Hydra Premades LFM for Horde Rated BG Teams

Sadly I took a lot of breaks from the game and it’s mainly during amazing mogs.

Everytime I leave I don’t plan on coming back, I should know better :slight_smile:

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That’s how I ended up with a fresh account. Lol

Me: ‘I’m done with WoW forever, perm delete.’

Covid 19 making me work from home for 4 months: ‘Hold my beer.’

What’s a perm delete? I didn’t even know that existed.


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Say really bad things in trade chat till you get removed.

Oh, so it’s just another way of saying perm banned?

this is the rbg community to you :joy:

You have to do it through battle dot net, and send them a picture of your driver’s license, etc. then they give you like two weeks and multiple ‘you sure you want to do this?’ e-mails before it goes through. lol

Ah, I see.

Ah haha perfect thanks! I knew someone had it :slight_smile:

As for Mistwidget images, I still have the ones I did! One was the ‘peeps’ but here is another XD


And Jadei and I



Was that from our battle in Ashran when I was on my horde priest?

We may give Hydra a hard time, but in all honesty, they kept WoD interesting. I had a lot of fun “chicken hunting” with SPM friends, Epi, Jugaa, Rag and others.


I think so! I swapped characters quite a bit. I played Ocyla as disc/shadow but mostly healed on Coquette all through WoD, but other times on MistMedic, then switched to dps when we had way too many healers showing up and dps’d on Kerfuffles.


At the risk of necro’ing this thread, dang… I didn’t realize this was all still happening haha. I remember those times, and that day. A lot of patience and restraint was employed that day for sure.

I will say this though… that was a long time ago and I am a big believer in humanity’s ability to change and grow. How Hydra was back then may well not be how Hydra is today. While your clips are an important reminder that maybe there was some double talk, duplicity, and hypocrisy then, it doesn’t mean that’s how it is now.

Being a part of a community is at the core of this game’s experience, and so if Hydra is working to provide that community, I think that’s commendable! Say what you will about Hydra, those events did give us Alliance folks a cause to rally around and a reason to build a community of our own. We didn’t have the opportunity to play in the same way that Hydra did; however, the community was there nonetheless. I certainly enjoyed the games we were able to play together, and the interactions we had.

Anyway, that’s my random comments from the void. I hope everybody is doing well, all the best! :slight_smile:

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OP with 500 RBGs played under 1400 rating bragging about queue manipulating EBGs to grief people who aren’t using comms. Lol I remember this thread, it was a fun communal trouncing.

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I briefly scrolled through this thread. My god the amount of gross in it on both sides lol. No wonder people laugh at the pvp community.

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EBG and WPvPers, Enough said. :woman_shrugging:

Smellybeard I love you! Amen and Amen. We enjoyed the rivalry and the competition. For some reason Blizzard doesn’t like Horde being able to gather in large premades anymore, but I see Alliance has a lot more luck due to 1-3 minute queue times and Horde has 20 minute queue times for AV. Blizzard’s explanation is while there are more Alliance players than Horde (allegedly) in the game, there are fewer Alliance skilled enough (throwing down gauntlet) to step up to pvp from their choreographed dungeon/pve experience. Get more Alliance queueing for Alterac Valley and we can have a great time once again. Hail Hydra!

