Hurry up and do something blizz

Actually, the game encourages 3-5 man squads due to the honor penalty from having much more than that in your group.

Yea, that is not a thing. There are no guards on zeps.

Except I have offered solutions. You just don’t like them because they don’t involve Blizzard waving a magic wand and fixing everything for you instead of you putting in extra effort.

  • Reroll
  • Get in larger groups to get to the mountain
  • Go to areas that aren’t the mountain
  • Wait for BGs, and see if that helps.

All of these are viable options. All of these are workable solutions, that can be done now. You don’t like those solutions, and are calling me a troll because I’m not joining in on your sky is falling pity party.

Who said anything about deleting your character? It isn’t like you can’t have characters on multiple servers. Just tell your guild that you’re going to be working an alt on another server until BGs come out, and spend some time enjoying the game, rather than repeatedly kicking yourself in the balls. I mean, unless you’re into that kind of thing. No judgement here, I’m not a Paladin. :wink:

They do not. NPCs on the Zeppelins happened in later expansions.

This wasn’t a viable option when servers were gridlocked before new servers were made and the servers’ capacity was dramatically expanded. It isn’t viable now.

There aren’t larger groups to be had, and BRM is not the only problem. Which gets to the next point of…

I’m not bringing an escort group with me to farm Thorium in Un’Goro or Azshara because no one is going to come for that. Plus, I can’t get into UBRS from Moonglade or Hinterlands. If the only solution to play is to resign myself to obscure crannies of the world when not finding an instance I can reset-farm, you’ve lost your mind.

We have been. For a month. I’m sure Blizzard is hoping they will because they’ve been awfully silent on the matter. Still, this isn’t a solution either, as it is the same solution to literally any problem: just don’t do the thing.

Not a one is viable.

You’re a troll. Go away.

Phase 2 probably lost Blizzard at least 200k subs it doesn’t make sense to me that they didn’t just release all the battlegrounds with the release of the Honor/Ranking system. Who cares how it was done in Vanilla a lot of things about Vanilla sucked butt.

They’re all viable. You just don’t like them, because they aren’t the kind of PvE stuff you want to do on a PvP server.

Your liking or disliking a solution is not a measure of its viability, but rather how palatable you find it. Some medicine is bitter, and some is sweet. Doesn’t mean the bitter medicine isn’t viable.

And no, not trolling. Just not joining your crusade to have Blizzard punish Horde players because you don’t like that they outnumber you.

Not a one is viable. They’re all variations of “just don’t play”

They have nothing to do with whether I like them or not, they’re entirely vapid platitudes.

“Don’t like driving on the highway? Just don’t go to work!”
“Hate your boss? Quit!”
“You want to play on the PS4? Naw, you have the choice of going outside or using this all-in-one console knockoff, stop complaining and no I won’t kick your brother off.”

Piss off.

You can’t just say “BGs wont fix it” before even having a chance to find out. Quite literally the only way that BGs wont fix it is if horde queue times are so horribly long that it would actually be worth their time to travel out to BRM between each queue pop.

You know, it sounds like you might have some deep-seated issues around this topic. Were you perhaps a middle or youngest child? I can understand the frustration that comes from seeing other people with nicer things, but, again, there’s a difference between “I don’t like this solution” or “I don’t want to do the work this solution requires” and “this solution isn’t viable”.

You don’t like driving on the highway? Look into rideshares, or alternate routes. Public transportation may be available.

Hate your boss? Start looking for another job. Or do like I did, and start selling trashy books of no redeeming value on Amazon.

Brother’s on the PS4? Start ‘helping’ him play. Make a game out of it, pointing and telling him what to do, like backseat driving.

You have options that aren’t complaining. You don’t want to take them.

Yeah I’m done responding to your stupidity at this point. Go use your freshman psychology condescension on someone else.

Piss off.

Have you considered taking a less hostile approach to those who hold differing beliefs from you? It may improve your experiences. Maybe just take a nap in the Emerald Dream for a bit?

So what your saying is, if you disagree with me then it’s an obvious fallacy, if you offer a solution then that argument is weak because it doesn’t fit my agenda.

Then you’ll use terms that 99% of the population of english speaking people don’t use, to make yourself feel more credible.

