Hurry up and do something blizz

Nah, it’ll be Alliance crying about premades.


Oh no, an even playing field, the horror. eye roll

Number-wise, sure. But BGs will, by no means, be an “even playing field”.


The server size coupled with faction imbalance is a very real problem.

These dumbdumbs that sit and say well you should have rolled PvE just make things worse. That idea offers zero progress towards a real answer to the problem. I enjoy Wpvp, and enjoy the playstyle of a PvP server. Hence why i rolled on a PvP server as a fricking rogue…

However, even though the server sizes were touched on by blizzard I dont think any of us really knew just HOW BIG they were going to be and how that would affect gameplay. I hope Bgs take the edge off and make some of these servers mroe playable, but to sit and act like there is no issue here is a dumb mentality to have.


Except it should also include…

After horde lose the WG match, they are prevented from farming, questing and moving around high level zones until they can win a match. Because those are additional wPvP imbalance effects.

Not to mention we couldn’t anticipate player distribution when creating our characters on a given server (or maybe others are psychic).

Imbalanced wPvP populations sucks for both sides that really enjoy PvP. Dominate side has few targets. Other side has trouble doing anything besides roflstomped pvp suicides.

Then, because of the honor level ranges, players on the lesser side struggle to reach 60 (so they can’t provide reinforcements to their side by leveling to 60) because the high level zones are suicide to enter. So fewer new 60s to join the lesser sides fight.

It is made worse by overpopulated servers that increase the density of the dominate side in the world zones. This makes it harder to avoid the dominant zergs; and play around them.

And it creates a self feeding population decline as the lesser side quits due to imbalance (reroll or straight unsub), creating even fewer targets for dominate side (causing the players that actually like pvp to reroll or unsub from boredom).

Imbalance populations, overpopulation of servers, honor system without BGs, and wide honor level ranges created this perfect storm; and when choosing a server, no one knew how their server would turn out; until it was too late.

There needs to be a fix, or pvp servers will just be one sided pve servers.

forcing you to play on a PvP server when that play style is not your preferred play style.

There are somewhat reasonable counterarguments to Alliance whining. This is not one of them.

Nobody’s preferred play style is to be regularly and ultimately outnumbered in a game where being outnumbered is decisive. “Regularly and ultimately” are the key parts.

The argument that not wanting to be consistently outnumbered is equivalent to not wanting world PvP is either trolling, willful ignorance, or a lack of ability to understand consequences.

I would find it amusing if Blizzard released a “bug” in BGs where only 8 Horde players were admitted per 10 Alliance toons in most BG instances.

That’s still not an official number, there is no official numbers so all you’re saying is just assumptions and since it justifies your means, you’re just double downing and truly believing it.


Just play and have fun. You’re not going to win every world PvP fight, just like on retail. Trying to 100% balance world PvP and crying you’re getting killed in it is just dumb.

Oh not saying that, I’m saying that PvP servers are designed for the playstyle of short brutal lives due to unfair, unregulated, imbalanced PvP . That is the play style on those servers.
I love world PvP and that is why I have never played on PvP servers.

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How does flag work for PvE server; can I turn it on permanently? I’ve never played on PvE server, but idea of remembering to turn it on all the time bothers me.

If so, then I may reroll…although would suck to leave my guild.

type /pvp in chat then it will be on until you once again type /pvp

Even after logging?

If so, that is awesome. May need to have a talk with my guild…lol

Fair response. But consider that there are at least 3 different forms of world PvP:

  1. Unregulated, where faction balance is close
  2. Unregulated, where faction balance is significantly off
  3. Regulated, opt-in (PvE servers)

When people are pointing out the imbalances, they are often accused of not wanting world PvP at all, and told that they should go to PvE servers. But that misses the point.

I don’t want to play on a PvE server; I want to play on a PvP server with reasonable balance. I don’t mind getting outnumbered, ganked, camped, etc, but I don’t enjoy it when the numbers mean that this only happens in one direction.

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But historically that makes you in the minority on PvP servers, most players on those servers (based on characters made/results of free and paid transfers) do not want balanced servers. Even then with balanced servers no way means that the balance at max level is balanced. You could have 50/50 faction balance but the perceived balance at max level could still be 80/20 (and it could even be that) if the majority of one faction is playing alts, still leveling etc.
There is no way to force faction balance that will stop these whining threads to appear on the forums.

Blizzard is expecting this to happen organically in time. And it is happening already. Just give it time. Yojamba feels pretty good.still horde dominated but its not unplayable. BRM is gank mountain but if u get a raid going u can get in ez. I hope arugal alliance swaps to yojamba when possible and we even out the faction balance a bit more. Feels do-able.

You only care because you’re on the losing side. This is what you signed up for. If relatively fair open world PvP was what you were looking for, then you should have rolled PvE, and flagged. You still get great PvP battles on Normal servers. TM vs SS happens every day on Mankrik. You’re just salty because you didn’t know what PvP with modern players and a modern meta meant. You thought you did, but you didn’t.

Indeed it does! You can just select it in your settings, turn it on, and then just never look at it again. Simple and easy. And while you will find other people flagged in the open world, I’ve never seen anyone getting a raid camped on them on my server.


I will likely be rerolling then.

I love the extra “danger” of pvp servers, but I’m not a ganker (hell I’ve saved more allies from miss pulls than I have attacked); but the current imbalance on my server breaks even that thrill, because it isn’t possible to survive in high level zones. Sounds like Perma PvP flag on PvE server is the way I should go.

If BGs don’t ease up the honor farmers on my server (which it totally should, because alliance dominated, so they’ll have no queue for BGs), then I’m going to switch.

Thanks for the info!

We’ll welcome you on Mankrik. TM vs SS happens every day.

Cool! Still going to wait for BGs (love my guild) to see if it helps; but if not, I’ll be checking out mankirk!

Thanks again!

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You’re just salty because you didn’t know what PvP with modern players and a modern meta meant. You thought you did, but you didn’t.

No, and in fact this fundamentally misunderstands my argument. My argument is not that I wish I had chosen Horde or PvE. To this day, I would re-roll Alliance PvP, given a choice.

My argument is that, for me, PvP servers are more fun than PvE servers, warts and all. And they would be better still if there was more faction balance. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand, and why people feel the need to tell me what I actually want.