Hunters dropping in DPS Rankings every week

dude you aren’t fooling anybody. please get real, it’s starting to be really embarrassing


It’s TFCAgentW#1582. I’ll let him know you people are coming so he’ll be ready to add. I had to go get the number.

Furthermore, for the last time I politely ask to be left alone. I’m cautioning everyone. You have Jackal’s btag. Now, leave me alone.

What are you even talking about, lay off the drugs man lol.
What we need is a competent or maybe just a dev at all, its clear that the specs are handled by a different dev and each dev is responsible for multi-classes. i know start of DF we had a pretty dedicated dev who was cmmunicating changes and asking for feedback all thoughout the beta and hunter got a decent ammount of changes, then that guy disapeared and now its been this way ever since.


I never argued against reliable, dependable devs. That doesn’t necessarily refute a “Brexit” though. It would just mean you’d have a dev or two that will overlook SV/MM and a dev overlooking BM, in two different houses. *It gets even better when the devs would not feel any pressure to kowtow to the spec(s) he/she are not in charge of.

A Ranger dev won’t need to hear it from the Hunter or Beastmaster class. He just needs to hear it from MM Ranger and/or SV Ranger. He/she is a lot FREER to manage.

BUT! If we’re going with your way, as I told Luna BM is going to have to get their can kicked when needed for the greater good. I don’t see that happening based on the history.

And all this is. No drugs except caffeine and there’s nothing doing about getting off that. Look at the history: look at what has consistently happened and look at what has NEVER happened.

Last time they added another class it was evoker and that shoulda been deleted soon as they added aug.

They look like separate players from this. Scroll down and shows Istolilly reply to Jackalswind and date.

this doesn’t mean anything at all? you can just switch characters and reply to yourself

yeah what he said. i bet he can do 5000 pushups and has 1 million goth girlfriends.

It might be a friend’s character and they are using it now to reply again. Maybe Jack be banned and ask to use their character? Isto had a different way of writing than Jack.

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Yours is literally the smartest take yet. Unlike the utter vast majority of gossiping cluckers, you actually do your research. It’s pointless for me to tell the truth, because the “truth” is whatever we want it to be isn’t it? The nature of the Post-Modernist Beast. But even the FACTS are not neglected. Even if there’s no truth but facts, the FACTS do not support those who say I’m him. That’s important.

I don’t see what this obsession over him helps. He’s like Mango from SNL, dancing forever in their minds. Banned or no, they want him back. I just think it’s weird, but again, we’re talking about one of the best Hunters in the world. If the FACTS say anything about this, they clearly recognize him.

Look at how much Asmongold is hated for an idea, and is he not world famous in WoW? Jackalswind might as well be the Asmongold of the Hunter class.

yaps like jackals
worships the same pvpers like jackals
plays on the same server as jackals
has the same ego as jackals

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well said nondriel, you’re so intelligent and attractive and good at video games. i bet you type at 200 wpm and run a 4 minute mile. i agree with you, everything you have said, and everything you will say. i am a separate person btw, you can tell because my character on the forums is different

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Hey guys I actually know helios irl and the dude is JACKED, he’s the best wow player I’ve ever met and he’s actually the GOD of ww monk AND brewmaster monk. Not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the coolest people. I am a seperate person btw you can tell because my character on the forums is different.

That can be anyone. You’re defining someone based on a) how they “yap”, b) who among the PvE or PvP side they “worship”, c) what servers they share in common, and d) ego type.

That’s a broad brush to paint with. So any hotshot Eonar/Velen/Black Dragonflight who’s ambitious and looks up to the WFOS guy(who has 470 subbers) is a Jackalswind. That’s literally what’s you’re saying. Reductio ad absurdum. That describes more of a TYPE, not an actual player. It also leads to the idea of a cult of personality. He would be the Che Guevara face on “trendy” t-shirts for teens.

Wouldn’t that prove that he’s actually bigger than any one of us knows? Does he even have a public persona? Can we find him on Twitch or YouTube? It’s just as likely he actually works for Blizzard. He could have been the secret “consultant” that has kept MM Hunter what it is today.

Any road, I hate to say that Eonar has been something of a ghost town, same as Velen. I think ambition by itself dictates away elsewhere. But nobody would look there for VIP types, would they?

When the Pack Leader and Sentinel stuff starts coming out, I hope this is all out of ya’ll’s systems. I don’t think any one of us, who neither asked nor cared, would take kindly to these derailments.

nobody has said this but you man please it’s getting really second hand embarrassing.

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holy dsm-5-tr we got us some npd

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I wasn’t quoting anyone about that. But by all means, enlighten us all if you actually KNOW.

If he’s supposedly world’s first in something, Blizzard WOULD KNOW of him. Have they even made an NPC somewhere in the game in his honor? If we stumble upon a goblin NPC in Stormwind City in some hidden location, that’s how we’d know for sure. This feisty little piece of green trash could have been the one who, uh, “removed” one Field Marshal Afrasiabi.

Because he’s been ganking in Stormwind City for years, it’s not farfetched that FM Afrasiabi caught an arrow or bullet.

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The envy and jealousy from you is definitely certifiable. You already have his btag as I’ve given so there’s some things you can do about it. If you can’t beat him, join him: join the winning team. Go get with WFOS. *I don’t think Cashmeowside actually charges, so get with him; he’d love to take you to 1.8k or so without actually boosting because it’s legit mbox play. Or just forget about it and go get your own success. Go do your own thing.

Sitting here and stewing over it in the forums, like we’re supposed to host a pity party for you, is not going to do anything productive. You accuse others of NPD when it is you that is trying to hog up all the attention to yourself.

Edit 2: This is the Hunter forums, I believe. This is not the Urcringe Fan Club or the Urcringe Feel-Sorry-For-My-Failboat forums. I don’t know how many you’ve turned away, but I’m sure any active Hunter is savvy enough to figure things out somehow.

naw aktualy u made a rl thret on me so imma call out u out whenever i pleaz i kno ur a pathological narcist so imma let u get the last word in this thred tho just cuz i kno u need it. ur welcom

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