Yep, you’re a warrior player. You had 20 years of fun, step aside.
Yes please by all means let’s just make up things because you can’t cope. You just make my opinion more and more than hunters should be the least DPS in the game. Not because I think they deserve it, but because I want you to have a bad time because of how insufferable you are acting. It’s like talking to a toddler throwing a tantrum.
All of that and yet they are doing fairly good in both PvP and PvE…
THey always were at this level they’re playing just like vanilla lel
so what’s wrong then? they always were doing good at this lvl and they still do as you said.
Not having a different playstyle being a pure DPS class getting out DPSed by hybrid classes. Auto attacking with two abilities? Being worse than they were in actual vanilla in comparison to other classes in PVP?
dude everyone here please do not listen to this guy and just report him. he has been literally trolling on this forum page since the start of it. none of his arguments make sense. nothing he references has any remote accuracy to it. when you completely decimate his arguments he completely cherry picks them into sounding like something entirely different than what they actually are so he can somehow still argue/troll you. and when you call him out for it he then goes and trolls someone else. please just report this guy i cannot believe he has not been banned off the forums yet.
If you expectation of SoD is to remove all the weakness of my class you are playing the wrong game. Everybody can come up with a long A list of the issues they think their classes have now or will have in future.
In software development if something isn’t working as indented you release patches and fix it no matter how many times it takes. Hunter has been always a pain in the A class to design and balance that’s why it’s take multiple patches. Most the fixes they put in for hunter makes sense as the class is doing great right now. You had a few days of being ridiculously OP and you enjoyed it. Did you really expect to be able abuse design flaws and bugs and top all meters forever and one shot everyone all over the place ? No.
Lastly, we have seen only a small part of SoD so you have no clue what’s gonna come in for any classes in future phase. So sit tight and you may get someone of the changes you want.
My expectation was to get new abilities, changing the way the class is played. I like playing BM, but hoped it wouldn’t be the same old as on Era and HC. It’s not, it plays just like the current BM.
That’s also a wrong expectation. Who said every single spec in the game is going to get a completely new playstyle in SoD. You still have bunch of new things. You get a 20% all stat buff, a way stronger pet that can hold aggro and etc. It’s still a lot. Sorry that your class isn’t 100% revamped and turned into a demon hunter or whatever…
Absolutely No one said that. I always wanted a viable BM spec that’s why I rolled a hunter. I can even make a scratch in a priest now post nerf. 1v1 pre nerf vs most classes sure it was OP. In every other scenario, it was player issues. In BGs whole teams would just let pets sit on their heals.
Yay they forced us to run kings!
So are we calling rogues and warriors hybrid dps now? Because hunters are literally neck and neck with them for top dps, no other class even comes CLOSE. AND hunters have the best average dps across the board, and has two dps specs in the top 5.
Two abilities? Man that’s pretty nice. Most of the other classes just have auto attacks with one ability.
Citations. Citations. Citations.
BM isn’t even a spec right now because you have 16 talent points. How is this even an argument people are making? Most classes don’t have a defined spec at the moment. You won’t really see much of that until phase 2.
You will almost certainly not have to worry about kings on Alliance side after this phase because Paladins will finally have the talent points to get it. And for Horde, well suck it up buttercup. Now you know what every other spec in the game feels like. Imagine being number 1 and number 4 dps in the game right now and complaining that you also have support buffs everyone wants. There are dps doing 40% of a hunter’s damage right now. Hunter mains are delusional.
Not really, considering other classes. Most of the hunter runes are passives.
Something I keep seeing over and over again in this thread is how it’s all about Warriors, how good warriors are, how warriors are better. And I also keep seeing this complaint of passive runes for hunters. Warriors have less active runes than even hunters do. So what exactly is supposed to be the take away here? It’s like a constantly shifting argument.
What? Warriors got: raging blow and quick strike, both of which are meta. Devastate… and victory rush. All of these are actually good
Everyone get in here, noob here crying
Quantity. The argument is hunters got mostly passive runes, warriors got less active runes than hunters. It’s like we have to keep inventing new arguments every time. It’s constantly shifting goal posts.
Let’s also talk about these runes too. Devastate, Victory Rush, and Quick Strike are all glove runes. So even if they are “all meta” you cannot run them together because they are all on the same piece of gear.
Like if the bar for hunters is that a 100% weapon damage instant attack for warriors is “So good, much wow, meta defining” but runes like explosive shot and kill command aren’t we are not even living on the same planet. It’s like hunters just want to invent things to be mad about now because they have to play in the same atmosphere as everyone else.
You expect a class that is the best soloer, best to second best farmer and has the one of the eaisest play styles to also top the DPS. You can avoid a lot of mechanics by being ranged. Which is why warrior/rogue are and should always have the highest dps cap, because it’s a more challenging playstyle. Sorry that you don’t see that, but enjoy the #3 to 4 spot!
You just listed specs that are melee and can have downtime. Hunters cannot have downtime by the nature of their kit. Such a bad argument.
People see a pet and don’t think of it as a hunter spell because they’re biased asf
No it’s because pets doing this much damage lessens the DPS disparity between a good and bad Hunter and reduces the class in complexity a lot–something that was suppose to change with SoD. Pet micromanagement is of course a skill but only on bosses that have AoE that can actually kill pets.
Also, if a Hunter pet is doing this much damage a healer might be incentivized to heal a Hunter pet over an actual player if the damage gap is large enough and that is not healthy design.