lol i top BG scoreboards on my hunter alt. he just has random talents I felt were cool. and no enchant honor gear with a few purp conq pieces from boxes mailed from my main.
literally ez mode
Topping damage on a random BG is not a real achievement, and I think we should stop using this as a measurement for success. Iâm in the top 3 on damage on any of my toons whenever I go into the BG with the mindset of âI just wanna attack people.â
Aimed shot can hit for over 100k. Rapid fire can hit for over 100k. Sniper shot can hit for over 100k. But if you are dying to a hunter because of these 3 abilities then it is very much a skill issue. What are you doing to the many other classes with high burst?
I somewhat agree. A melee can top damage by suiciding into a clump repeatedly and aoe cleaving, but they wonât get many killing blows and die over ten times.
For those not doing objectives, Iâd prefer to look at the delta between KBs and deaths. Does anyone ever sort by least deaths? Because, personally, I enjoy not dying.
Hunter is a class that traditionally has a very high delta between KBs and deaths if played correctly.
I play a healer & I donât die⌠I might not have top kills but if you never want to die itâs a good option
unfortunately a lot of hunter dmg isnt padding like this. they target specific players and attack them, the damage contributes to their death a lot of the time. the fact they still get top dmg a lot even so is kinda concerning
Leave the hunters op I need at least that one class I can play whilst completely drunk af
Hunter damage is not AoE pad damage . Itâs all ST focused. Thatâs why they have really high KBâs . As a Ele Shamsn I also have high burst and a lot of KBâs but the hunters have the additional advantage of more range plus high mobility . Of course they are squishy once caught
Some classes/specs have hard counters. Always been that way and will always be that way.
The only way to not have those situations is to make everyone homogenous with a 4 button rotation of, 1: Melee hit, 2: Ranged hit, 3: Defensive, 4: Self-heal. And that would suck.
Play a hunter, figure out their strengths and weaknesses, profit. Theyâre made to kite you. LOS is your friend.
Most people do the pad build
salvo = pad
No some skills just dont get losâed in bgs.
Unfortunately for a lot of people here, Hunter is just one of those classes that performs exceptionally well in random BGs - and Blizzard doesnât balance the game around random BGs.
i have a geared 70 hunter that ona scale 1-10 is a 9.2/10 and i only play bm because its fun and easy i donât play mm. Hunters will always dominate bgs because they have a large tool kit, and canât be silenced and they donât need alot of casting for shots. Even with the crappy bm spec i can easily have a 4-1 kda in bgs.
Hunters have all the advantages of casters without any of the real draw backs.
The problem is wow has been melee heavy the past 4 expansions as melee is low skill cap and easier to play and more forgiving then caster/ranged classes. Hunters are the only ranged class that can burst do damage when on the move or running away.
The other raged classes can be silenced and they require to much casting. Go to your bgs and check 70 percent of the dps are melee specs. Even the bm spec which is a pet spec is better then demo. Demo has to much casting and ramp up time to get shards and pets. Bm hunters donât need to do all that wasting time, all they need is cooldowns and abilities no need to get resources.
Since so many melee have been playing bgs the past expansions players have literally made hunters to combat the 70- percent melee dps in bgs. The only way there will be less hunters is if blizzard buffed the other caster specs.
decent post, elemental shamans can have high damage but hunters have more range and can do alot more damage on the move and high mobility, Most players get upset fighting hunters because of this. Hunters also have a low skill cap and very high skill ceiling. Basically hunters are one of the easiest specs to play, if the other specs and casters were easy to play folks would play them.
Instead blizzard decided to give so many abiltities to casters with 1/3 of them players cant even get off in a pvp setting. Or you need high ramp up time to get procs or charges etc. On my hunter iam basically using only like 13 keybinds on a gaming mouse, unlike mages or locks i would need like 30 keybinds.
i play hunter and pvp in bgs and your 100 percent correct , but blizzard wonât make the other ranged casters/dps easier to play with less abilities, instead each expansion they add more abilities for casters/ranged dps, but hunters stay being easy to use and play it literally is like 5 main abilties paired with other short cooldowns.
Bring back the deadzone
That lost stuff might work in arena but not bgs, 80 percent of the bgs are in outdoor locations with limited spots to los.
Hunters have a good tool kit and yes they canât be silenced. But what do you mean they donât need a lot of casting for shots? BM hunters are pretty manageable, MM hunters have Sniper Shot (cast), Aimed Shot (cast), and Rapid Fire (Streamed cast). Wailing Arrow (Cast)
Hunters lack the defensives that casters have. The ability to lose my opponent when being focused on my Shammy, Boomkin, Frost Mage, even some of the abilities on this Spriest. I would give up rapid fire for some of the mobility and defensives that some of my other toons have. Dispersion is an amazing defensive that heals, Iceblock is an amazing defensive that heals, Shammy can turn into a wolf and heal over time while getting a damage reduction, Druids are⌠well⌠druids.
BM has no burst, and MM hunters canât access their burst on the move.
I donât think youâre playing Demo correctly lol.
On this priest, the only real difficulty I have is with DHâs. I know this might not be the case for everyone, but I just canât keep those freaking jumping jellybeans off me. Luckily, I feel like I hardly see them anymore. Those Rets and Warriors though? EZ.
Theyâre all easy to play lol. BM hunters have a very forgiving playstyle, but if you are struggling with them itâs a you problem.
This is also a you problem. If you find yourself never able to get off a cast then you need to check your positioning.
Blizz is literally cutting abilities to prevent button bloat. This Spriest is losing Mind Flay or Mind Spike in 10.1 to cut back on button bloat.
Might just be an arena thing but demo is right up there with ret as far as OP.
When the BG is over dont immediately exit it. Mouse over the little icon for each player on the left side of their name. It will tell you what spec out of the class they play. Most of them hunters with all them KBs will be MM.
From my experience in BGs the MM hunters will have 20, 40 plus KBs in a match but sometimes lower damage then me and others. Especially in ebgs like ashran or an AV turtle.
Thats just what their kit is designed for.
Imagine if I used the 30% damage buff potion, and flasks. I should min-max random BGâs, Iâm sure others are.