Hunters dropping in DPS Rankings every week

but this doesn’t make any sense.

you are acting like there’s only a certain amount of buffs to be given per spec per class. that is not the case, it’s never been the case, you clearly don’t understand how the game works at all.

the population of BM has 0 impact on tuning done to MM or SV, just like BM has 0 impact on other specs.

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I don’t care about the buffs right now. That can be discussed after the proverbial class exodus. You can make MM the strongest or SV the strongest of the 3, it won’t matter a hill of beans particularly long term. This too has been tried and failed, both specs. I would be more than happy to discuss buffing/nerfing/balancing afterwards, after…nodding head to the side about BM in the room.

You’re right, but you’re wrong. BLIZZARD has 100 impact on tuning done to MM, SV, or BM. BUT. WHO. HAS. MOST. IMPACT. ON. BLIZZARD.

Who is the NECK that turns the head? High time to perform a dual amputation of MM and SV from the Hunter body…

but your entire premise is based on nothing. why not just ask for 39 different classes at this point. you seem to be operating under the assumption that BM’s player base any impact on anything.

they aren’t the top damage in raids or keys, they’re not unkillable walls, so like…what are you even crying about? what are you actually trying to say here jackals?

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It’s not creating a new class from scratch, for one. And if the other class communities are satisfied with the way things are, nothing needs to change. This is rather unique to Hunters and perhaps some other classes.

Leaving that be because of your obstinateness.

Dude, that’s a completely different issue. You’re derailing.


no it’s not. you don’t know what you’re talking about.

explain why you think BM should be its own class. it doesn’t get extra dev attention currently, it doesn’t get favorable tuning, so what’s your problem?

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The real problem is that you don’t know where you belong, and that’s a you-problem. The rest of us can help with said you-problem, but you have to want the help. If you’re lost, get a clue. Posting on a druid alt no less, which was quite sus already.

Number one, it’s already its own class as self-evident except in the formal. Number two, it gets most of the dev attention there already is. I hardly consider it “extra”.

My problem is that if we’re going to be given cinder blocks while we’re drowning, we might as well cut off that which drowns us and swim back up on our own. That’s my problem, but maybe it’s not a problem depending on the real future of Retail.

no it does not. again, this is why i think you don’t know what you’re talking about.

made up problem.

completely meaningless statement in the discussion.

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You’re a credit to the mainstream Retail Hunter community, and I’m glad that you passed with flying colors the useful idiot and apparatchik person you’ve proven well to be. Whatever was in it for you, I hope you get it(you probably won’t).

*After all, I’ve been at it with someone on his goofy druid alt, no doubt to stifle, stymie, and literally sow discord among the non-BMs. I wonder if you actually GOT PAID to do this, because I can honestly tell you I didn’t. Do you get paid by the hour…?

bm hunters like my post to use our collective political power to banish mm hunters from the game please

one brushed up against me and farted almost 10 years ago and i’m still mad

Then that will apply just as much to what classes are optimal as what specs. Separating SV and MM from Hunter solves nothing.

You can already have unique advantages for SV and MM… by the simple fact that they have separate trees. You do not need separate classes to balance BM, SV, and MM separately; it doesn’t even help.

If Fire Mage were given a braindead spec that nonetheless had less risk or effort but equal or greater value than most other specs (whatever class they may come from), then that’d be a problem regardless of whether you threw Frost and Arcane into a different Sage class, because it that imbalance would be a problem for EVERY class, not just Mage or Mage/Sage.

correcting misinformation mostly

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Hah. A BM main WOULD BE bitter that the spankin’ new Lone Wolf MM would get one over them during the WoD cycle. Even so, it just proves my argument even more.

Obviously full spec deletion wouldn’t happen as there would be a compromise…the compromise of Marksmanship being in a different class than Beastmaster.

Let’s actually put that to the test first at any rate. Even if it would be a bad decision, it’s better than indecision.

What defines a class and its boundaries? To think that MM and SV have never been more estranged and share less in common than in yester-xpacs with BM, and some of it was done deliberately.

