Hunters, Season of Disappointment

Dont play meta? Just play to Have fun? Meta is not fun

My dude, rogue is just press saber slash. It’s classic WoW. The skill gap between the best rogue and the worst rogue is 0, they’re both just pressing saber slash.

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It’s meant to make it more interesting. It didn’t make Hunters more interesting.

Most of them are correctly pointing out that Hunters are boring.

I mean other classes are a lot more fun than Hunter. Like I said I found mage to be fun and interesting. Not Hunter. So let’s not pretend that this is an issue that affects every class.

Even the lead dev talked about how the issue has been noticed:

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Thank you for bringing my attention to this.

Unfortunately he says “next phases’ abilities,” which leads me to believe that all of the useless runes we have this phase are staying useless.

More interesting in the framework of classic. First, this is LEVEL 25 GAMING. Second that’s YOUR opinion. Been doing non-stop BFD runs on my alts, had two hunters in every run one of the only classes getting double stacked, and they all not only were doing by far the most damage hands down, they were loving it. Seems like a YOU problem. Go back to retail.

No, most of them are trying to cry the hunter nerfs were unfair and that hunters should be doing 150% of the damage every other class does. This is why I just don’t trust anything the hunter players say in this thread because it’s endless lies and then gaslighting about the lies. You all can’t go one post without doing it.

This is 1000% subjective. I am sure that the people sticking with dps priest would think it’s the most fun, while be objectively the most terrible and least supported class/archtype in SoD. But hey, let’s whine that hunters got balancing changes and remained on top but are “boring” while the classes that ACTUALLY needed support are still underperforming despite their “fun” skills.

Then play mage. And stop whining.

First, I am not making an account on twitter to read that full context. Second from what I can tell, no he DOESN’T agree with you. (I see we’re back to misrepresenting things again.)

“You certainly have more buttons to push and your pets a lot more resilient/strong but mechanically”

Sounds an awful lot like he’s saying that hunters do have buttons to push now and pets ARE stronger. It sounds more like a discussion on variety, not overall impact. And again, IT’S LEVEL 25!!!

I’m done with this conversation now. Lies, misrepresentations, cherry picking information, wholesale IGNORING counter arguments that you can’t deal with, and insulting me. You’re not worth mine or anyone else’s time.

Hunter in my SFK earlier wearing two statless daggers with chance on hit procs and robes of arugal did 86 dps, more than anyone else in the entire group, 60 of which was their freaking pet. Nerf hunters.

Yea because they are clearly useless. It’s not that it’s a subjective thing. It’s not like hunters are clearly performing and performing VERY well. It’s not like literally EVERY SINGLE ARGUMENT in this thread is a contradiction. You know what, this is the perfect classic experience. A bunch of people without a clue screeching on the forums anytime there’s a nerf to their chosen class and unable to cope with facts.

Every hunter main in this thread reminds me of the rogue mains Mute lampooned in World of Roguecraft videos. It’s history repeating itself.

It’s so funny to watch this thread unfold.

“Hunters are so weak, we have so little buttons to push”
“Rogues are so strong they only push one button to win!”
“Hunters are so terrible most of our damage is from autos and pet”
“Melee classes scale so well, all their damage is white hits!”
“It’s about more than just BFD raid logs!”
“Hunters are losing to warriors and rogues on raid logs!”

Endless, constant, repeated contradictions. Zero thought. Zero integrity. Zero acceptance of reality. Here we are three days out from the nerfs and hunters are STILL dominating the meters. Best overall rating, best average dps at all levels of the parses, only 3 dps behind the rogue top end and 8 dps behind the warrior top end, but yea that 8 dps definitely means that warriors are gonna be the stack meta.

Grow up. Better yet uninstall SoD. We don’t need this kind of FOTM hunter feedback ruining any chance of actual good content.

Some of us don’t even GET to play our mains this phase, at all. Some of us have to wait until Phase 2 to even play what we want. And here you are complaining that one of the top tier dps classes with two extremely viable playstyles is just the worst and worthy of being removed.

