Hunters dropping in DPS Rankings every week

Yup. That’s why I study history instead of the false claims that I propagate misinformation. Because Blizzard has done things a certain way since Legion and after.

I don’t want the last six years to go to waste.

They’re no more “polar opposites” to each other than MM is from SV, and scarcely more so than SV is from current BM.

More importantly, they could literally have totally different effects between BM and MM for each and every hero node.

Unless somehow being a Dark Ranger were thematically incompatible with BM, despite the original WC3 Dark Ranger’s only unique skill summoning pets (Black Arrow was just a mana-spending toggle for increased damage per shot, and the remaining skills were stolen from Warlock and Priest) and Dark Ranger NPCs in WoW often using pets, there’s nothing in how MM handles that motif that would make it incompatible with how BM can handle that motif nor vice versa.

Dark Ranger is somewhere between a collection of skimped opportunities and a complete mess at present, but that is not because it’s available to BM and MM instead of, say, MM only or MM and SV. We don’t have any melee or device/tool-focused precedent for a Dark Ranger, and actual active skills of a Dark Ranger have been at least as pet-focused as not.

But they said it on the internet, and no one could be mistaken on the internet! (Except those drawing actual information from patch notes, databases, large-sample statistics, etc. They’re delusional.) /s


Divorcing out of the class is just a few bridges too far and is, frankly, never going to happen. Dev resources are simply not going to go there. They’ve been allocated already for the next coming years. They certainly aren’t going to abandon the hero cross-spects etc. Besides that severe of a class split just hits the feels. BM is fam. Doofus fam but fam nonetheless.

As an aside, some people did ask for MM to be less associated with a pet including me back in the day. MM is also NOT a pet free hunter. You have pets still. LW is obligatory for raiding and mythics but consider newbs etc. Some people starting this class are going to still choose MM right of the bat.

MM just needs buffed. AURA BUFFED. You like that, fair altani?

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Then you’re hoping that BM mains would just capitulate and accept the new changes of MM and SV actually being good without their pushback? I think the hero classes are an opportunity but it has to be done right.

They might have been fam before Leg, but families can be estranged (btdt…). But even before the estrangement it was a dysfunctional relationship.

I won’t say it won’t work, but you asking BM supremacists to do something they never had to do, nor wanted to do, for 20+ years. So this is when the shoe goes on the other foot. If 20 years of indulgence was good, more years are even better…

The only thing loved more than gold, is more gold.

I can see it happening when Blizzard takes the HARD line against BM, to shut their ears and eyes to their QQ. Really in fact, that should have been a thing the whole time. We probably would have never suffered these six years if BM learned to get through substantial nerfs.

No doubt that Jo Frost knows Blizzard is ultimately at fault for this, but she had not been allowed to perform her super nanny work.

No hope is necessary. If blizz makes MM very good then they can either stay BM or not. It’s their choice. There would be some more MM players but not that many. MM is a pain compared to BM to operate. BM is a better quality of life regardless of what happens to MM if you stream or lead in any fashion. You can divide your attention better.

Edit - BM needs to remain strong because it is popular which pays the bills. That doesn’t mean MM can’t be strong though. If they QQ so what? It’ll be normalized fast enough.

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This HAS to be jackalswind, there is no way there are 2 Hunters this stupendously unintelligent.

It’s worse than that - it’s a clickbait article on a site that exists to sell RMT boosts and carries.


absolutely hilarious to me that BM’s quality of life (0 cast times, plays like a melee DPS) is seen as a massive benefit compared to MM’s 70% (!!) mobility

I’d rather play MM than BM any day of the week. I play what has the most potential, of course, but BM’s mobility doesn’t come into consideration for me when I make that choice. I don’t get the argument that two specs sit in BMs shadow considering how often MM is the go to.


It’s the status quo but with the goalposts shifted around some. I didn’t want BM to drop off either, and it wouldn’t have if it got its own class anyway.

That’s not flattering when you say BM has to have that quality of life because that undermines the true capabilities of gamers. That’s suggesting gamers gotten weaker in mind. A well-scripted damage bot could do BM’s job as it stands, but it’s still against EULA. There’s nothing in the EULA that you can’t have an animal operate your account, so even a Rhesus monkey is passable.

The reason for that is the density/location of MM’s 30% immobility — namely, mostly during the period they have the most to lose, with only about 1 GCD of mobility (not even bankable) per 3 GCDs.

Fix Trueshot, or move MM’s damage profile away from being so bundled up in that (though then you remove their unique advantage in burst AoE, so that can’t be done without compensation), and far fewer would sleep on their overall average % of time mobile, since actual effective mobility has more to do with the portion of damage over time at unavoidable risk/loss than mere time itself.

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the thing about MM’s “immobility” is that it’s very controllable and there aren’t many fights that you don’t know when you’ll have to move. sure, MM’s immobile at it’s theoretical maximum output but also…it’s a ranged DPS so that’s very par the course

Not during Trueshot, it isn’t. You just spam equal thirds Aimed Shot, Aimed Shot, and Rapid Fire, with Rapid Fire occasionally available 1 GCD sooner in that trio due to tier or Surging but still following roughly that same ratio and exactly that same lack of bankability.

If your movement needs happen to coincide with when Rapid Fire is ready to go, great. But it’s not at all controllable during the times MM is actually dealing meaningful damage.

Fixes for that —so it doesn’t make unimproved Kill Shots and your Precise Shots pure waste— are pretty easy, but that is the state of things, and due to tier, we’re especially Trueshot-focused right now.

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well, I mean, you control when you use trueshot. you know when raid events or fight mechanics are happening that would conflict with aimed shot usage

Only in the sense that you can “choose” to hold onto any other offensive vital CD.

But when you’re going 67% turret mode for 28 seconds at a time, that often doesn’t leave spaces in which to smartly weave in that immobility.

which is a lot more than every other (non bm) rdps can say :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on the length of movement requirements or the damage loss one would otherwise face. Spiritwalker’s Grace, talents to greatly reduce the damage loss of Scorch, etc., all do a ton for relative mobility.

Long story short, though MM has better mobility than other non-BM rDPS during lulls, its burst periods still puts it among other rDPS rather than a thing unto itself.

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You know what shoes were in Idiocracy?


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In my day it was ordinary flip-flops. I’m not sure why that needed to go away.

I’m guessing Gen X was the last generation that understood sports, gaming, and the spirit of competition.

and is this a bad thing that a rdps operates like a rdps?