Hunters dropping in DPS Rankings every week

Nope. Just pointing out that the “second most mobile RDPS” isn’t actually an accurate description in many situations. Like BM having the most Leech, it’s technically true if looking at % of total uptime, but not in practice or when looking at % of overall damage likely affected by movement requirements.

Now, if WRG just weren’t meta, that’d probably change a fair bit.


I was looking for that word you already said, “weave”. Weaving is a skill, much like the obsolete skill of kiting. It doesn’t come standard issue like the plethora of tools others have.

We’re not like other classes that can just press a button and we’re instantly Johnny/Janey on target. Only SV gets Harpoon which is the poor man’s OL Grappling Hook.

Skill-based mobility will always be worse than class or spec based mobility.

Why would kiting be obsolete?


Melee mobility outpaced kiting.

That makes it a more difficult skill to utilize properly, it doesn’t make the skill itself obsolete.

Also, there are parts of the game that aren’t pvp.

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I know a source on YouTube that for Hunters at least, kiting is obsolete. Suffice it to say that at the highest levels of PvP, MM meta involves 0 kiting. It barely involves any movement.

I mentioned kiting because like weaving, it’s something a Hunter or any RDPS in particular *had to learn. Nowadays, because of melee QQ tears, we can’t have them at a disadvantage. Because reasons.

A YouTuber says kiting is obsolete, so that means it’s obsolete?

Again, PvP is not the majority of this game.

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Oh, no. It’s not like that.

Imagine two MMs in, uhhh, “simulcast”, popping off two Sniper Shots, Rapid Fires, and Killshots. It’s enough to delete most within 5 sec.

Right, the highest levels of PvP are multibox MM Hunters. :roll_eyes:

There is literally one Hunter in the top 100 3v3 ladder. They are BM.

In the top 100 2v2 ladder, there are two Hunters, one BM (same as 3v3), one MM.

In the top 100 10v10 ladder, there is one MM Hunter.

Hide and Jekyll of Magtheridon, as you can see, had no problems shredding up R1s.

This is how MM is played at the highest level. I didn’t exactly say a whole lot of them even bother playing it AS it is played in the highest level. There was a token Disengage by one of them, but other than that, just pure instadeletion.

Edit: and that’s the beauty of it. If you know what you’re doing as a MM, it’s cake. That BOTHERS a lot of people, even here. I didn’t get around to Armory these two MMs yet. Sadly, it involves “simulcast play” or a well-practiced MM duo with a RDruid.

Granted, this is the PvP side of it, but it’s worth making the application to PvE as well. Somebody/somebodies could mbox MMs for M+ or Raid…

h ttps://

[checks stopwatch] 163 posts before we reached the praise-singing of the multibox mm youtuber of whom jackalswind is literally the only fan, if anyone’s keeping track for the bingo sheet


They are rated 2019 and blowing up a 1900 Mage. In what way is that the “highest level” of PvP?

A 5th grader knows the ilvl is not that much different between that rating and the highest. Granted, that’s against that comp. Ofc not all comps are created equal, but you can taste the salt of the other side’s sweat.

The mboxer only has the 2 pc set bonus too. Not even the 4 pc. Don’t need it! Too few class/specs can repel firepower of that magnitude.

2019 is not even on the leaderboards for 3v3 ladder. And the cutoff for Elite is 2375.

True, but that’s besides the point. It’s so damned good and easy it wouldn’t even feel like an accomplishment. But nonetheless if you want to win guaranteed, that’s how ya do it.

You’d have to gimp yourself on purpose to make it challenging. *That’s where a lot of the hate comes from. And Blizzard would forever GO MEDIEVAL on MM and strip it all away. MMs of the world, unite.

It almost reminds me of the old Roguecraft videos of old. Remember how Rogues can just PK people being naked with worn daggers? It’s almost similar to that, just because Rogues didn’t even need the gear and didn’t even need some of the CDs.

You’re really going to post the pvp dude you’re in love with and pretend you’re not jackals :rofl:

Just because he cited those videos, doesn’t mean no one else does but him only.

For all we know, you’re Jackalswind. You were the one that got banned however long. Since obviously you talk about him so much…kinda sus there. Like he’s been living rent-free in your head and in some others round here.

If that’s the case, we should be honored you’re still here and hanging out with the rest of us even in these times.

Edit: Let me put it this way. I don’t want to know what you know, okay? I frankly don’t care. I just wonder why you keep talking about him. Are you trying to get him to come back?

it really does the only one who posts that trash is jackals and the actual dude who made them.



Nope just the village idiot who has returned good to see you bud

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So you’re suggesting that Jackalswind is the WFOS guy who goes by Cashmeowside/Howbohdah/Hide/Jekyll. So you’re saying it could be HIM, or that I could be that guy.

It’s established he’s a mboxer, so yea, multiple accts.

Obviously you can’t disclose that here. If you know, you know.

Well, now I’m confused that you might have dialed up the wrong number. Just for the record, I don’t know Cash’s actual name. I know what he looks like, but that’s confidential. Go ask him if you want.

Edit: He’s been on here a few times to showcase his vids, so I guess you think I’m him but in one of the 4+ accts he has. Well, I guess you got me. You got the WORLD’S FASTEST ONESHOTS guy, or MAYBE you got one of his “clientele” so to speak; those he offers to get upwards to 2k.

To be fair, Helios: I don’t know who you think you’re talking to. You’re obsessed with this guy, and that’s cool, but if he got banned, typically people leave that alone and move on. They typically don’t file it in the back to retrieve later, you know what I’m sayin’?

Nope I see reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit

I never said this… please work on your reading comprehension

Nope I just think its incredibly cringe you are pretending to be someone else

You’d think someone that keeps getting banned would move on right? but here you are on a different toon yikes

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