Hydra Premades LFM for Horde Rated BG Teams

Make no mistake, they would see one name in a BG or Ashran and assume there were “spies” in their vent channel.

This thread has been mildly entertaining.

Please continue.

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True Story: I joined their Facebook group to get better access to the lulz and was “discovered” when one of their players who was at the forefront of their forum spam recognized me because we had a IRL photo thread here and I had used my profile pic from Facebook.

He was SO pist. As he put it, “he wanted to go several rounds in the octagon with me.” His player name escapes me at the moment.

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Maybe tinycow… he had a temper

oh wait… mightycow :joy:

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Wasn’t tinystomper the multi boxer part of their community or am I thinking of someone else? And yeah he and mightycow both had tempers if the memory serves.

Where’s that video of someone trolling them in vent? It was on YouTube at some point


Given the kind of personality Tinystomper had, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ran with Hydra. He would have fit right in with that group.

Tiny was a big part of Hydra. He wrote their tear-tracking addon (it tracked Alliance peeps that left BGs early).


Of course he did.

Dont be a snitch.

Yea tinystomper too haha

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What a comical thread.

Brother where have you been!

This post speaks to me!


It is near, and dear to thine heart as well?

Yeah xmog - look good, play good.

Forums are a good time waste during down time at work.

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Pushed meaning we left of our own accord to Bleeding Hollow because there wasn’t anymore challenge to be found on Darkspear. Thanks for the shoutouts though!

If thats what you want to call getting farmed on Darkspear until you left, whatever you need to cope with it.


Getting farmed? Looooool. We ran Darkspear for the time we were there, made swifty server change, even had to make an Alliance guild to find people to fight because we cowed all of the rest of you to blue flag in Stormwind. But yeah sure, “farmed”.

Couldn’t have said it any better myself. New account so I have 14 years of mogs/mounts to re-farm, but the hunt goes well so far. Haha

:grimacing: :+1:

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