You mean like how you’re looking at individual people at the very top of the list that are doing pretty degenerate tactics to get a ridiculously high parse and are not indicative of the average player? At 95th percentile, Hunters are 3rd, just barely behind Warrior. At 50th, they’re second, again barely behind Rogue. At all percentiles, again they’re just a hair behind Rogue, with a median that is substantially further ahead from Warriors at 3rd place
But do go on with your entitlement. It’s what I’m here for
What entitlement, what are you even talking about? Every other class has been on these forums since like day 2 of SoD crying about hunters doing more damage than them. It’s clear who is suffering from the entitlement.
Almost like they had a good reason to complain. Hunters were doing an absurd amount more damage than everyone else in BFD at the start, and in pvp were killing people by just sending their pet in to attack them with no input on their part. You’re upset at your class being nerfed from SSS+ tier to S tier. You’re upset that other classes that put in the effort to perform are pulling numbers on par or even just slightly ahead of hunter, while hunter itself is still pulling stellar numbers on every fight in the raid. That’s entitlement
Hunters are not even top 3 dps anymore after todays round of nerfs to the class, and they have never been #1 even before any nerfs. Warriors and rogues have always been the top 2 dps and hunters were 3rd before any nerfs, now hunters are getting beat out by ret paladins and several other classes. Hunters have always been the strongest at low level, which is why everyone twinks level 19 hunters. Hunters start out really strong but then scale down as they level and the other classes outshine them. But now hunters have been nerfed so hard the other classes already outshine them and they will be useless at higher levels.
This argument is tired and proven wrong time and time again. You were not on the forums in 2018-2019 saying that Warriors deserve to be last in DPS because they can tank, the argument is only used to dump on “lesser” specs like Elemental, Balance, Shadow by private server elitists.
Some classes were full versions of themselves and functioned mostly appropriately in classic, and other classes were utterly devoid of most of their benefit. This is why some classes got severe enhancements that overhauled their gameplay and other classes got tuning in other ways.
Rogues, Warriors, and Hunters are in this category. Already very strong and fully fleshed out so their benefits come into play at a lower impact. Priests also don’t see much change yet because the core of their damage specs isn’t really available at these levels yet. And their already strong healers.
Paladins on the other hand, and enhancement shaman are notoriously terrible and essentially half a class, so they got a lot more impacts. Realistically they play VERY much the same way as before, the primary difference is mana efficiency and instant attacks. If having 1-2 instant strikes completely changes paladins, then idk what to tell you. As someone that played paladin in classic if very much feels like the same but functional.
The largest change is the classes that got entirely new roles, mage healers, lock tanks, rogue tanks. There are certainly some neat runes for a lot of classes, but expecting the strongest classes from classic to have the largest impact runes is silly. And we don’t know what additional role based runes they might add later.
Spell hunter, tank priest, bandage spec rogue. To act like every classes needed to fundamentally and drastically change is silly.
this is hilariously false, inaccurate, and not specific even towards at least specifying pvp or pve. in PVE rogues and warriors are overtuned in classic (NOT HUNTERS). in PVP rogues and warriors are very undertuned in classic (NOT HUNTERS). hunters in classic are very very balanced in both pvp and pve. the undertuned pve classes were mostly hybrid dps specs. the undertuned pvp classes were those that can easily be kited being warrior and rogue. the overtuned pvp classes were casters spriest mage warlock and ele/resto. this is even blatantly obvious in the dueling tournaments. you can also check warcraft classic era logs for pve. there is a lot that couldve been given to hunter that wasnt.
they chose to only add passive/damage scaling abilities instead of giving the class more utility the same way other utility lacking classes were given runes of that nature instead of damage. like the changes that needed to be made were that simple. give high utility low damage classes like frost mage for example more damage and high damage low utilty classes more utility. fill in the gaps while not bluring all the classes together. and honestly they have essentially done all of this except with hunter and that is why the class is having all sorts of issues. at 25 they gave the class more damage instead of the utility it needed and waiting to give the class more damage when auto shot damage scales down and becomes much worse than melee white damage.
hopefully they will realize where they went wrong. if not the class is doomed.
