Hydra Premades LFM for Horde Rated BG Teams

The only hydra I acknowledge is Hydramist. An army of backpeddlers, not so much.

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I would hate them regardless just for typing that, tbh. Lol

Epi got it. :wink:


I do!

So many peeps needed healz like ALL DA TIME. At least healing was something I was okay at, and mistweavers were such fun to play.

I’ve got another pic somewhere, created by Tank the Horde rogue. Me as Darth Mist in the middle of the Field of Strife in AV with Ivus stomping around in the background I think. I’ll have to find it.


Never forget!

Welcome to Hydra. Come into our Discord to get grouped up!

Ooo… If you find it, please share!


As a rule we don’t post in WOW forums. This is the first official Hydra post in 3-4 years. We will not respond to toxic or negative comments. The writer is entitled to their opinions, right or wrong. Best way to find out is come play with us and if you don’t like it don’t play with us.

So, if someone joins your PvP community, they’re no longer allowed to post in the WoW forums?

Only you are allowed to post?


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Dude, you totally misinterpreted that.

Careful, you’re breaking their rules.


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That never happened. What we opted out of was being sniped with the aid of “spies” that would join our parties and share our calls with the opposition. Facts are important.

Your overinflated sense of self importance is unrivaled. Nobody cares enough about your garbage casual pvp community to infiltrate it and destroy it from the inside out.


Looks like I could never join Hydra. Posting on the forums at work and in between queues is at least half of the reason to play WoW. The other half is xmog.


I fell asleep and woke up in a thread from 2014.


Are you beta testing WoW Forums Classic?


This thread just keeps getting better.

Lol it did happen. Yaga would see Archaos or even just a RUIN tag trying to backdoor trem and he would call the retreat.

No one needed to “spy” on you. Yaga streamed most if not all of your Ashran games. Most alliance (and Horde) groups would scout base anyway to see who they were fighting.

There was no “infiltration”.

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[quote=“Ovidiu-stormrage, post:79, topic:912791, full:true”]
Lol it did happen. Yaga would see Archaos or even just a RUIN tag trying to backdoor trem and he would call the retreat[/quote]

Yup. Some of us have memories longer than a goldfish’s.

Yep. They’re delusional lol.