Enough is enough man. Im in Full Epic PvP gear and just getting melted by this ridiculous class. FFs do something. How many damn threads do there have to be before you guys realize this class is broken AF in BGs? There are anywhere from 3-5 in every BG and we all know why. Fix this crap.
Honestly; it’s the easiest class in the game by a mile to be effective in and gank people with relentlessly. You can literally spend the entire game in the back row just hunting for 40-50% health people to RF/Arcane for a quick kill shot window and rack up KBs like Pokémon. Put 3-4 of you together and you end up fighting to smash that KS button first because everyone dies and no one can move.
I don’t even know how you could fix it - their entire toolkit is designed to survive and exploit weakness in disorganized skirmishes. Maybe make silence affect them?
learn the los places on every map.
This isn’t a counter.
Your problem is that you’re frost. Spec unholy and profit.
Sounds like and smells like a hunter only player.
Hunters are fine lol
Deathgrip is your friend… also you have several slows in your toolkit…
Death grip>> slow>>melee damage>> repeat till profit.
For added effect throw in some Death’s Advance at the same time as the slow.
If only it were that simple and you didnt have any way to deal with any CC.
You shouldnt struggle with hunter, pretty much ever.
I’m just lost on how they are shooting me through walls and objects on the field…
They have sentinel owl which is similar to SL Kyrian special abilities. APart from that the lag and channelled continue to hit through LoS. Just fyi
I mean, you can either have Hunters be speedy Gonzalezs who can’t be CCed and constantly running… or WoW’s team on class balance could finally find a way to get them actual damage mitigation other than a 2/1.5 minute heal for 30%, a combat shield that cuts damage by a third or more for something like MM, and playing dead.
Even Survival of the Fittest we got in 10.0 is on a long GD… just…why?
Oh wow, that’s really lame.
Line them.
It’s a big blue circle on the ground and you can just walk out of it, no longer an issue.
If it’s rapid fire that you’re getting hit by then it will continue to hit you out of LOS until the channel is done
Try los’ing a rapid fire after they hit the button
im aware. still a good idea to know where youre safe from ranged pew pew on every map.
Must have been a huge circle that’s always up and following me cause I dont ever see it.
When a BG has zero hunters, it’s like playing a completely different game. I can actually exist and my teammates don’t randomly get 1 hit KO’d.
They need to nerf this classes burst, it’s legit ruining the entire game mode(BGs).