Not disagreeing, though playing healer it’s the MM Hunters that you hate to see. They always stay at max range and they never move out of the bad. Locks kind of do this too but they have great self healing. BM hunters move out of everything and tend to be mid range with me. Sv hunters are in the melee pile which is best.
And yes, healing design of Prevokers is a problem. It GREATLY favors melee DPS, and is punishing with range DPS. It’s the new hotness though. Most healers you’re going to see this expansion are going to be Prevokers.
Either range/reactive healing needs a boost or MM hunters need to be much less squishy. It may be a healer issue, but it’s a hunter problem. A healer is WAY more valuable to the group then DPS number 3,482.
It’s actually a very specific type of damage that is a problem. Spiky boss group wide spells/attacks.
Open world? - pet makes you super strong
PvP - could use a little help but ranged + Cc helps a lot
Dungeon and raid mobs - hit the tank! We take 0 damage.
It’s just the big unavoidable hits that can kill hunter’s. This is because hunter defencives are long CDs and we run out.
I think these unavoidable group wide hits-every target-hard spells should scale down in damage the farther away you are from the boss. This would give ranged classes some natural resistance to this specific type of damage that mirrors the damage avoidance they get in other content by being/staying at range.
Hunter utility also needs help and MM Lone Wolf needs to be looked at.
Lol I have not left, have just stop replying to moppets like yourself who do not know how to have a conversation with calling people names. It always shows when you do not have a point to stand on when you start name calling people who basically do not agree with your point of view.
On the topic that you and others claim do not know what the topic is, I still stand by what I have said.
Hunters are not the worst class in the game.
I don not abide by Youtube as fact on things I do or do not do in a video game It’s a opinion and I disagree.
I will continue to play the class I enjoy because its entertainment and meant to be enjoyed. If what you and how you play helps the group you play with, then carry on.
95% of the people in the thread will not even do the content they are complaining about. I have been playing this game since day one of Vanilla on the same server. The dev’s have always done what they see as their vision of wat Hunters should do and be and have STUCK with it. If you think going on some forum campaign is going magically add all of these changes mention here, then you truly have not been paying attention. Will a few adjustment happen? Maybe.
Welp back to the game. You can carry on with your insults, but please do read the first part of my retort, and understand what’s really happening.
Bm feels okay, MM doesn’t “Chunk” as much as i feel it should but i’m not geared so probably has something to do with it. Hope survival is S1-S2 of Slands fun
Lets say in this example these 2 goof balls you are referencing are full time wow players and they do high key mythics, they say MM hunter is not very good. You as somebody who is not a high key mplus player might listen to what some people say that are high key players that played a ton of the beta and tested it, then be like Okay so MM seems to be not great in High Keys.
its a weird concept but its this thing called people taking the opinion on experts on a specific topic they are not experts on. It happens all the time you wouldnt believe it!
Even in Max’s tier list the person speaking about hunter (Azortharian, who is nothing if not knowledgable about hunters as a class in PvE) didn’t rate any of the specs too highly.
In my opinion, if we were going off raw damage and nothing else, BM and Surv would still be in their respective tiers, and MM would be in B if not promoted to low A. But in these lists they are taking more things into account, and so we got penalties for low survivability and utility.
MM spends at most 17.8% of its time in immobile casts in M+ outside of Trueshot (at which point Aimed Shot drops to as little as a 1.275s cast, pre-Haste).
Yes we are squishy, our utility is not great, our defensives are on long CD’s. We have no great sustained regen/heal. If not taking damage just boiled down to don’t mess up mechanics we would be fine but since Blizz has stuffed dungeons full of unavoidable damage we will come up short in higher keys.
Even if this is true, that’s just how it is. It’s a fact of the spec, doesn’t automatically make it bad. Might make it unappealing to play for some people, but others tolerate it/like it.
Figured I’d give BM a try this season. I’m still working on the gear but it’s like disgustingly more powerful than sv or mm. I can’t wait to see how it plays out after 50 more ilvs.