Hunters, Season of Disappointment

Some hunters are upset that they are getting nerfed, and some other hunters are upset that their runes aren’t as fun as they would like. neither of these takes are unique, representative of all hunters, or something that has to be taken seriously. Not every class is fun to play to everyone. Not every rune has to be crazy impactful. If hunters don’t like what their class has in SoD perhaps they should try out a another class. They might DISCOVER something more fun than whining on the forums.

Hunters got lots of new runes. They did get new abilities. This is a moronic argument. Not every class is going to get paladin levels of power out of their runes because not every class was as unfinished as paladins were in classic. Get over it.

Have you looked at their runes? Eight of them are so bad that no one ever uses them under any circumstances.

We can calculate the DPS, or just try them out. Most of them are really genuinely terrible and have no synergy with the hunter trees.

People were running BM because there aren’t really any good choices in the glove rune otherwise. Chimera shot is okay but it costs so much mana that you go oom in a couple rotations. Explosive shot was basically removed from the game with how it was changed into a very bad AOE ability. And carve… melee Hunter is a mess. Our leg runes are even worse. And the chest rune, you pretty much are forced to run aspect if you are the only hunter. If not, you can run Master Marksman which is pretty okay but just a passive boost in crit and mana cost reduction.

It’s not a moronic argument it’s just moronic that you think you know about Hunter runes and how they are performing even though you’ve never played one or used any of them. I’ve tested them all out, I’ve seen the math on all of them. They’re bad. Hunter is being lifted up by the fact that it is a good early game class and has BM with scaled pets.


Maybe if you don’t like it you shouldn’t read it. It’s pretty easy to calculate how the runes effect DPS. If people want Hunters to play things other than BM, the runes will have to be addressed. I think that would be a better solution than just constantly nerfing BM and doing nothing else.

If you are personally offended that people have the audacity to complain about something that they believe is wrong, don’t go on the forums.

There is absolutely no way that they intended for the BM rune to be the objectively correct choice in every circumstance where your fight goes beyond a minute length. But that’s where we are.

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You’re right. I swear it was ticking for a lot post nerf. Then I tried it again after relogging and it ticks for 20 at 5 stacks. Weird, but oh well.

:pinching_hand: yea sure yea

It’s amazing how many people posted on this, and didn’t read the OP at all. They’re just happy to watch a portion of the player base play a now completely bunk class.

Here are the primary sources of damage for the top parses for other classes.

  • Warrior
    Quickstrike / Raging blow (30%) and auto attack / deep wounds.
  • Rogue
    Saber Slash (50%) and auto attack.
  • Feral Druid
    Mangle (50%) and auto attack
  • Balance Druid
    Starsurge (40%) and wrath (40%)
  • Fire Mage
    Fireball (50%) and Living flame
  • Arcane Mage
    Arcane blast (60%) and arcane missles
  • Warlock
    Incinerate (50%) and Choas bolt
  • Enh Shaman
    Auto attack (62.5%) and Earth shock (20%)
  • Ele Shaman
    Lightning bolt (40%) and Lava Burst (40%)

Nerfing the hunter pet is equal to nerfing all of these abilities for each of these classes. It completely kills the class. Pets now have no synergy with any of the hunters abilities, and hunters have not one single ability in their spell book which can do even half the damage of any one of these spells. The only class that suffers close to as much as hunter is enhancement shaman, as a majority of their dps is from windfury auto attacks. Hunter however doesn’t gain any benefit from windfury and earthshock does more dps than every single hunter spell combined.


I don’t think people will even care until we fall all the way off. Maybe not even then. The issue is that we will still look like we are a decent class due to early game Hunter scaling. They could take away all of our runes and we would still do pretty good DPS in prebis or better at this level. The leg runes we have give almost no DPS.


Already behind warriors and rogues


I don’t think this is surprising. The Warriors and Rogues that we are behind on these logs typically have most of their gear already. It’s almost like they’re in raid gear but at level 25. And we know those classes scale the best with gear and weapons. They also got much better runes than we did.