Honestly I think your argument is weak. You are sayin there’s only one solution and we’re telling you there’s many solutions. And these solutions since they are inconvenient to you, it’s the equivalent of quitting your job or leaving your wife.

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This is what happens when you’d rather inspect my motivations rather than my arguments, and it makes you look unbelievably foolish.


If/when you take linear algebra, you’ll play around a lot with matrices and long strings of repeated summations and be tasked with solving for 10+ variables at once. A unique set of these equations always equals to 0, and there is always someone in the class that thinks themselves clever by simply setting every single variable to zero to answer the question.

It is technically correct, but it is also an entirely useless answer. The prof called it the “trivial solution” and would not just mark your question wrong, but dock you additional points.

Solutions of the following are all “trivial solutions”:

  • Just reroll
  • Just quit
  • Just don’t go to where you want to go, regardless of why you want to go there
  • Just get help, regardless of any reason why getting help may be difficult or impossible

Don’t give trivial solutions. Actually engage instead of giving haughty advice and calling it a day. Don’t be a troll.

Well no I get it. If one person thinks of something as a problem as controversial like having to walk to your mailbox to get the mail and the other person doesn’t, and actually enjoys going to the mailbox, how does one not use a fallacy to back up his argument.

To him his only argument is “I enjoy walking to the mailbox, if you took it away it would take a very pleasurable moment of my day away”. Then you’d say that it’s a fallacy.

I didn’t have to take linear algebra in college. Wasn’t part of my program but we did take trig, pre calc, calc 1, calc 2, calc 3, and differential equations.

Why wouldn’t battlegrounds fix this?

Here’s why they would:

  1. People who want to pvp rank efficiently must stay in capital cities to chain queue.
    1a. If most pvpers are in cities, they are not ganking in the world.
  2. Lack of efficiency in honor farming in the open world will lead to less time spent solo ganking and significantly less time group ganking.

If you dont think BGs will fix this then you are lying to yourself or just plan naive.

  • At least half of the honor farmers will be in a BG at any one time. That instantly reduces the enemies to worry about by 50%+. And that’s a conservative figure, the real number is probably closer to 65%.

  • Horde will almost always queue for BGs in Org. Suppose queues are instant for alliance and 30m for horde; well, the travel time from Org to BRM is well over 10 minutes on average, considering the unreliable zeppelins plus flight time plus riding time. That instantly cuts the amount of potential horde there by another ~35%… bringing the total to -70%

  • Because of unpredictable queue times and the likely complete lack of any alliance to kill there anyways since any alliance pvpers will be in BGs … at least 50% of the horde in queue wont even bother to travel all the way to BRM for a small chance to maybe get a few kills within the 10-20 minutes before the queue pops, and instead will simply prefer to AFK, check AH, craft consumables, etc. while waiting on queues Total now down to -85%

  • Because of how far BRM is from Org, most horde will probably choose a different, closer destination than BRM for world pvp between queues … like Everlook or Felwood.

End result? There will be roughly 85% less horde camping locations for world PvP, and the majority of that 15% wont even bother going to BRM. So, again, if you really believe that BGs aren’t going to fix things in BRM, you are an absolute fool.

[Citation Needed]

I follow your reasoning but I wouldn’t lean toooo hard on travel time. Given the number of no-lifers min-maxers out there, at least one of them has to have figured out you can circumvent that with a warlock.

So yeah, numbers will be down. But it don’t take too many to make life miserable for someone who’s just trying to solo run in like they’re on a PvE server, or even a 5 man group going together.

What do you want me to say??? We KNOW Blizzard totally jacked up the launch. No one here can offer you an xfer. No one here can implement a faction cap. No one here can open up more servers to alleviate overcrowding. The ONLY solutions we can offer is that you reroll or quit.

That’s it. Blizzard doesn’t even READ these forums. And as I’ve said before you can suggest solutions that only Blizzard can initiate but it’s a totally wasted effort.

So what do you want people to say?

And yes, I’m sorry if it irritates you but if you’re stuck on the idea that you don’t want to start another journey then it sounds like you didn’t enjoy the first one.

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Yes it is. What it isn’t is Vanilla.

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