Hunters dropping in DPS Rankings every week

this is what i’m talking about. there is no “fact” that BM gets preferential treatment based on the size of the playerbase. you are making outrageous claims that there needs to be 2 new classes based on your (wrong) perception that BM gets special treatment.

there’s absolutely no reason to do it. it benefits nobody. it causes more work for no gain.

for someone who is throwing a tantrum over imagined preferential treatment for BM, asking them to get their own special class seems a bit on the nose, jackals


its you :rofl: ban evading I see

I’m not going to take you by the hand and show you what’s there. You want to be obstinate? Fine. But don’t assume you’d earn my respect or that of anyone else’s.

Allergic to work, eh? And you don’t speak for others. I don’t pretend to speak for anyone else really; I’m just saying that history is going to repeat itself. The history of all this speaks for itself.

We now have MORE people in the Classic side of things, and it’s expected to grow. You do you, whatever that is.

Obsessed much? You’re obsessed over someone that got banned? What is this buffoonery?

This is starting to get weird. Both you and Nondriel keep bringing his name up.

If you don’t have anything that’s helpful, just don’t say it. Don’t bother me. Go find him if you love him that much.

because you can’t lol. if you had anything actually to prove your point you would have posted it by now


everyone knows its you. you talk the same way, you argue the same way, you have the same reverence for pvp players

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Even if I could, I won’t. Because I actually walk and see with my own two legs/eyes.

To you, and Retail, depending on who you ask, has been irrelevant for some time.

Why do you think Blizzard announced the next three expansions in a row?

Doesn’t that show how much obsession you have for him? That you’re accusing others of they being him? Just keep it to yourself, please.

Do I have to stop replying to you?

it doesn’t matter if you will or won’t, because you can’t lol.

I am hoping MM is in the gutter because it’s getting a rework, but not in the same sense that SV was placed in the gutter in WoD for a redesign.

I’m ready for melee marksmanship next expansion.

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mm stands for meleeman

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Even for the memes, that’s just awful.

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Hunter defense (lack of) is a huge problem both in pvp and pve.


Expected to be C- through one source. And guess which Hunter spec gets to be C+?

Wow. That’s like…the only way SV and/or MM will ever be as good if not better than BM is if SV and MM fall under a different class.

So a rework is fine. It won’t get us past C if BM isn’t at least B+. And it starts to get crowded at B+…

h ttps://

lmao the source has 0 credibility stop being a loon

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Clickbait articles designed to push ads for revenue are not a very good source. Half the assumptions they make are based on things that don’t even exist yet.


It’s a source dated last week, and I believe it was before(?) Dark Ranger announcement?

Hunter specs usually end up in the lower sections of current PvE tier lists. Marksmanship is rated the lowest. Beast Mastery is the mightiest among them. But what BM-like mechanics could possibly strengthen Marksmanship? It’s hard to predict whether yet-to-be-revealed Hero talents will help other specs to become the top The War Within DPS. For now, Hunter has to remain in section C.

See how it’s BM centric? I don’t want ANYTHING from BM. Also, SV gets ZERO mention, as if the spec doesn’t exist at all. And we know why.

Just do it…

Its still a terrible source it could come out a week from now and it would still mean nothing


For this class, it’s a direct commentary to how things (edit) are now. You missed that. Granted yes, this was probably before DKR mockup. We don’t have the other two yet.

That means certain things have to happen to get Hunter out from underneath C because it’s already falling behind the other classes.

And I don’t doubt the verity of BM hogging up all the focus. BM already wrote off DKR(for now), but if PL is bad, I will know exactly what will happen. They don’t even care that SV has DKR “stolen” from them.

Oh no, we can’t reunite SV with BArrow. Uh uh. They’re our good little female puppy dogs~~~!!!

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s just an article someone wrote for a web site. It’s one person’s opinion. They don’t credit any reliable sources for their information. Using it as your source is no different than saying “My friend said…”


I never pretended otherwise. It’s not looking good for MM and SV anyway you slice it.

MM and BM, two polar opposites, lumped in with DKR was already a yuge mistake. Everyone expected MM and SV to share DKR. SV and BM would have PL, and BM and MM would then have Sentinel. From a damage standpoint, it would equal out as none of the specs would deviate from their intended… fantasies.

Not that’s it’s unfixable especially before alpha, but I would be ticked if it even began that way in the alpha.

Well, there are so many fundamental issues with Dark Ranger, I give it 50/50 odds that it gets a near complete overhaul. I think it will go one of two ways.

  1. They resist a complete redesign, but try to address the fundamental problems we’ve all pointed out. The result will be a convoluted mess that everyone hates.
  2. They realize it’s unfixable, scrap most of it, and start over. Probably not a full redesign, but at least half the talents will be redesigned.

If Dark Ranger goes live as it is, it will join the pile of other massive fails they’ve pushed on Hunters - like the Rasz bow.

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