It’s honestly embarrassing with how bad of a job the devs are doing when it comes to balancing. Not only did they blatantly lie to all of us during Blizcon about prioritizing fun over balance, but they can’t even get the balance part right.

All they are showing me is this dev team is too incompetent to trust with classic+.


With the way blizzard works, they will continue to nerf because the players they listen to are terrible at the game and ignorant. Hunters will fall off at 40 and fall further and further behind until at 60 there isn’t a single raid spot for a hunter just like in era. Then finally they will make adjustments once SoD has cleared Naxx but they’ll still be undertuned after the buffs and the hunter population will consist only of bots except for this brief 2 week period at the start.


You are receiving nerfs because you have been broken since SoD’s launch. Imagine being the classes that haven’t gotten nerfs. Know what that means for some of us?

You’re part of that ignorant group I mentioned above. All of the ‘weak’ classes at 25 scale into the future. For hunters this is their peak, and the decline in the future is rapid. They should be doing more dps than everyone else right now by a long shot. This is the highest they will ever be.

You have no idea what they have planned. What we do know is that scorpid poison was broken. Period. Original explosive shot was broken. Period. The damage from the wind serpent was broken. Period.

Hunter is and will be fine. You cant have pets main tanking the current raid, globaling people or the like.

And this is where I step in. You’ve completely missed the point. The issue is from a design perspective, not a numerical one. How fun is it to play an era class in SOD? Yeah, we get Lion, that’s great. Now we’re relying on passives which functionally do not change the way we play. Oh? We already have a Lion Hunter? Go to Master Marksman now! We’re just more of a turret than we used to be.

We finally got BM Hunter to be viable, overperforming, but viable. Melee Hunter isn’t even worth considering, even after the buffs, which who would actually want to play that anyway. Now BM is gutted and we’re back to the same gameplay as if it was 2019 Classic. How fun do you really think that is?

I don’t need to know what they have planned when I have 20 years of historical data as to how the core classes perform. The classic team has clearly stated they won’t be changing that. The damage meters right now, post nerf, match exactly to what level 60 is in era. Not a single rune has changed the meta. Warrior will be 25/40 of the level 60 raid slots. Priest will be top healer. Druids will be taken for WF to buff the warriors (The most impactful rune added to the game).

It’s both. Due to the poor design of the core class the numbers will rapidly decrease for hunters, while rapidly increasing for other classes as the phases progress. Hunters right now are their base set with a 20% stat buff. Meanwhile every other class has powerful new abilities that scale well into the future, and they get the stat buff too.

I agree - I think both are a problem, but numbers are far easier to fix than fundamental design. I’m mainly harping on fundamental design because it’s a problem that every single unique rune we’ve brought to the table, apart from Lion, has been nerfed or completely gutted to where it’s not worth using anymore. Which for most changes, it was warranted. Explosive Shot being able to almost one shot most mobs on launch was incredibly broken, the Chimera Shot nerfs were completely out of left field because it was already underperforming to begin with, to just name a few.

I agree that we need something to bring us up to be more relevant numerically, but it is a fixable issue. Us not having anything unique or fun is a much bigger problem and sets a very negative precedent.

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Chimera shot is so bad. Serpent sting is not something that is ever even worth the mana to cast. It’s 1.5 dps. 40% of chimera’s damage is based off 1.5 dps. On top of that in pvp scenarios using serpent sting and viper sting are a death sentence, because they break both of hunter’s crowd control abilities. The only viable use is for the scorpid sting disarm, but here we are in a meta with a deadzone and warriors who have 2 in combat charges which also remove slows and rogues who can teleport behind you. Hunter’s won’t even be able to get 8 yards away to use it in phase 2+.

I’m just not entirely sure what their plan is to deal with this but, at this point it just seems like they don’t really want us playing Hunter at all.