Hyjal realm merging into Proudmoore?

PM really isn’t a LGBT server, it just has a LGBT presence. PM is one of two active hardcore NA Alliance servers first and foremost.

I dont see why they’d merge Hyjal in though, Hyjal is like a mid size horde dominant server.


Are you sure it’s not the second? Isn’t it the most heavily populated Ali server after Stormrage? Sargaras and Tichondrius are split, and IDK where else you’d play if you’re Ali and not on Tich, Sarg, Stormrage, or PM.

Tough to say…WoW Progress has it as 3rd highest but that only counts raiding players essentially and Proudmoore has a high casual count as well. It could be higher for sure.

yeah I have no clue, 5th just seems way too low to me.

Proudmoore and Hyjal are very heavy on different factions, so merging them actually balances them out.

The issue will be if this leads to giant queues.

If we go by WoWprogress’ numbers, Stormrage has a greater population than Hyjal and Proudmoore combined. That may be a reason why Stormrage does not get merged.

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They should do more mega-mergers of full servers with the dead servers instead of merging dead servers together. Dead servers need infusions of life from large active servers, not to be connected to other dead ones. Hopefully they do more of these.


Yeah a current “high pop” realm is what used to be an old medium at best.

Yes but using WoWProgress metrics. If you combine the two they become the 3rd largest server…There is just no reason to merge two high pop servers. If they want to make an balanced server merge Hyjal with Lightbringer.

They could have had the same affect by joining Hyjal with Lightbringer. Both same time zones. Except the split would be closer to 1/1 instead of 2/1 Alliance favored.

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They are doing both? The Proudmoore/Hyjal connection is just one of about 15 connections they have already done or listed as planned.

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Not according to that link that was posted.

Tichondrius is the only one on that list in the same TZ with the opposite but equal faction numbers.

Edit: Oh, you’re just thinking Hyjal.

I wasn’t looking at the smaller servers.

Proudmoore - Tichondrius makes sense though.

I think Maelstrom was a Medium server back in WoTLK. We had a little over 80 guilds that had cleared 25 player ICC.

Now we’re part of a 5 realm group and have about 30 guilds that have cleared Ny’alotha on any difficulty and the group is listed as “High.” Right now there’s roughly 800 or 900 players online the server and about 100 of those are bots.

I wish our “High” server was as populated as we were when we were a Medium in WoTLK.

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I would hate that. If Lightbringer ever gets merged, and it’s high enough pop that it shouldn’t be merged, it should be with another alliance dominated server to give us more players that we can actually do things with. Hyjal horde and Lightbringer alliance can’t do anything together and still won’t be able to even if we’re mistakenly merged.

If factions weren’t a thing and we could group together, joint the same guilds, and actually do things together that’d be one thing, but that’s not the case. There’s no benefit to balanced servers in WoW today. I’d prefer every server to be dominated by one faction instead of trying to balance servers.


Yeah I really don’t understand why they’re trying to balance servers. It’s better to just make every server 100% horde or alliance. Maybe it saves electricity in some way.


Maybe this is their weird attempt of trying to fix faction imbalance slowly?

I honestly don’t know, all I know is all my Horde characters are on hyjal and I don’t mind being part of proudmoore. In my experience proudmoore is one of the most toxic trade chats ive ever seen, I don’t care if people are LGBT it doesn’t bother me you do you. I have 5 LGBT guild members on hyjal so not all of hyjal are edge lords.


I have no idea why they picked those - they must have had a reason and we really don’t know the plans they have for the other servers. They might not even be in the top 10 in terms of population once it is all said and done.

Pop balance inc! I’m loving it.

I am sure many of my fellow Hyjal players are thinking about what will happen to them if the connection to Proudmoore goes ahead.
To alleviate their fears I pledge to create an image guide on how not to get reported and banned for bigotry.

Who cares, just gank them, plenty of Alliance scum in Proudmoore to target and ruin.

Heck, I’d ruin them in Gold and Darkshire.