Hunters, Season of Disappointment

This guy gets it.

Most of these trolls are not worth responding to anymore. Hunters have historically always been a pretty mediocre class at the top end. A pure glass cannon dps build that provides no other utility to a raid. Anybody saying they were strong in classic era is flat out lying. Hunters, rogues, and mages, and even warlocks on average out-dps’d them in any classic era raid on the majority of bosses, while also providing more utility (being able to kick/cs, or int buff, or provide food/water and ports, debuff on the target, etc). That was before any SoD changes that also gave those other classes cool runes that are potentially game changing. Hunters are just a popular class on fresh servers due to their ease and quickness at leveling so the perception of them being overpowered is amplified by the sheer amount of them running around, and that fact that we are at a lower level cap, where the only place hunters ever shine, or were supposed to. That quickly changes later on and experienced classic players not coming here from retail know this. Hunters have gained absolutely almost nothing new of value in SoD, aside from a passive kings buff aura, which also has to take the place of their best dps rune right now (master marksman) on chest slot if they want to run it, and have only had most of their good stuff that sets them apart continually nerfed. They are understandably and rightfully upset about it.


Brace yourself for the influx of people telling you hunters are fine now and forever because WoWLogs.

Any legitimate criticism of the SoD hunter experience will be handwaved due to parser brainrot.

Lol i noticed that too. That’s extremely sad indeed.

yeah I don’t care these people are clearly delusional and have no idea what they are talking about. There was like 2-3 spots for hunters in classic raids and like 20 spots for rogues/fury warrior due to those 2 classes vastly out-dpsing hunters once they got any semblance of a gear set. Scorpid poison kill command snapshot nerf was probably the only justified nerf hunters received, and rightfully so. Explosive shot was only super strong at low level due to the scaling, but even before the nerf was not overtly overpowered at lvl 18+ mobs. It was strong, but I don’t see the problem with hunters having something that was “strong”, seeing as they cannot heal themselves, cannot tank a mob for crap, and become nearly useless when being dead-zoned by other players or mobs. People were in an out-roar because lvl 6 hunters were 1 shotting lvl 8 mobs with it. It was very strong immediately at low lvl, but the scaling on it was small enough that closer to the lvl 25 cap it balanced out. Now its nearly worthless. The only potential use I see it having is hunters being able to use it for the ZF graveyard farm method, which isnt even available in the game yet, assuming it doesn’t get nerfed again to have a limited amount of targets it can hit after people go crying on the forums because hunters are able to aoe farm as efficiently as a mage in 1 particular spot of the game.

The heavy explosive shot nerf seemed like a response for how it ruined the world first leveling race, but Blizzard had only themselves to blame for that. And they decided to nerf CS as well despite no one complaining about that. By 40%! The scorpid poison kill command interaction was a bug, it needed to be fixed. But literally everything else was their fault. No internal testing, no designer on the hunter project who has any sort of vision. They deserve all the blame here.

Instead, hunter players are getting the blame. It’s really weird. We’re just playing the game, it sucks to be nerfed over and over and then be left with a bunch of useless runes.

i don’t know how many times it needs to be said - we are level 25.

100% true… Which I dont mind, I am kinda old and lazy and dont have the nimble fingers like i did even 10 years ago, i still enjoy playing a hunter. I’ve not used a scorpid or wind serpent pet yet this season. i have used Boar (probably my favorite pet because it eats anything and has charge!) and the rake (lion) with a temp spider/bear pet (to learn bite/claw)… overall I am having fun still, it’s just disappointing that other classes get some really cool abilities on thier runes.

Granted the lion aura is godly and probably my favorite of all pieces of the hunters abilities, The only think that sucks now i had to buy aspect of the hawk since they made lion an aura instead of an aspect! haha i know thats not a suck, its a huge boon for hunters but again, im old and i saw that as a nice way to save money just be the hunter that brings aspect of lion to raids/parties (aka save coin on buying hawk) haha

I have looked at their runes. What kind of argument is this? Are hunters the only class with a meta to their runes? No. Hunters have runes for a variety of their builds. I bet you’re going to say the melee hunter runes are bad. They just buffed flanking strike. Just because melee hunter is weaker than ranged hunter right now doesn’t make their runes useless.

Yea surely no one was running explosive shot. Oh wait, yea they were. Constantly. Because it’s great aoe in dungeons. It’s the reason WHY hunters were getting so many dungeon invites.

I’m sure there’s no other aspects of this rune that might be a consideration. Certainly not the fact that 1/3 of the ability is not available yet. Kind of hard to judge this at this point.

Explosive shot makes hunters one of the best dungeon dps, I have no idea why you would ever say this. It might not be as good as it was, but it’s clear it was way too good.

