This is a troll comment. Thanks for making me laugh.
So it’s REALLY SUPER WEIRD how all the hunters were using them then isn’t it? Almost like maybe there was a MASSIVE issue with the pet. But wait, I thought this was about more than just the raid? Are we just lying again?
So we’re ok with hunters only using a single pet across all hunters as long as it’s a different pet than hunters are traditionally known for using right? Because it’s not like there was variety before, wolf, cat, boar, brokentoe. Surely not.
Did you stop to wonder WHY the hunters keep gravitating towards the same pets regardless of rebalancing? It’s because players are lazy and default to the best damage. All pets could be literally mathematically equal and people would STILL just default to whatever one was popularly considered the best because human beings are incapable of evaluating data properly.
Yea they actually function. Freaking weird huh? It’s almost like they took the specs that were SO TERRIBLY UNPLAYABLY BAD that they were literal memes and gave them baseline functionality available to all classes and suddenly that’s “A massive change to the class.” which is wild.
Maybe it’s because everytime someone points out that the hunter pets before these changes were obviously overtuned, crybaby Op comes in with the “NUH UH! What about rogues”
Hunters were using multiple pets previously. Scorpid wasn’t even the best WSG pet because of the limitation I posted above. It was a good mix of Wind Serpents and Scorpids, both are historically never used for anything. Now we’re back to 100% cat meta.
You listed cat twice. Wolf was only used in raids because pets die instantly and it has an attack power buff, which actually only impacts melee so most people don’t even bother using a pet at all at 60 in group pve content. They now nerfed pet survivability into the ground so I expect no pets to be the 60 meta still. Not lone wolf though because that rune is trash, every hunter must use lion.
Because players will always gravitate to the meta. It’s the way the game works. The meta in classic is Warrior. They get to tank in a dps spec, do 50% more damage than any other class, make up 25+ slots in a raid group, and have gotten only buffs so far in SoD. Meanwhile hunter, a class that gets 0 raid slots at 60, has not had any meaningful changes at all made to it. The few changes that might have done something have all been nerfed to be completely cosmetic.
I like the fact you only pointed out paladin from what I said and didn’t address mages/rogues or warlocks getting extra cool abilities to choose from where hunters are all passive. (the better dps ones are passive after all the nerfs, I AGREE WITH THE DPS NERFS BTW), and like you said people gravitate towards the better number’s.
Soooo why do ours have to be passive? Can’t we have more active abilities to choose from that didnt get gutted too?
Also i mistakenly listed brokentoe, I meant there are rares that have special attack speed properties. That was my mistake.
As someone that raided classic with hunters that parsed in the high 90s, they were using wolves. Like it’s fine that you don’t know what you’re talking about, but we absolutely loved our hunters. because they knew how to play.
I’m not even going to keep responding to you unless you can answer this simple question. Was it ok for hunter pets to have twice the health and armor of geared level 25 players? Yes or no.
Wrong. Warriors were top, with rogues, feral, and warlock tied with hunter. Now they ruined the classes game play by making the best runes all passives. I cannot emphasize how bad and short sighted these changes are
Probably because they think the current design for hunters is fleshed out. The same way that warriors got the least interesting runes too. We might see more spellpower focused shot runes later though. I imagine a lot of stuff changes as gear expands. It’s very clear 25 is not the best place for full expression.
Brokentooth is a cat. It shares the same attack speed as the hillsbrad starving mountain lions. It is nothing more than a cat. You don’t even know enough about hunters to know the name of their most meta pet of the last 20 years.
Read what I wrote and try to understand it, please. You don’t even know how hunters work and it’s obvious. You aren’t even reading to comprehend, you’re only reading enough to make a troll response.
Yes it was 100% okay for a hunter pet to have more hp than a player. Do you want to know why? Because a hunter pet can be cc’d and the hunter using it is nothing more than a helpless target dummy. It’s not my fault there is a massive skill issue across the classic community that they can’t figure out how to use their buttons.
Is it not an issue that a warrior has more hp, and more damage than everyone else while tanking yet they only get buffs? They’re doing double the dps of the pre-nerf scorpid and that’s all right!
We don’t even have steady shot, hunters are not fleshed out in classic by any means of the word, you know hunters were supposed to have steady shot and pet scaling back in 2004?
This stuff should of been in the game already.
It’s why hunters were number 1 dps on ST in TBC, because they finished the class.
ive responded to your posts on this thread already. my point is that you do not know what youre talking about and you’re pretending that you do and trolling people on this forum and you should please stop doing so. i get it a hunter killed you too many times in pvp because you don’t know how to pvp/play your class and hunters are the hard noob counter. that doesnt mean you need to come to the forums and heavily lie and complain when youre the problem.
They were also supposed to have focus as a resource. Are you suggesting that they completely redesign the game around focus? I’m not sure that Steady Shot is the impactful get you might think it is. They got that in TBC and it devolved hunters into a 1 button macro spam.
stop responding to him hes just making stuff up. he doesnt care or know about what is correct or incorrect. its like fighting a bs hydra. this guy and redde have been trolling the forums all night it seems.