Hunters, Season of Disappointment

Going to be really hard for you in SoD without a WoW token, isn’t it?

I would accept melee runes, it’s different and fresh, can even melee weave with them. As i said just more buttons please.

Maybe even something completely random and new. Or a little re design on some existing ones

least you had damage try being a mage don’t get good water, bearly can heal your self who we think we are paladins

mages have the strongest cc mechanic in all of classic era and sod. imagine ziqo nearly winning an entire r1 duel tournament all because of 1 button.

Mages are actually pumping good damage now that they nerfed the resistances on the BFD bosses. The other classes weren’t suffering due to their class, they’re suffering due to the raid design.

Our guild hunters are already talking about melee weaving with the flanking strike updates.

You idiot that was before the nerfs… look at literally today. What are you talking about.

DPS Damage Statistics - Blackfathom Deeps | Warcraft Logs Vanilla

What am I looking for? Hunters on top?

are you seriously still posting this crap that other people have already proven wrong in other forums? jeez man whats your issue. did some hunter body camp you hard or something?

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Warriors were/are not. You need to stop looking at the top 1% of players that have full BiS and raid setups designed specifically to allow them to pump as hard as possible, and start looking at the actual average where most players line up in gear, ability, and raid composition

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All the classes for the most part that are at the tops have pretty large ranges and warriors are doing very good on the average.

thats exactly how tuning works. other calsses scale, hunters do not.

The vast majority of the nerfs are because they added pet scaling to hunters. But yea you’re right, hunters definitely don’t have scaling off crit and attack power. They just only do flat damage the whole expansion.

You clearly dont know how to use it, look at yesterday, post hunter nerfs… its not even close. Rogues/Warriors are within 1-2 dps of pre hunter nerfs… why because they scale and dont have useless runes. Hunters do not scale… you really should understand what you are talking about before posting. or atleast learn how to use logs.


Then link your version that’s supposed to be good. I love when people are “Go look at this thing” and then you do, and it doesn’t show what they want so then they go “You’re doing it wrong!”

This is all avoided by posting YOUR evidence.

Yet another bait post from an LFR hero that neglects the scaling of ranged shots vs scaling of melee. Of course the median of hunter will be higher because of ranged mechanics when the median is undergeared. The top end parses for rogue and warrior are both higher than hunter, and they’re not even at their peak of power. Hunters are peaking right now.


“Well, actually, current logs are showing them in very healthy competition with the other top dps, and even up to the highest percentiles they’re still closely tied for 2nd highest”


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literally click the rankings - you cant post an excel to the forum. Look at the hunters with KC + Wind serpent and the scrorpid… its not hard, Dont post unless you do your research.

Nah bro not allowed to give any feedback because we’re top dps :slight_smile:

Why would you need to post an excel spreadsheet? What I linked for you is an aggregated listed of the average damage done of all classes across all percentiles, showing the highs and lows of the classes.

No, if you have done the research you need to post it. Don’t just say “No you did it wrong” or “You don’t know how to use logs.”

Because I went to the logs and I looked at the aggregated rankings. If you have additional information then YOU need to share it. not me.

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