Hunters, Season of Disappointment

It’s not. Look at the logs. Look at the metrics. Get over yourself.

Who isn’t in vanilla Classic? It’s really funny to me how terrible your argumentation is. First, you have no idea what you’re talking about. The gap between warriors and other dps is most apparent in the world buff meta. the gap is MUCH smaller outside of that. And balancing around world buffs should not be a thing. Honestly world buffs should just be disabled in raid instances. They are a terrible impact on the game.

This idea that you have to be better than warriors is nonsense. And why you are having the issue you do. Get that out of your head, you’ll feel much better.

No it’s not, and no I’m not. I don’t play rogue or warrior. I play a shadow priest. If ANYONE has a vested interest in this argument of not having old meta it’s me. We are the literal bottom of the barrel, ACTUALLY don’t have scaling (hunters scale any moron saying otherwise is just lying. All weapon based classes scale. Try playing a class where 80% of your abilities don’t benefit from crit.). I find the hunters complaining that they got put back in line with everyone else INSUFFERABLE! “Oh boo hoo hoo my class got nerfed and is STILL THE BEST DPS IN THE GAME CURRENTLY.”

Buddy the only person that brought up world PVP was you. The only person crying and being unconstructive is you. YOU LITERALLY HAD TO DEVOLVE TO TROLLING ABOUT RETAIL CLEARS. You deserve to be forum banned for breaking CoC as much as you did. You’re literally the reason no one wants hunters to get anything. But you’re insufferable and a liar.

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this post gotta be a troll

It also doesn’t apply crit to Auto Shot so it’s a useless rune like all the other Hunter runes.

This is just clearly false. If you spent less time trolling the forum and more time playing the game or looking at logs you’d see that Hunters are clearly parsing behind Warriors and Rogues. Considering that they’re the only pure DPS class in SoD, that is definitively far from S-Tier.


So we havent discovered anything for 40 50 or 60 bracket but your sitting here acting like it will be the same as era. Im confused do you know info we dont? Pls share if you do

If they are, more than likely BM hunters then their pet should be doing 50 percent of their damage. If a BM hunters pet dies in raids etc they lose 50 percent of their damage.

You will find a lot of BMs time spent is keeping their pet active, unlike other hunter specs that can put out more dps than their pets can due to not investing points in pet focused talents.

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They nerfed Chimera and they nerfed Kill Command, so ranged hunters are using the same rotation from 2004 to do their best dps.

Didn’t you just say that it wasn’t about the DPS? You literally have the option to change your rotation if you want to and still be viable, which was exactly what I said.

Rogue main, hunter alt. Hunter is still great. Raided with both. Hunter is fine. If BM bores you (it does me) then go marks/flanking. Much more fun.

Feels bad yes. I would love to see pet options. But certainly not worthy of this cry fest.

Hunters just barely behind rogues as top dps on average right now. Go to warcraft logs stats and set it to the past day

Why are all the hunters crying?

They are a ranged class with a pet who are the best levelers and second best farmers behind mage. They also crush in PVP. They can’t ALSO be the #1 raid dps option, it just wouldn’t make sense

The hunter won’t scale as well and will be dropping down very low in next phase and all phases after!!! But the argument for that theory is that Blizzard will balance things phase by phase. History shows that they’ve always undermined the hunter. The real solution was to buff weaker classes, but that requires more work for them!! The Hunter nerfs were the easy solution, but not the correct one!!

And I will add that a lot of the complaints about hunter have been regarding PVP, because Hunter doesn’t have the required utility to stop damage from many classes, it plays like a classic era hunter!!! Except for a few runes, in which Blizzard nerfed!!!

Not to mention that 2 pets have now been effectively removed from the game due to nerfs!!!


You realize the vast majority of War, Rog, Ret, Enh, etc. damage comes from their white swings, right?

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We will take your feedback into consideration.

Do you or do you not play a melee Hunter?

That’s just a post I remember and had a bookmark for. There are others particularly in the Hunter class discord. People were already disappointed in the Hunter rune lineup before release.

