Hunters in my guild want to get ashkandi

I know change is a hard concept for some people to understand. I know thinking what they’re doing is best and learning it’s not is hard for people to understand. I also understand willingly being just another average boring ole hunter, because you know what? It’s simple. Just sit back, aimed, watch the big crits roll in, and enjoy life. Maybe tranq once in a while, maybe not and just blame it on lag if the tank dies.

Sure, you can top parses like this, just look at the top hunter logs. No way there could ever be anything better, right? Surely MY way is the BEST way. Surely what was discovered 15 years ago is the absolute best no questions asked?

You can do napkin math right? If not, you can reference here and enter it into a calculator.

You say NO WAY a hunter would ever weave. Right?

Weaving needs only one simple thing to be pointed out: 1 raptor is worth 1.2-1.4 times the amount of an auto. This means that if you run in and out and completely lose an auto taking nearly 6 seconds to get back into auto shot position, you still do more DPS. A raptor that is 1k damage and an auto that is 1k damage, you could replace the auto with a raptor. Weaving only takes about 3 sec to run in and out. That’s 0.9 sec of an auto lost due to weaving with rhok, and only 0.4 sec lost with ashjre’thul. Adding 1k damage, for 0.5 sec lost… Are you good at napkin math? to me, that looks like at the very roughest of estimations about 80% more damage over that 1k auto. Thats even assuming it’s 1:1 in damage!

Now I know, it’s again a hard concept to understand. I get it. Change is bad. Except, change is actually the only possible thing in this entire game that can make this class legitimately better.

“But top hunters don’t do it. It must be bad or not worth it.” claiming that just because top people don’t do it doesn’t mean it isn’t the best lol.

As you’ve seen before, Skinnay is probably the #1 parses for weaving. Here’s some more top dps doing it (though less often)

amps does it and he’s 9th world wide

seanimus does it hes 8th world wide

But nooo the top 7 don’t do it so it must be bad, right :slight_smile: I crit less than my friend, and he doesn’t weave some fights I do. He usually parses higher regardless. Does that mean weaving isn’t better? no, just means someone did some favors for good rng guid :slight_smile:

If I was to tell you and prove to you using fast af daggers was bis on rogue, but no one was doing it, is it still better? does the fact people do or don’t do it make it any less better? How can any new ideas ever be discovered if everyone is set in their own, simple minded ways?

TL;DR weaving is good, it’s just not caught on yet. It’s like bottled water. People think it’s a dumb idea until they realize they could’ve made billions if they’d thought of it sooner.

If you take nothing away from my post fine, but know this. A few months from now, more and more people will be doing it. Will you?

Link to spreadsheet below:


That isn’t true.

2-h fury is an excellent build if you’re an orc with a good axe, and pretty decent if you’re a human with BRE (tho in that case it will fall off significantly in the future).

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pvpers are an ad if they’re good, that’s not true

they’re worth a lot more than pvers cuz they’re out there reppin

very little reason not to give pvpers what is otherwise vendor trash if they’re gamers

Hunter weapon ofc. Ret luls.

I’m a hunter and I’ll wait to get the 3 weapons from ZG all from the last boss. The 2h which is good for PvP and the two 1h weapons (sword/dagger) which are BIS pve. Unless you get insanely lucky with drops and no one else needs one, you should not get a bis weapon for another class to use as a bis stat stick.

Ashkandi is BIS PvE for hunters

In P3 it is, not P4. Imagine getting it over someone and then replacing it in ZG.

zinrokh does not replace ashkandi, it’s worse for hunters

The sword & dagger from ZG are better for PvE

Nope, Ashkandi is still BiS until AQ polearm.

56 ap + 2% crit + 30 agi (enchants) > 86 ap + 15 agi (enchant)

Sword + Dagger > 2H for PvE

Even without the enchants it’s still better

you clearly haven’t paid any attention to the discussion here…

Too much to read, but the math doesn’t lie, the 1h’ers add more stats.

the math doesn’t lie that weaving adds more damage than the stats on 1h’s add to ranged :slight_smile:

Situational and unreliable on a majority of the fights.

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you can weave every fight in current content, and probably every fight in bwl, just need to bring consumes

If you don’t want to read the whole thread, just read this reply Hunters in my guild want to get ashkandi - #342 by Sîxx-incendius

Melee Weaving shows a substantial increase in simmed dps over the regular rotation, and it will only get easier with the BWL xbow’s slower speed.

By the time you get both 1H weapons from ZG, your focus is on AQ40/Naxx, and that’s what I was referring to.

But I do agree for 2H BRE is better and warriors should going DW Fury, but if it’s a big upgrade for a warrior with neither, hard to justify taking it over them for stats. The raid DPS will go up higher on the warrior depending on what he had before.

It won’t make that much of a difference in AQ40/Naxx, a majority of the fights having 2 1H weapons will be better. But having both would be ideal. As I mentioned, it’s still more raid DPS in the hands of a warrior if the guild has been unlucky with weapon drops or have a lot of warriors to gear out.

Warrior is the new hunter