Hurry up and do something blizz

You didn’t have to expect it, you could see it. The fact we had layering and still had multi hour queues on multiple servers should have warned you carebears off PVP servers. We’ve been warning people of the blood bath to come once we benefitted from killing you. You should have rerolled LONG ago, but you just couldn’t listen.


Blizzard New’s Flash:
To compensate Alliance for being drastically outnumbered Phase 2, we will be running WSG permanently as 10 Alliance vs 3 Horde. We realize this will make it very difficult for Horde players, but we expect they will find a PVP solution. After all, they chose to play in a PVP battleground so…deal with it. If you’re mad about losing 100% of the time regardless of skill level, go PVE. Git gud.

That cool with you guys?


Just turn war mode off!!!


Just remember folks, even in classic PvP was a choice. Literally servers dedicated to only PvP and servers dedicated to only PvE.

If you can’t read, perhaps try and get help from someone who can.

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This guy gets it.

They should have kept the approximate server caps from the past and made it be 8 hours ques if people wanted to play on mega servers, the number of people present in a world directly impacts the functionality of that world and 11,000 people is alot more than 5,000 people. #nochanges, #lowermaxserverpop

You appear to be the one with the reading issues…we are not complaining about PVP on a PVP server (maybe a few are, sure lol)…we are complaining about impossible odds in PVP due to 80/20 server ratios.

When we chose PVP servers we did not “choose” 80/20…we had a reasonable assumption that Blizzard would take steps to keep server balance reasonably fair (I personally think 60/40 would be fine as a upper limit of imbalance).

They have already made it clear that they care about it, since they have restricted server transfers to certain factions, so we have a reasonable expectation that they will take further action.

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If Blizzard does something, this will just be a continuation on the situation where nobody has to take responsibility for their own choices because daddy Blizz will run to the rescue.

Just reroll. You will have a good time and when horde is tired of accomplishing nothing, scraping up the few remaining scraps of honor, you can go back to your PvP server and get some revenge.

It’s called research. You know, like they did when trying to find out “pre-bis” (which is such a stupid term anyway).

Free transfers for 1 toon plus 100 gold. That would sort things out in a day. lol
Obviously, Its leaving their wealth behind that keeps many from re rolling on a new server.

Can you imagine doing that, so instead they stay on an unplayable server or don’t play at all?

This faction imbalance/bully death squads will ruin the game. Certain servers will be a deserted wastelands before summer, with very few of the opposing faction to kill at all. Count on it, and you did it to yourselves.

Just stop playing guys and don’t join any bg’s at all, then the tears will start. Its the only way to force change.

Tired of being mowed over? Stop getting in the path. Its not fair but take away their candy and the babies will start crying.

Pvp happened on a pvp server? lol Have fun fighting yourselves. Oh wait.

Can you show hard proof ANYwhere that servers are 80/20? Because every server I see fights can go either way. It just depends on who’s grouped up more. To me It’s just alliance players crying because they aren’t winning 100% of every world PvP fight. Just like retail.

You must have missed the whole “#nochanges” thing and never played vanilla, BC, wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, or Legion. Once again, you have no proof servers are 80/20 which is blatantly a complete farce.

Yup, next thing you know alliance will be getting free BWL / naxx epics because they’re crying so much. They ruin the game. Just play and have fun.

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We didn’t have mega servers period.
There was always somewhere peaceful to go. I played vanilla and i wasn’t a teenager so have a very clear recollection of what it was like.

When you create the thread there needs to be an option for Alliance only posters. Because essentially all horde are super biased and happy with the status quo, and majority of them are toxic as well.

I’m also on Arugal, and essentially you get that defeated feeling where you just go bugger it… I’ll accept the corpse run for the dungeon. Blizzard will need to do something because if they don’t the game will out right die. And we all know what utter trash retail is lol.

All those horde idiots that say roll on a PVE server are not offering anything to the conversation. they are essentially just trolling. They actually do not understand the problem, because they haven’t felt the wrath of the situation on alliance.

We can just look forward to the tears flying when horde have super long queues for BG’s and they can camp FPs etc all they want, no one is gonna leave Ironforge or Stormwind because we can get insta queues for BG’s and make more honor then them sitting in our beautiful cities. You watch the horde take to the QQing like Alliance apparently have.

I mean, if I were them then I’d just get a raid to camp the battlemasters where you pick up the queue from, and rake in the HKs and tears as you kill off alliance trying to get into the BGs. If there’s a disadvantageous situation, you avoid the situation. Just like Alliance can reroll.

What, in the history of the game, gave you any basis for a ‘reasonable’ assumption like that? The servers have always been unbalanced. That’s why CRZ came along, to deal with unbalanced PvP servers. And it is why PvP servers no longer exist. And it is why they literally have to bribe Alliance to even turn war mode on in retail.

The problem is that Alliance players don’t want to PvP in the numbers that Horde players do, and WoW is not a MOBA or a FPS. The world is there for players to run wild. If you wanted fair world PvP, you should be on a PvE server. TM vs SS happens every day on Mankrik.


Its cute how the people trash talking are all horde that camp dungeon zones saying get good reroll, this is not world pvp and you’re not good at pvp.


You’re clearly just a troll - no one is asking for free gear.

Sorry 80/20 may have been an exaggeration. My server shows 73/27 on Ironforge dot pro.

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Ok so all Alliance reroll then Horde have no one to PVP with and the game dies. Problem solved you win. Good job sir! Glad we have options here.

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And ? that has what to do with faction balance ?
Balance could still be 50/50

I really cant wait for first week of BGs when horde are crying that their BG queues are through the roof.

No, the game would live on. It would be PvP servers that died. Or did you forget about all us ‘carebears’?