Hunters, Season of Disappointment

So you tell me go look at warcraft logs, and then when you see that I am, in fact, looking at warcraft logs, you say they don’t count

Are you even trying at this point?

Hmmm…well, hopefully it gets sorted out and buffed whichever it is.

Look tomorrow.

That’s a big old “no” on trying, then…

I’ll check back in tomorrow. It’s already trending down and already before nerfs wasn’t the top. Where is the warrior nerfs?

No one cares about PvP this is a PvE-first game

why are we pointing to charts like these are post-nerf numbers :couch_and_lamp:

they’re gutted, stop coping

what are the odds we get 5 nerfs in 2 weeks but won’t get 1 buff to MM to offset the rest of phase 1?

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It has nothing to do with the actual number the classes do, but what is doing the number. The issue with Hunters was their pet was doing most (before nerfs near 75%) of their number which is unhealthy design for the game.

I hope this is clear to understand.

Ok, then revert explosive shot and make chimera actually do damage.

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

You are free to look over logs that are running today with nerfs. Hunters are still competing well above all casters and are only below the two strong melees.

So what the OP was saying is correct. Mind you the latest pet nerf happened just hours ago. So these still count scorps and serpents.

i clicked on 7 of these and hunter is getting out performed significantly in all of them… and this is the peak of hunter, that’s pretty cool. wonder how casters are going to do in MC (sarcasm).

read the entire post you troll. i was talking about pve too

And in PvE how big the number is doesn’t matter at level 25, what matters is the base design of the class and runes is on-point and with Rogue it is.

Please try to stay focused.

An 85 parse Ret Paladin is still like 15k damage under a similar Hunter parse lol. With the most recent Kill Command nerfs.

Lie, this guy isnt even on a pvp server. lol Just hates hunters period.

im not clicking through 100 parses to find the anecdotal 5/100 where a hunter does well

its like the 4th one down or something lol

hey bud you should go look at the BFD parses before you spewing some bs you know nothing about. Among the top 5 parses in BFD right now, Warriors have the top 3, followed by a rogue then a feral druid. Even before the scorpid poison nerf a warrior was still #1. How is it balanced when a class that has the added utility of being able to tank also have higher DPS than a pure DPS class with no other utility? Please try to rationalize it with some mental gymnastics.


Paladins can also heal and tank. Hunters are pure DPS, that is their only possible role. Why should a class that can tank and heal also be doing the same dps as a glass cannon dps class?