I certainly think that melee hunter could use some buffs. They already did buff flanking strike. But we’re not talking about the impact of the runes, we’re talking about “boring” they are because it doesn’t significantly change the hunter’s playstyle. Not all runes have to do this. That’s the point.

This is an issue that gets alleviated over time. Paladins don’t have the talent points to gain access to kings yet. Plus they made it less of a drag on using aspects alongside it.

Have you seen some of the runes of other classes? Like, what exactly is the complaint here? There’s a rune that just gives a warrior rage when rend deals damage and that’s it. Three of the rogue runes are focused exclusively on tanking, which you can’t even use until you grind honored with the faction which most people haven’t done. Every class has runes like this. They focused most of the new ability runes on melee hunter, which even if it was good likely wouldn’t be popular.

My argument was NEVER ABOUT THEIR PERFORMANCE. It was about how hunters keep demanding they get special treatment and get fancy runes when that’s not the point of all the runes. We keep flipfloping arguments here.

First it’s stop nerfing us, when it’s pointed out that hunters are performing twice as well as nearly every other class then it’s all “But the issue is we just play the same as we did before, it’s not about our raid dps” (even though it’s absolutely not about that, pets soloing people in pvp, hunters soloing level 30 elites, etc) then we flip flop to hunter runes being too weak.

Which is it? Because all I see is the objectively best class in Season 1 by a mile complaining that they didn’t get special treatment from their pedestal.

But the only nerfs to hunter outside of redesigning explosive shot have been focused on fixing the broken pets. So it rings disingenuous for hunters to keep complaining their class is dead and then trying to deflect to “it’s just not fun to play hunter” when they can no longer faceroll through everything.

If you’re not liking current hunter, PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. Try something else. it’s season of discovery, not endgame retail.

Cries in balance druid.

Only the argument of scorpid poison being broken initially can be made. Every change after that has been a nerf, not due to any bugs.

Yeah, it’s season of warrior. Just like regular classic, there’s nothing to discover.


Flanking strike does about 6-8 DPS in a 2 minute fight, just FYI. And it’s one of the better leg runes. Sitting here with a straight face and telling me our runes are good is funny. We have one good rune, it’s called Beast Mastery.

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That’s fine, once again, that isn’t the point. The point isn’t “Pets are fixed we can’t play”, the point is that we fundamentally do not have anything new or unique that we can functionally use without putting ourselves at a handicap. We play identically to Era. That’s the problem. Nobody in their right mind wants to be that overpowered, and anyone who is calling for that isn’t advocating for what’s healthy for the class or the game as a whole.

I’m doing exactly that, and I still overall enjoy SOD, but having my main class gutted from a design perspective is a massive issue and should not be ignored.

You can’t argue with those people. They don’t see the problem, nothing we say will convince them there is one because of log performance or whatever. Take all the runes away (some of them like the leg runes barely do anything anyway) and hunters would be decent in this phase with prebis or better gear, it’s the bracket where hunters are supposed to shine. Numbers aren’t the issue, not yet at least.


Yeah, I’m aware that it’s only going to go so far. I’m not here to change any minds, I’m only here to demonstrate the problem with the class at a design level and show the problem with it. I love SOD so far, but all these Hunter nerfs are disproportionate to any changes made to us to compensate us in a way that separates the overlap from Era are killing my enjoyment of the class.

Oh no, another lost spam andy not contributing anything to the discussion at hand because he knows he can’t maintain any meaningful conversation about his points. Something something small fish big pond. :confused:

It’s why I hate pvp in my mmorpg. They balance for pve, and screw the rest of the game up for it. Bah.

Actually, I’ll take this a step further:

(Didn’t read he was in the Classic WoW section and not the SOD section)

Doing a lot of crying there buddy. Saluting off another failed attempt at proving something here. :saluting_face:


Hunter spells scaling with spellpower that they don’t have isn’t fully fleshed out.

Uh no it can’t. It was definitely way more than just the poison. If you can’t even be honest about how broken the pets were it shows how much of a liar you are when you try and claim that this is just about hunters “feeling bad”.

Hunter pets were getting way too much value from health and armor scaling, ending up being double most players, and several of the pets were doing nutty damage. Scorpid was the go to, but the windlashers or whatever with their lightning bolts were also doing some insane damage too.

This is so funny it’s comical. “Hunter runes are boring!” also “Warriors are overpowered!”

The hunters in this forum can’t even keep their arguments straight. It’s about raid damage, it’s not about raid damage, yada yada. You’re just biased children mad your class isn’t the main character anymore. You’re honestly worse than the warrior mains.

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