Hunters are upset because people are telling them they should be happy about their class because of numbers done in a level 25 raid. As if there’s no context behind it or future beyond it. Maybe you should try reading the comments of the hunters rather than just projecting your own thoughts and feelings onto them. You’re very off base with what the complaints are actually about.
Nothing that u say proves he is wrong. Hunters are parsing good because many ppl still dont have the necessary gear to do so. Warriors and Rogues scales with gear mlre than hunters. Some hunter spells scales with Spell power, but the gear gives agi and atk power. So, the further u go into the game, other classes perform better after getting gear.
Talking about logs, first week how many hunters on top? Almost all top 100 were hunters. U guys ur crying thinking it was because of scorpid sh!t and etc. Couple oi days after, a warrior ( with the lucky drop of his best weapon, got #1 EVEN with the suposed brocken scorpid running wild. Till yesterday, we had 38 rogues on top 100, 28 hunters and 21 warriors. Now u got way more rogues and way more warriors, just go there and count. So nothing that you say would change the fact that the fellow was right in every word and logs are there to prove him right.
Even beyond that, our runes are atrocious and provide us with no auxiliary scaling outside of BM. And of course the only thing that lets us be competitive is constantly receiving nerfs. And yet people don’t understand why hunters are upset? If they’re not going to fix the runes that simply don’t work or are two underpowered to let us be competitive, people have no choice but to play BM or whatever else is scrounged together as a build with all of the underpowered runes. Meanwhile classes like rogue and warrior not only have functioning builds that have good synergy, they get gear that scales extremely well with their builds at this low level. It’s not going to be long before we are way behind them and everyone else if nothing changes moving into the next phase. Some of our runes are so bad that they give ~+1 DPS, some even take away DPS like Lone Wolf.
What do you expect? 95% of the people who rolled Hunter did so because they thought it was ridiculously OP, which it was. Now that it is merely S-Tier, their power fantasies have broken. They feel betrayed.
Did I say anything about being overtuned or undertuned? No. I said that some classes were more fleshed out fully than others. It’s easy to dismiss things as wrong when you don’t read them.
The point of my statement was not about specific performance but about the FEEL and IMPACT of the class mechanics. Classes can easily be tuned by adding numbers or tweaking functions. That’s never a problem. The question is whether the identity of the class and the design of the class is fully there, and hunters were always a class in classic that had a full design philosophy behind it even if it wasn’t a top performer.
They were mostly the specs that did not have full class resources on the dev team, or were unfinished classes/specs. Priests, shaman, paladins, and warlocks are prime examples of classes that started out without a strong identity or design goal when vanilla started. While Warlock was eventually given a class resource and came into their own, most of the others were not and many of their half designed mechanics remained for a long time. Like bonus threat on mind blast and attack power on inner fire.
Aspect of the lion is a key part of that. But most of the classes that received utility are HYBRID classes. They did also add a taunt to pets as a rune too. Most of the focus on hunters runes was to increase the already existing defined gameplay. Shots, melee, and sniper. Much like rogue and warrior runes are mostly there to enhance the existing aspects of the classes. You can argue all day whether they did a good enough job, but considering they had to nerf hunters seems like they definitely hit the mark. Hunters rune focus is not on utility and doesn’t need to be.
The class has been the top performing class for all of classic. They are not having issues. YOU are the one with the issue. You don’t like the runes. Guess what, play something else then. If it’s not fun to play the hunter in SoD try another class. It might not be for you. I’m not exactly thrilled at the lackluster shadow priest bonuses at the moment being a shadow priest, so I am playing something else. You are not the most important person in the game. Something you might try learning.
I think you’re wrong and I really love how non-specific you got in your statement after criticizing me for the same. I think you’re just seething with cope because hunters are finally getting nerfed to be back in line with other classes instead of being worth twice another class.
This is such weird projection. Power fantasy? Hunters just want the same thing that other classes got, runes that they can use that are different from what is in era. Everyone is so obsessed about parses from a level 25 dungeon, they can’t see beyond it.