Lone Wolf being a thing since WoD, MSV being a thing since Legion, BM not having access to Camo until BFA, when before all that all 3 Hunter specs had a great many things in common for the first half of WoW’s timeline.

Far easier for those classes to have their own devs…

Which I know it’s not a strong point right now, given the abysmal manpower and retention of this “small indie company”.

What misinformation? Was I speaking from Blue resources or datamining? Was I NOT trying to bring forth new proposals and ideas?

I never pretended that anything I said was official Gospel or added to it. I’m just acting in the best interests of Hunters who main MM and/or SV. I’m not misinforming: ALL THE INFO anyone needs to make a decision is there. It’s all there, and it itself speaks.

MMs and SVs who are trying to come to the table are getting bogged down by the likes of you and quite frankly, we’re sick and tired of it. We’d rather be free and loosed of it. If you’re getting paid for this, that’s nice. We all need to eat. You got a good side hustle. But hey, I wish I could get paid to do this too. At least for it to buy me lunch or a coffee…

jackals babe i played survival during wod like pretty much every hunter did… but i will give you 1 star just cuz i think your mog is cute. have a great day! :heart:

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Jackals babe? I keep hearing that. Is that slang? Who or what is that?

Edit: So this is the deal, and it’s not going to change. I was around back in BFA, so I know what the past six years has been like. While I’m not a Blue and don’t pretend to be, I don’t see MM nor SV being the strongest and definitely not for longer than one season.

We have not had a sitting class dev, so it is what it is. BM is never going to bite the bullet about this so it’s obvious what needs to be done, if you care to stay in Retail.

We have tons of testimonies, tons of metrics…literally an entire ARCHIVE of Hunter history to purview. If you want to REPEAT history, that’s your choice, but it’s your choice that can make your friends and you yourself jump ship.

I honestly don’t know how Classic Legion is going to make it, as that was the very beginning of this nightmare, but at least we’d still have SoD.

you seem to be operating under the assumption that due to bm’s player base size they get special treatment or extra resources / the other 2 specs are ignored even though that’s observably not the case.

this is what I mean, you’re making things up to get mad at

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So I “magically”, all of a sudden, by some weird KNEEJERK REACTION to the mockup of Dark Ranger, started blurting out that MM and SV need a class divorce from BM in the foreseeable future. I wasn’t even saying it had to happen right now during DF or even TWW.

That doesn’t answer my question. What misinformation? You seem to act like I have insider information. Now the DKR information is subject to change, and we haven’t seen the Pack Leader stuff yet, but how did I all of a sudden call for this?

Don’t accuse anyone of misinformation without the right proof, dude.

I won’t take that gaslighting. Just because it’s never been done before and that some people are afraid it’s a bad idea overall, doesn’t mean it can’t be done and doesn’t mean it can’t be a good or a GREAT idea.

What does BM stand to lose from a MM+SV Brexit? Better yet, what does BM STAND TO GAIN?

With the CORRECT information that’s there, BM mains have been running the show for a long time at the expense of the other two. I personally remember it when SV took a major hit during Wrath.

I’m only starting to budge the ball for rolling. You would rather let the status quo stand and let MM and SV be the chattel for BM. That’s just sick, dude.

i literally just told you. you think BM gets special treatment or generous tuning. that’s not the case.

nothing. there is no reason to do this.

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Source? What source am I getting it from, since you seem to be the doctor(that cures) of misinformation?

If I’m being misinformed, prove it. Tell me what sources I’m using. My opinion is my own, but opinions are created from the facts and truths of things.

So it should be no problem granting this request, if by your take it is nothing. If you say BM neither loses nor gains, it is of no consequence.

Then take your seat and let it happen. *This isn’t your fight and you don’t have a dog in it. If the Blues have this underway, even as I speak now, then you don’t have a part in it if it’s nothing to you and by your assessment “doesn’t need to happen”.

It’s not yours. If it *were, you relinquished it.

Hi Jackalswind hope you are well

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Oh, that’s who some of you were referring to. People kept saying it.