In Retail it often has good performance including right now. It never works out.
The only time people have ever played it in numbers was SL S3, where it did 30% more than every other spec. Even then most Hunters played the ranged specs.
Melee Hunter has been around and unpopular for far too long to keep pretending that it’s a popular concept that’s just brought down by x, y, z reason every time.
In Retail it’s more egregious because it replaced a popular ranged option.
In SoD it at least didn’t replace anything, however it’s disappointing to see other classes get interesting new roles while Hunter just gets the option to handicap itself and go melee to press Raptor Strike every 6 seconds. Boring in both concept and implementation. It comes across as continued appeasement and preferential treatment for an extremely small faction of the Hunter playerbase.
You sure spend a lot of time arguing in a Hunter thread for someone that doesn’t care about Hunters. What’s the point?
Thanks for further confirming the stereotype of forum melee Hunter cheerleader who doesn’t actually play it. Just like I said.
Maybe people would prefer if it became something not so boring?
This post is from before it even released.
Mages got a lot more new active options than just the healing ones.
Then you haven’t been looking very far because the complaints are numerous and from across the playerbase. Here’s one from one of the Hunter discord mods:
Hunter being boring isn’t an excuse for SoD Hunter being just as boring.
If you’re just going to intentionally misrepresent what I say and lie I will put you on ignore like the others and the conversation will be over. I’m not going to sit here and be insulted by you.
One post, and then an EXPLOSION of “Hunters boring” post nerfs. It’s a bunch of deflection.
I think that people put a lot of severe emphasis on things. Casters always get more buttons. If you look at the other melee classes, they are all hitting a single button and auto attacks. So it’s just so weird that hunters complain about not having more buttons to push. Because all the other classes are doing THE SAME.
If that’s one of the mods hunters are doomed. There’s so much nonsense hyperbole in that post it’s sad. This is why I don’t take hunters seriously. They can’t be honest. Ever.
SoD is based on Classic, if you don’t like that then go play retail. Don’t know what else to say at this point. Hunter players on these forums are delusional.
I got the epic crossbow last night so I was playing around with Lone Wolf today. If I go from Heart of the Lion to Lone Wolf, the top and bottom end of my weapon go up by 7 in exchange for my pet. Sounds like a good deal.
Giving up the pet is like going -17 top and bottom end. Lone Wolf is a big DPS downgrade. Only reason they won’t put it back to 25%, is so hunters with the epic bow don’t aimed shot, chimera, multi in pvp and kill people too easily in a few globals which will cause more nerf hunter threads even though it’s not a raiding upgrade. PvP for eternity has hurt overall class balance in this game for 20 years.
Aimed shot at this level with a crit and the epic bow and lone wolf is like 250 damage on a 3 second cast. It’s likely much lower than that honestly. A non-crit is about 160 damage. You aren’t 3 shotting anyone with that combo.
You need to take a closer look at logs. Hunters are still right up there at the top with Rogue and warrior. OP is completely delusional.
It baffles me to see these posts on the state of the hunter. “MY CLASS ISN’T TOP DPS I’M QUITTING”.
As for clunkiness, All classes have some clunkiness right now. It’s partly due to how classic works. If you’re expecting RETAIL mechanics all around, you’ve clearly misunderstood. This is “CLASSIC PLUS”.
The issue isn’t the damage, hunters always scaled well at low levels, it’s a ton of nerfs, yes, with most warranted (chimera didn’t need a nerf), that is forcing hunters to play like they did in 2004-2006 and 2019-2023 that most people are upset about. In SOD, we discovered we’re better off not changing anything for our class or we do less damage. All we got are passive buffs.
Your idea is only true if you think that min/maxing DPS is the ONLY way to play WoW. You can watch Sarthe on youtube right now fleshout more than one way to play Hunter and do great DPS.
No one is using that, that’s the point. They nerfed Chimera and they nerfed Kill Command, so ranged hunters are using the same rotation from 2004 to do their best dps.
We have historical evidence of era hunters not scaling for crap.
We have historical evidence of blizzard gutting hunters and leaving them to rot for the rest of the expansion
We have historical evidence of era that shows basically everyone will outscale hunters from era.
The base classes are based on era class design.
This means we can predict some of the scaling trends to repeat itself and we are alresdy seeing warriors outscale everyone at level 25. They are already passing pre nerf hunter numbers.
I spent the first 3 weeks of the game absolutely breaking it with incomparable DPS via Explosive Arrow, then when nerfed via Multishot-Serpent. Those got nerfed to a realistic level.
I rerolled to be a PvP sweatlord. Now I’m the sweatiest damsel in the land, and my scorpion is effortlessly 100-0’ing people while I watch netflix and post on the forums about how unfair Explosive Arrow nerfs were.
Now my Scorpion got nerfed. That’s okay, plan B was a ranged-attack spammed slaughterhouse wind serpent that can out dps entire groups and 2-3 hit people at ranged in PvP while I spam conc shot and eat doritos.
Now I’m in-line with my peers, and my class requirement for input versus output is aligned. I can no longer use a pet to effortlessly kill anyone while I don’t play the game at all. I’m still the easiest class to play in the game, and I’m mandatory in all raids at end-game. I still provide PBAOE BoK despite Paladins only getting 5min buffs.
My QoL is unchanged, just the numbers from my damaging abilities aren’t ridiculously higher than everyone else for how few buttons I have to actually press.
Yea? Where is said data? Does it bother to account for pet scaling now? Is it that hunters didn’t scale well, or that pets didn’t scale and world buffs didn’t affect them until a later phase? And imagine how much more scaling will change with additional runes.
Oh please. Hyperbole can be left at the door. These kinds of statements mean nothing and are useless. If anything I get to pull this card as shadow priest has been consistently one of the least performing classes throughout all of wow’s history and has had the worst scaling of all time. You don’t see me complaining on the forums about SoD Shadow Priests despite them being the absolute lowest dps.
Yea? That’s interesting. Because by all accounts Hunters are top 5 dps throughout all of classic, outscaling and outdamaging most classes. So please let’s not lie about where hunters sit.
Except you can’t predict anything. because pets now scale when they didn’t before, and there are going to be more runes and more gear added to the game. We literally have NO idea what will happen.
It’s almost like hunters are at their peak power at 25, and do not scale into the future.
It’s almost like the dev team has said they don’t plan on changing the core classes and with 20 years of game knowledge the nerfs they’re making now can clearly indicate severe problems ahead of the class, as it is at its core 50% behind in performance at 60.
It’s almost like 11/12 of the hunter runes could be deleted from the game right now and hunter would perform exactly the same because their level 25 performance is primarily driven by the advantages ranged attacks have when characters are lacking gear.
100% factually incorrect. Do they out dps completely unviable trash like ret paladin and moonkin? Yes. Do they compete with the core physical dps in classic like warrior / rogue? No. Not even close. They are 50% a warrior’s damage. Hunter’s get maybe 1 raid slot, if the raid would like someone to run around and pull trash packs. That’s it. Trash pulling. Most opt not to even do that.
You people are the absolute worst. This game is headed towards the 25/40 warrior meta, and people like you are the reason for it. Instead of being constructive and trying to solve the core problems hunters face all you do is come here and cry about losing to a pet in world pvp when the real issue is you’re just likely not as good at the game as you think you are.