Imagine thinking this way while every single one of the hybrid specs that were supposed to be boosted are underperforming except for feral druids. Hunters definitely the biggest pick me class in this freaking game. I wish they would go back to being the “Huntards” that didn’t know how to play their class or read item descriptions. Infinitely less insufferable.


The emotional attachment to the class is astounding

I personally love that I have never played or posted on anything other than a shadow priest, the objectively least supported and worst class in wow’s history by any fair metric and one of the specs to have been blacklisted from raiding even back in VANILLA when people would raid with anyone, and yet I am being called a “warrior main” who wants to preserve the status quo.

I don’t even get to PLAY my class this phase. So insulting.

A cursory glance at WCL will show you that isn’t true, the quartiles for Rogue are far larger than Hunter which indicates a bigger disparity betwen high-end and low-end Rogues as compared to Hunters.

But thanks for playing bud.

Hunter brains will not accept that they might be a little too strong, they immediately believe it’s some grand conspiracy from Warriors to keep them down lmao

Actually it kind of betrays that they are FOTM hunter mains that primarily rolled the class in SoD because they believed it would grant them inherent advantages. That’s why they react so negatively to it and cry that “warriors” are unfair for seemingly retaining that same innate advantage they so curiously want removed from warriors but at the same time given to them. It’s selfishness pure and simple.

There’s definitely arguments about rune impact and diversity and it’s NOT unique to hunters. It’s really hard to warrant using many of the extra paladin runes despite how good they might seem, and paladins at later stages of the game are going to be forced to give up their baseline requirement abilities like crusader strike and divine storm to provide their unique buffs but hunters don’t seem to care about that, they only seem concerned that they have to do something they don’t like. It’s not like other classes face issues in SoD.

I like playing BM in retail. One of my favorite specs. However in SoD I wanted play something different. Lonewolf. Be a pure Archer. However I have go into a Horde town and the rune is garbage on top of that. So that a no go.

I tried Rogue (got to lvl 20) but not a fan of it. So try meme melee hunter. While fun, I, truthfully want play as a Archer.
With the nerf, my pet (with BM rune) can barely hold aggo and can barely live in 1v1 same level mobs.

If they did not add LW and Flanking runes. Hunter would just be Era.

I’m not mad at all, since I was planing on the warlock as my main. I made a hunter and a Druid as well to see what they were like. Both the warlock and the Druid are much more engaging with their changes than the hunter (imo).

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You’re right. I totally forgot that Pet AI is designed so wonderfully well that they just instantly teleport to their targets and stick to them forever, and that fights aren’t designed weirdly wonky where pets randomly die, and every healer in the game always has pet frames turned on and ensures they are healed.


You realize this isn’t a skill thing. It’s simply there is a bigger gap in performance between an ungeared and geared rogue than on hunter because as I said previously countless times, hunters don’t scale. This means hunters perform better with little to no gear, and don’t improve much with gear. This also means rogues perform much worse with little to no gear, but there is a huge gain from gear which hunters don’t experience.

Thank you for supporting my point. I hope this helps!

This is only true when you allow pets to deal this much damage. If they enforce melee-weaving, Hunters would 100% scale with gear and there would be a huge quartile difference between one Hunter and another.

Thank you for agreeing that pets are overtuned and are a big design issue in Classic.

Melee hunter is a meme dude. The abilities barely do any damage, and have terrible synchronization. There is zero talent support for it. The higher post nerf parse (12-15) that contains flanking strike gets a whole 1.3 dps from using it on Aku-mai and 0.9 dps from using it on Kelris.

Please stop sharing your ignorant at best, most likely troll opinions.

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As long as you are enjoying it that is what counts Sadly too many people want Big DPS numbers .

just got out of a game with 6 hunters on the enemy team and 1 priest. I honestly think thats all they needed to win the game because all 6 of the enemy hunters had 10+ kills and 1-2 deaths max and nothing else was even near them in terms of performance. They had a shaman on their team that had a reasonable 3-2 and he was the closest.

Purely without a shadow of a doubt Hunters still need tuning downward in a drastic way.

Edit: before the final 0/3 cap it was literally their pets camping our GY.