[H][US][BLEEDING HOLLOW]<Dusk Eternal>10/10 H (Est)

Dusk Eternal] are looking to add to our core raiding roster! We are a friendly, helpful, and mature guild with an emphasis on having a good time, but drive to be successful at what we do. We are 10/10 in Heroic Castle Nathria and have had our AotC achievement since March! We are a solid group of raiders that have varying amount of play experience, a portion of us playing as far back as vanilla/TBC era.

Our goal is to recruit up to a complete Mythic roster and progress as far as we can before patch 9.1 and hit the ground running once the new raid content drops!

Our specific needs for raids are as follows;

HEALERS : We are looking for two healers of any class/spec to get us to a comfortable 4-5 healers on a per fight basis.

DPS : Deathknight, Boomkin, Mage, and Shadow Priest. These are our preferred options for added DPS to our roster, but are not limited to just these class/spec options.

TANKS : Currently looking for a flexible DPS/Tank for Raiding purposes.

Our raid days and times are Monday/Friday 9pm-12am Wednesday(Alt Night) 8pm-11pm

Interested? Reach out to myself over discord bluu#7164