Hunters, Season of Disappointment

The “Melee AP” and “Ranged AP” Conflicts in classic are another large issue
Blessing of Might is melee AP / Orc racial Blood Fury is melee AP / Stre only gives melee AP
just a few examples

I remember them changing that to ranged AP in original Classic Phase 5 I think, or at least I THINK I remember that. It has been a few years. Wouldn’t be surprised if they did so again.

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I think a class being fun to play is more important than dps. From what people are saying…you’re pretty much just a Vanilla hunter letting auto-shot and pets do almost all the work. How boring.


Because you are not looking into pre vs post nerf obviously. Is data analytics that complicated for you? seriously.

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Arcane shot, 1 dps
Serpent sting, 1 dps.
Multishot, 5 dps with BIS bow.

There are no other abilities. You all cried so they were nerfed into uselessness. There’s no option but to auto shot as a hunter with a pet doing the damage.

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i mean the most obvious thing to any blizzard employee that actually may read this forum to understand whether or not they destroyed hunters with these nerfs is that anyone actually still defending the nerfs has been either systematically destroyed in argument or reduced to trolling or both. you can literally scroll up a few comments and witness the sad pathetic and wrong counter arguments in supporting the destruction of the hunter class due to noobs not wanting to learn how to play the game and instead qq’ing on the forums.


Apparently it’s impossible for you since you can’t bother posting it. People that analyze data generally do not have any trouble parsing their findings and then repeating them with details later on.

People that only looked for what they wanted to find and then didn’t actually do any data analysis on the other hand find it quite impossible to post their findings because they don’t exist.

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Don’t you have an LFR or M0 to clear?

Who plays retail anymore?


He ran out of strawmen so now he’s resorted to violating the CoC to harass me about retail. Of course we don’t know what HIS clears are, but that’s irrelevant.

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You came to this thread only to troll. You have violated the CoC immediately with your first post and every post after.

You hear that whistling noise? That’s the point of the post sailing over your head.

And they’re not top dps, Warriors and Rogues consistently beat them.

It’s only going to get worse as the level cap increases.

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Damn you’re stupid

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This priest eats crayons lol

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Hunter was first place in dps last night according to WCL for 92 percent of raids…

The remaining 8 percent the were a close second or third…

Who complains about THAT…

Nerf warriors and rogues, they scale with gear and geared ones already on top. Nerf em! Nerf em!

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You sound mad

This is lvl 25. Why are you crying about being first place.

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Nope nerf warriors and rogues. Its their turn. HUnter was always premier in 19 twink - hunters dont scale. Time to nerf, nerf nerf


every other class in the game is complaining about that. apparently hunters who sole and only available purpose and role in a raid is dps have had a nonstop barrage of complaints against them about being top dps and overpowered, at a level bracket where they were always very strong, but evened out as other classes got geared, and goes beyond evening out at later levels where hunters actually fall far behind and basically become a wasted raid spot beyond a couple of niche encounters where they may need to kite. And due to that constant whining about hunters they are already getting evened out/falling behind before the level cap has even been raised. On top of that the class plays nearly identical to how it plays on era thanks to the incessant crying on these forums which has resulted in constant nerfs compounded with the lack of unique class-changing runes that all of the other classes already received. Hunters are justifiably upset at being villainized for really no logical reason.