Hydra Premades LFM for Horde Rated BG Teams

Yeah I can see kicking the guy who was in the group and told not to do it. I don’t know if I could find it again but someone had captured them kicking pugs and playing it off with some excuse like “that hunter is a graphic anomaly, right click and report afk to fix it, yeah we’re just fixing a GRAPHIC problem, nothing else!” Kicking pugs was totally wrong, agreed.


Yeah they did that all the time. Not cool at all.

They also dodged fights. I didnt believe it at first, and I would defend them on these forums but they def dodged fights.

There were other Alliance premades that got wise to Hydra, and would hunt them down. Put spies in vent to they could que simultaneously, or hear their calls, etc… it was some real cold war stuff, and frankly I thought it was fun. But Zee and Yaga got super paranoid about it. So , we would que, que pops, we were told to not enter until we were told too. The excuse was they wasned to pop in to make sure it was empty on our end to verify we could all enter sumultaniously…when in reality, Zee was popping in, seeing if she recognized anyone on the other team and then saying it was no good. They were just avoiding an actual fight. They wanted to farm pugs with out effort. Which sucks because the few times we did run into premades it was some of the best fun I ever had in AV.

If there are any SPM peeps out there still, they can tell you all about it.


Hmm /popcorn


These don’t sound like the comments of a group who professes to love PvP.

And the forcing players through the portals and mass afk reporting of pugs is nothing short of griefing


That seems toxic.



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I played in SPM during from the Forum War Games through to chasing Hydra clear out of AV. If they want to do RBGs and arena, good for them. Should be interesting to play against equally geared, knowledgeable players for probably the first time ever, willingly.


No I don’t want to carry you in rbgs.

Bfa s4 you had a 9% win rate with over a 100 games played.


hail hydra

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Ah the old days of Hydra. What is Yaga doing these days anyway?

Well, good luck to Hydra in arenas and RBGs, and remember, the many heads of Hydra have no leaders. Rather, if I recall, they are an anarcho-syndicalist commune; they take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week…

Oh, I’m also a proud SPM member in short standing :stuck_out_tongue:


Hmmmm, I ran into Zeela earlier in Ashran. Not sure if he was with his premade buddies or not, but his team lost… so there’s that.

I was playing a 186 Alliance alt, so it was just a casual bg with pug teammates (as far as I know).

All started with you!


Hail Hydra! I think I remember this group back during WoD’s Ashran, good times.

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Hail Hydra I miss the glory days of Ashran


You ruined several hours back in ashran but your premades also crumbled as well…

But further reading some posts here hmmm I think not everything is peachy for the famous hydra premades.


I remember when Yaga would see Avengers/Cryptids or Ruin and tell his people to all mass afk out looooool.


I would join jugga in a 5 man group and ruin their GY farms.

They are just another Zerg that spam aoe.



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bahahaha good times!

Just for Mistwidget! Remember this?




Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra
Hail Hydra

Join Hydra THERE is no horde community like HYDRA.

For the HORDE!

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