Hurry up and do something blizz

Benediction is actually 45/55 A/H (at 60) so about as ballanced and it’s gonna get. And Alliance in my experience are bloodthirsty. When lvling, every time I went to STV people were complaining about nessingwarry being camped by 5 alliance, usually 2-3 deathsquads roaming around with plenty of solo 60’s ganking all horde in sight. Kargath is always under attack with FP regualrly camped. In feralas every day there is a 5-10 man group camping the choke point, and another group sitting on DM portals. Gadgetzan is in a constant state of chaos, littered with skeletons and looks like a battle is always about to start. And this is all horde experience on benediction. If you cant handle this then pvp was a bad decition.

I think people do not understand the problem is not with pvp rather a lack of pvp on alliance side. 10V1 is not pvp. Horde players who really like pvp are also not happy because 10V1 is not fun for them either. The only people who are happy and say roll pve are the “bads” who can not solo other players their level. This is probably the first time they have ever been able to see what winning feels like. Good players realise this in fact is not winning.

I do not know about benediction but this is what it is like trying to play as alliance on skeram. .

I know exactly how it is on unballanced servers, I’m an bigglesworth alliance refuge, got to 45 before ragequitting to a far more ballanced server.

The only solution I can logically come up with for the faction imbalances is for Blizzard to intervene in a way that they have never historically done in 15+ years.

Blizzard is the only source that has the true numbers to work from as far as population. They would need to take that information and apply it in wide sweeping forced load-balancing, pushing accounts to other servers, taking away individual choice in where to play. Letting people transfer on their own would not, and has never, fixed imbalance issues. Instead, Blizzard implemented CRZ to help balance without taking away player choice of where to play.

In short, if you’re unhappy with your play experience, it’s up to you to change it.

Battle grounds will fix a large majority of this!

“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
–Joseph Stalin

Because it isn’t a problem. It is player choices in an MMO. World PvP isn’t a MOBA. It isn’t supposed to be balanced or fair. They dropped a world down, and let players run wild.

Now, there have been plenty of people crying about bugs, like when Feign Death wasn’t working right, or when HKs weren’t showing up correctly, or a number of other things. People did, and rightly so, call on Blizzard to fix those things.

This is not one of those things.

If you want to see what happens when Blizzard ‘fixes’ player choice, then look no further than retail, with talent rows instead of trees, specs that lock you into a single playstyle, and content gated behind World Quest rep grinds.

On Mankrik, can confirm SS/TM happens at least daily, and there have been fights for world bosses.

Yes, in P1 you had people leveling up, getting gear, and getting ready for the coming storm. Then, when they had the barest excuse, they unleashed the hurricane. Basically like people warned was going to happen.

This is not 2005. And Classic has a broader reach than pirate servers. Modern gamers are not the same as they were fifteen years ago, and everything about Classic is a known quality. While Pirate servers might not have seen things to this extent, the meta was honed there. When you add in players who have been indoctrinated by the “Red is Dead” mantra, then it was never going to be anything but a slaughter.

Here’s what I’ve noticed on pvp servers because of streamers, they have a second account that they use to bot the faction to see where there’s a high amount of players are at so that they can get HK’s till they aren’t worth anything. This is an issue. Should not be a thing. Especially on pvp servers.

The only difference between Classic and the private servers is that the private servers launched the honor system with BG’s. If anything, classic has far more casuals than the private servers did.

No one has seen anything like what is happening in phase 2, because it wasn’t like this in 2005, and it wasn’t like this is on the pservers. That is a fact.

I realized that phase 2 was going to be horrible because I remember what Northdale was like in the first few weeks before 60 BG’s starting popping regularly. APES would fly from Ironforge to Thorium Point and just start killing everyone they could find in Searing Gorge and BRM while waiting on their queues.

I assumed that phase 2 would basically look like what Northdale looked like in those early weeks, except it would be that way everywhere in the world, all the time.

And it isn’t because of any kind of “red its dead” mantra, it is because they want to rank so that they can get the upgraded PvP gear. And the only way to rank is to mercilessly gank people 10+ hours a day.

So, even on Northdale, you had roving organized murderballs scouring zones of the opposite faction, though perhaps not at the scale we see now. Did I get that right?

I’d say that the casuals are actually a major contributing factor to this. They know what Honor is good for (unlike the players in 2004), and so they’re looking at ways to get it. Same with all the people following the AoE spellcleave guides, or other stuff like that. This is just another example of how 2019 is not 2004, and it never could have been.