Man, maybe they should work on making melee and Hunterrs less boring, then.

Tries to pretend to be an arbiter of reasonable discussion, calls all Hunters liars. Typical.

Yeah good point; I do mostly play Retail and WotLK instead. Better classes, better content.


It’s the same as era right now. Warrior < Rogue << everything else. Given the information we have right now, there’s no indication it will change going forward as the gap the two leaders have only gets fundamentally bigger. Stop making this piss poor arguments “oH WE doNt KnOw WHaT iT wIll LooK LIKe!”. 20 years of you people, and you’re always wrong.

Because they’re already behind classes they should be ahead of at the peak of their power? Because 11/12 runes are completely worthless? Because you’re a ******* ****** ***** who doesn’t even read or comprehend anything and makes ****posts like this?

Warrior - 60% damage from auto attack and deep wounds, 40% damage from quick strike / raging blow
Rogue - 50% damage from auto attack, 50% from saber slash
Feral - 50% damage from auto attack, 50% from mangle
Enh shaman - 80% damage from auto attack, 20% from earth shock

Hunter - 40% damage from auto shot, 30% damage from pet auto attack, 30% damage from pet auto cast

When you compare these, hunter pet is very clearly filling the place of ability damage for BM hunters which is what BM hunters spec for so it makes perfect sense that pets do so much damage. Their slightly lower auto shot ratio is because hunters don’t benefit from windfury at all.

People see a pet and don’t think of it as a hunter spell because they’re biased asf. There are no casts hunter can use instead of the pet. Every hunter spell is complete trash.

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lol. lmao. /thread

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I meant that Hunter’s still do good damage, and if we want to do good damage, we have to use an old boring rotation or go melee. Essentially means Ranged Hunters, which is what the class was designed for, got nothing new that is strong aside from passive buffs.

I got what I was expecting and i’m still mad about it.

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perhaps you expected things to remain the same, hence the anger with the changes

I was expecting broken things ect and some changes that will make people angry and some changes that would settle people down.

Considering the mod post you linked, I would take that discord with 2 tons of salt.

Or you can go back to retail because this is based on Classic and that’s how Classic is. SoD isn’t supposed to be turn Classic into retail.

Not all hunters, just the liars. The ones that keep lying about hunters. So far I’ve been told that hunters have received no buffs, didn’t get alternative playstyles, aren’t the best dps class in the game, their pets don’t do more damage than their autos. It’s one thing if there’s nuanced arguments, but half this thread is malding over justified nerfs and straight lying about performance.

This is the main issue. A bunch of retail Andy’s that came to SoD expecting something other than what SoD is. SoD isn’t here to “fix” the classes. it’s here to enhance what Classic is. And Classic is a messy, weird, and badly designed game. And SoD isn’t going to be changing that. It’s just giving some under used classes more and playing with some new ideas.

So why are you crying about hunters? That’s what they were and you acted like the retail andy you described. Heck you’re still acting like one even after they’ve been nerfed to era tier.

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You’re the one crying. Your whole post is crying.

Apparently “nerfed to era tier” is being the best dps class currently. What a wild statement.

You seem to be of the opinion that rogues and warriors shouldn’t be top dps, I don’t agree. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with warriors and rogues being the top dps, as long as the other classes that do damage aren’t 40% of the output of those other classes. You’re priorities are out of wack.

You also just flat out refuse to admit that the nerfs were warranted. They were. If you can’t get behind that simple fact, you’re never going to be on a reasonable level to have a discussion with. Full stop. And you keep trying to use some nebulous unknown future state of the game as a justification for why hunters should be game breakingly powerful now. It’s just sad self serving BS.

And this is coming from a SHADOW PRIEST player. The current bottom tier dps that doesn’t even FUNCTION. I don’t play warrior or rogue. Not planning on it either. I plan to paladin tank and shadow priest dps. So you can keep grasping at strawmen and making up nonsense to justify why I don’t agree with you, but at the end of the day you just want hunters to be brokenly overpowered and you’ll do anything to justify it. You are the kind of person that people talk about when they mention the forum crowd that ruined wow.