring…again.

So wait. What exactly do you all think is going to happen? Are all the Hyjal players going to start harassing all the LGBT players on Proudmoore? Seems a bit of a stretch if you ask me.


You apparently have never seen how some gamers act towards others if they know they are LGBTQ. You ask how would they know? Well, say your guild name is “Gaymers Pride” or something along these lines. To think people won’t be rude, you must not read the news or be familiar with the history of LGBTQ struggles.

Nah it’s just some misguided notion that if you don’t constantly talk about being LGBT then your not LGBT friendly according to some people in here I guess. It’s weird.



Yeah, that’s what it is.

So you think the players on Hyjal are bigots? Got anything to back that up.


Reading comprehension is an important ability to possess. I suggest you study up my friend. Classes are likely offered locally at a community college nearby. :smiley:

This is not directed towards Hyjal. Simply towards groups of people not accustom to being around a lot of LGBTQ people. Which is why it is safe for two men to hold hands in NYC or SF, but likely not in the bible belt.

The only legitimately high pop realms at this point are Stormrage, Area 52, and Illidan.

Proudmoore is not a high pop realm.


I read just fine. You said here after I asked what people thought was going to happen that I must not know the struggles of the LGBT community. That when gamers know that you are gay they are going to act in a certain way. I mean you pretty much spell it out right here and claim I am the one not comprehending.


To be fair if your guild name was ‘StraightPplGang’ you’d also get some rude people too.

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