Melee isn’t a viable play style. Hunters have no gap closer, so spell interrupt, no stuns, no CC, no self healing, no defensive cool downs, and no offensive cool downs.
That was marksman hunters, not BM hunters. Quit nerfing pets when they are the BM hunters only source of damage. Just cause blizzard have a fundamentally flawed system that is allowing marksman hunters to have good pets and good damage, it once again is making BM hunter useless for anything but leveling.
Here is what you do. Give each talent tree passives buffs that increase as you put points into. Beast Mastery tree gains pet scaling so the more points you got into beast mastery the more your pet scales… Marksman gains ranged damage, survival gains melee damage, etc.
Or so forth and so on. They wont be able to fix it with runes unless they make the runes be needed to use that talent tree.
Exactly. Now my pet is squishy and does trash damage. All my points are into BM. Basically they killed BM as a spec. Everyone that works at blizzard need to look in the mirror and think about the actual people that play the game as BM spec.
This only gets worse as phases/levels progress, because the BM hunter scales poorly. Rarely if ever did anyone have a problem with pets in vanilla, but now their armor and hp is nerfed to the ground.
Season of discovery was meant to add additional elements to the game, not remove existing elements. The HP/Armor nerf is probably the biggest nerf to hunters, when in actual fact those things needed to be buffed for BM hunters at 60.
I agree with most, while our pets got a little more armor/stam than before, and this may be huge later when we wear mail armor since they inherit some of our armor. The problem will still exist if marksman specced hunters can just use BM based Runes. Min-maxers are always gonna take the best of both worlds. I dont see too much of a damage issue right now with Cats/Raptors if you got Bite and Claw 4, especially since we will get more runes/talents to make the pets stronger and attack faster. The issue is the survivability in both PvE and PvP, but mainly PvE.
BM hunters will never be looked after now by blizzard, they’ve cancelled the spec so that they can keep marksman in line. Blizzard has a history of ignoring certain specs from each class. People were tricked into thinking BM would be taken care of.
The thing you said about runes being spec specific makes a lot of sense. Doubt blizzard does that. They don’t play classic wow, they’re retail players at best (30 minutes on the weekend, when their wife lets them casuals).
May want to look at more up to date data.
Hunters are still great in every aspect of the game yet there is this much salt. All i can conclude from this is everyone rolled hunter for fotm advantages and got pissed when they lost the huge advantage they rolled for.
This is classic. Movement stops auto shot. Movement stops aimed shot from being used
Movement also stops multi shot as that does have a cast time (its like .5 seconds, but still not useable on the move)
The dead zone and having to stack in melee on multiple mechanics also drastically lowers our dps.
Hunters habe donwtimw like any other class. The pet also has downtime as there are multiple mechabics that require calling the pet back and then sending it back in after the mechanic goes off to not let the pet die.
Honestly we’ve been seeing this sort of lack of creativity for Hunters for a long time in Retail too. The most ambitious thing they can think of is melee Hunter which hardly anyone actually wants because it’s blatantly just Hunter but worse.
It’s been said a hundred times already but for those that missed it: the primary issue is it’s not interesting or fun to play. They’ve nerfed to the ground every approach that isn’t just era Hunter with more damage. Why would I play that when I could play something like a Mage and Warlock and actually experience new mechanics?
I don’t give a damn about topping damage in BFD if it means just playing the exact same way I did in 2006.
If you are unskilled and move to clip auto, that really is on you. All boss abilities are on a timer, it is up to the skill of the player to time their rotation and movement with these timers in mind.
The fact you even think this is a gotcha point really further proves that the average Hunter is barely capable of playing their class to a moderate level.
Dont bother responding to that guy, he’s just a troll. He genuinely thinks spamming saber slash for 300 dps is skill.
Stutter stepping is still a limitation, though. It’s not unlimited movement if you have to frequently stop. So saying there is no downtime is incorrect.
My question is: you clearly detest the class and the people who play it. So why are you pretending to give constructive feedback on it? Do you think people like you should be the target audience when deciding on Hunter design?
This is true for rogues as well. If you know you are about to lose boss uptime spend your energy and then you lose less than if you sat at 100 energy. But rogues now have a ranged energy spender, hunters can never used aimed shot while moving though. And many mechnlanics dont offer the chance to stutter step to never lose an auto shot, let alone 3 seconds of standing still for an aimed shot.
You forgot to mention that rogues can literally teleport to enemies now, and have a ranged kidney shot that does damage and a ranged damaging concussive shot.
They play vastly different in multiple different scenarios.
I have a buddy who hates raiding on his rogue right now because saber slash+slice and dice is boring AF.
I think it’s fair to say that Hunters are pissed because they don’t even have optional runes to play around with like Between the Eyes or Quickshot. We literally have to run Aspect of the Lion and Beast Mastery, and our leg slots are all terrible.
Go level a hunter to 25 and you will understand.
I only play BM hunter, I dont play any other class or spec, so you are wrong. It had nothing to do with FoTM, and everything to do with finally an early expansion where BM could have strong pets, and be used. There has only been like 2 expansions where BM hunter feels like an actual pet class and I was hoping season of discovery was it too since they promised to keep to class fantasy… TBC and MoP. Now my autoshot does more damage than my pet with every rune to buff pets and every talent to buff pets.
They need to add a rune that decreases by ranged damage by an amount and increases my pet damage more.
So I guess the OP and all the other people clearly arguing from a position that they deserve to be OP over and over again just what? Don’t exist?
Nerf em!!!
Well sorry to burst your bubble, but pets soloing players in PVP, having twice the health and armor of fully geared level 25 players, and generally just being the single best at everything available in the game currently isn’t a good or sustainable option.
OP is warriors that can crit you for 700, or do 300 DPS. Or Rogues that can murder you in a stunlock.
Lets not forget that all the stuff that classes could easily do before in classic can do it still but much better. Right now BM hunters feel no different from vanilla BM hunters. We could kill level 30’s mobs solo in vanilla at level 25, now we can just do it a little easier cause our pet can force taunt, and both classic and SoD our pet’s are almost dead at the end.
There is quite literally no reason to roll BM spec, our pets don’t even do half our auto shot dps with the 20% damage increase from talents, the 30% from our rune, the pet scaling and the aspect of the lion boost. We can get all those but the 20% damage increase from talents on marksman spec and do about 30% more damage and have nearly 30% crit.
The BM hunters are complaining not because the pets aren’t OP anymore, they are complaining because there is no pro’s to going Beast Mastery Talents over Marksman. The OP pets just made it feel like BM was doing better, but the truth is marksman was still doing better. BM talents need a buff to make the spec worth taking.
I do not want to be forced to go marksman again.