Hydra Premades LFM for Horde Rated BG Teams

Hydra Premades has been a leader in casual Horde PVP since Vanilla. Hydra is lfm to fill out our Rated Battleground and Arena Teams. Of specific interest is strategy callers, target callers, and we of course want the God comp! We have opportunity for pick up games but our focus is to build permanent rated teams. Casual is always available. We are a 5K cross realm member PVP community. We will help you gear, rank up and l2p pvp. For more info check us out on FB as Hydra Premades. Discord and Community invite links provided there. We premade all the bgs, however Alterac Valley is where we are noted for dominance. If you ever wondered why the portals no longer work in the AV caves you can thank Hydra for 179 Alliance tears in one AV. They exited through their portal with some cave farming encouragement. We love pvp. That’s all most of us do. If this sounds like you, Hydra Premades is the PVP home you have been looking for. Hydra is an open community to all Horde players. We do not tolerate toxicity, drama, and demand respect for all our members.

If you want to acquaint yourself with Hydra Premades during the glory days of premades you can find MANY YouTube videos of Hydra streams. Here is just one: https://youtu.be/qR9hqEobDvs


FYI. I signed up via Facebook. I’d love to get back into organized BG’s

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I wish you good luck in filling those rated teams.

wow i got reported.

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The number of times I’ve been in a PUG group that beats Zeelas premades, or just watched her leave a BG after losing the first fight, would dissuade me from ever joining any group of hers or Hydra.


Kids these days have forgotten the hydra drama wars on these forums.





What happened?


They wrote checks they couldn’t cover.

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Do any of your members post on this forum?

Just wondering if someone has experience and can recommend joining this PvP community.

This ought to be hilarious. Remember her and yagamoth talking about avengers and ruin negatively then said people running hydra out of ashran


Not me! I have all the drama documented on my twitch and youtube backup. Lolz. If anyone wants to listen to the Hydra leaders say they’d rather take deserter than face an equal team or the soundcloud clip of them mass vote kicking pugs because they didn’t do as they were told hit me up. I think I can even find when they were too scared to do a wargame where we pinky PROMISED to not be ‘mean’ and they still refused on Smellybeard’s clips. I was there. Good times.


I do lol. Send me tha links.

Also I think I have a few killshots on zeela from bfa but I’ll have to find them

  1. Hydra leaders say they’d rather take deserter than face an equal team https://youtu.be/7YjQdsmjcZ4 (around 52:20 and beyond)
  2. soundcloud clip of them mass vote kicking pugs because they didn’t do as they were told https://soundcloud.com/user-308361495/yaga-kicks-person-from-av-30516 (see note on file)
  3. too scared to do a wargame where we pinky PROMISED to not be ‘mean’ and they still refused on Smellybeard’s clips https://www.twitch.tv/videos/43791859

Btw consider me the timekeeper for that point in time. Ha.


Good god that second link went from 1-100 in about 30 seconds.

What does this mean ?

mind control making them run through the portal, causing them to leave the BG and get deserter.

Knock backs would probably do the trick too.


They would push Alliance to their cave where there is a portal in the far back. Then using Mind Control or knock-backs if Alliance got shoved back far enough, they would be forced to leave the BG and take deserter.

I get tracking “Alliance tears” by making the map so miserable that people chose to leave of their own accord, but Hydra was FORCING Alliance to leave, which was so scummy Blizzard had to remove a portal that had been there for like 15 years.


Kinda surprised Zee can still post in the forums.

I ran with Hydra every night, or almost every night for like the last 6 months of WoD, running AV and farming HKs. I had a lot of fun. The point was to not cap anything, push the alliance to their cave and farm em until the resources ran out, rinse repeat. So, that sound cloud file, was pretty spot on. If you were in vent with the group and capped, they got salty AF, and rightly so. I mean you joined the group to do what? Eff up the whole reason we were in there?? Pugs getting kicked for the same reason, different story. That was always wrong. Always. They weren’t in vent, and they didnt sign up to farm. They were there to play objectives. Zee and Yaga would kick them instantly the sec they capped. Just wrong. But when we had a full 40, it was a very fun time.


Wow this is really cool.