This is probably the dumbest thing I’ll read all day

Which says a lot

For the first few weeks there weren’t enough 60’s for the BG’s to be popping consistently. Plus APES was running a premade that just destroyed all the horde groups over and over.

But keep in mind, APES played alliance and queued at Ironforge, which is like a 1-minute flight to Thorium Point. So even with relatively short queues they could easily make the flight to Searing Gorge between games for a little extra honor.

Once BG’s started popping faster APES stuck to BG’s. But in Classic I knew that there wouldn’t be BG’s at all. So what would Northdale have looked like had there never been BG’s at all? What would APES, and the other alliance premades, have done to farm honor if they couldn’t dominate pugs in BG’s all day?

They would do what is happening in Classic. And it wouldn’t just be APES and the premades, but the hundreds if not thousands of people on every server trying to rank for that overpowered PvP gear. And they would have to do this 5-14 hours a day, for months.

I tried to warn my friend, and my guild(with whom I’ve been playing for four years now), but they thought I was just being ridiculous. Many of them were looking forward to phase 2 and its world PvP, to experience what no one had experienced in 15 years.

I of course feel vindicated in everything I thought phase 2 would be, but it brings me no solace since phase 2 is still garbage, and Blizzard has been an utter failure.

All of you people just saying he is crying are part of the problem. You clearly don’t play on one of the horde heavy pvp servers as Alliance or have experienced what he is talking about. I’ve been playing since vanilla solely for PVP and there is nothing enjoyable about death running into BRM for 20 minutes while you get stomped 7-1 from horde. Horde just don’t seem to care at all and wonder why Alliance are just sitting in towns at this point

Most of them aren’t even on PvP servers, they’re just PvE players being smug trolls, nothing more, and the worst kind of “you get what you deserve” idiots as well.

“Relationships are rough, you get your heart broken and–”


I just love watching all you both factions argue about a broken 15 year old game which you specifically asked for even when you were told is not a good idea but you cried and whined till you have it and realized it’s not as good as you thought. It’s actually amazing to watch.

Cherry in the cake is people who would not shut the F up about it like Asmongold who dragged his horde of rabid fans to classics is now going back to retail because there is nothing to do.

I’m loving you were all told vanilla sucks because you are not new and you played before you were never going to get the same experience :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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hold on let me press a magic button to fix where players chose to play…hold on!!!,

Oh look it’s a neckbeard that plays retail lol

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Yeah, people who thought it was going to be 2004 again were setting themselves up for disappointment. Simply put, players aren’t the same as they were then. They have better tools, and they actually know what they’re doing, instead of fumbling around in the dark. Unless everyone got lobotomized, no amount of nostalgia would change that fact.

I would, however, say that this is less a problem with Blizzard, and more a problem with Alliance PvPers. If they organized and go in as groups, instead of trying to just solo run to the instance, they’d be having better success. I was watching a clip of Asmongold leading his guilds on a raid to BRM, escorting groups going to MC or BRS, and they swept through the Horde stationed in the mountain and held it for a while. And this was on Faerlina, which also has a Horde majority.

Here’s a thought. Have you tried grouping up in Redridge instead of flying into Thorium Point on your own? Group up in Redridge, and ride with your allies as a group to the mountain, and you have a far better chance of making it than if you fly into gank-central all on your own, and try to make it through the Horde ranks.

I mean, there is definitely a satisfaction in saying “I told you so”, and relishing the tears of the PvPers who said that ‘carebears’ weren’t playing the ‘real’ game. It certainly isn’t my fault that you thought everyone would just act like they did in 2004, when they were still fumbling around in the dark, instead of having fifteen years to learn and refine a meta. As if everyone would just get lobotomized so that they could play in the way nostalgia colored your memories.

So yes, I am feeling quite smug, as I /wave to a Dwarf Warrior on my way into BRM on my Undead Warlock, or when I go spectate the TM vs SS battles that happen regularly on my PvE server, where ganking is rare, and I can sit with guildies with a pint of Rumsey Rum’s Lager and enjoy the tears of PvPers on the ‘real’ servers.

You won the internet today sir!!!

I don’t think you understand how imbalanced the servers are. A solid group of 5 of my best pvpers would make it 3 steps before 15+ come in and camp us all the way to the gate. Even if we made it to the gates there are literally 50+ horde in there at all times. I’ve seen entire 40 man raids get wiped right after entering the gates