"Hunter worst class in game"

You don’t get leech from pets. It’s one of the things we’ve been requesting for a long time.

They literally nerfed this a few weeks ago. Leech from Mend Pet has been removed entirely. BM Hunters officially get the least amount of benefit from Leech in the game.


Ok cool so another comment about nothing to do with the video. “I’m completing some of the easiest content the game offers so therefore my class must be good. Gonna let everyone know about my horrible take with an off topic comment. ” Why are people like this?


lol what??


Why are you not able to think for yourself? I will do Heroic level raids, and I will probably push to +15 Mythics. Beyond that I doubt I will do because the guilds I run with are small and full of “grown folks”. Not kids who can play all day every day. Looking it seems you did about the same so…

So the people in the vids are experts in every class. They have mastered every spec. Well ok cool. I do not have the time for that and instead of being a bloody moppet to Youtube, I’m enjoying the game the way I like to play. Lol I’ll go on and bow out. Hard to have conversation with people chained to Youtube personalities, oh wait it’s "Influencers " now.

What are you even on about dude? Like for real do you even understand what you are trying to say? No one cares that you play causally or what you play but don’t equate not coming in last in a M0 with people that may or may not have hands to not being able to survive unavoidable high key mechanics. Which, since it seems you forgot or just aren’t aware of, is the topic of this thread.


The leech is a dead pet bonus now.

Mend pet doesn’t give hunter healing anymore.

BM damage is all in the pet now, which doesn’t heal the hunter.

MM doesn’t use a pet in group content.

SV can use it I guess.


What you’re saying is that the topic doesn’t apply to you, but you still felt the need to post comments about it. Weird flex, but ok.


I posted on the comment of the video that just says Hunters are squishy, we cannot do high keys. We know that we are squishy. Does it stop us from doing the keys? No. Could we use a defensive spell or so? Yes.

So all of you posting on hunters here are going to quit your Hunters. I guess so. I believe while we have some survivability issues, Hunters can play and survive in a M+ or Heroic raid. Been doing it for a while. Now I will admit I do not do the super high wanna be world first pushing for every achievement content anymore, but I disagree that we will walk into a 20+ Mythic and just kill over and die.

That’s my opinion on the matter, and I also do not think we are last in damage. I have been doing M0’s with people equally or better geared, and I am not coming in last as one of you put it. I am also avoiding current mechanics. As I said, we are squishy, but not to the point where you can blow on us and we just die.

I will truly leave this to all the Mythic Plus 20 and above players and all the ones doing cutting edge Mythics Raids. Hope you reroll on the correct flavor of the month. Truly you can just pick up a class that was labeled high tier from the Youtube people.

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I think you missed the point entirely. We don’t want to reroll. Some of us invested the better part of two decades on our characters. We want Blizzard to step up and be more equitable to all classes. We’re complaining, because usually the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Dragonflight was supposed to be a new beginning after the disaster that was Shadowlands. Classes got nifty new abilities and new synergies to explore. All three Hunter specs got the same old crap, lackluster defenses, and middle of the road DPS. Does that mean we can’t do the content? No. But it does make the expansion a bit less fun.


How have you continued to missed the point this badly only to go on yet another tirade? You are being willfully obtuse at this point.


SV Hunter brain in action.


well you might have no issues but ask your healer if they had to babysit a lil more with heals that would been better on the tank XD. Or if you die more on mechanic other classes seem able survive more often. You might find out hunters tend to die more.


If you actually listened to these clowns opinions they have not even done any testing on the new tuning pass. This video is already out of date lmao. They didn’t even show any logs and it is just their opinion.

MM got buffed 10% in total damage and 15% on explosive shot which is a huge part of pack to pack dps when you add in salvo.

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The buffs to MM were great and very much needed, and I think it will excel in low keys just due to the fact its damage profile is built around front-loaded burst cleave. It has the best damage profile between the hunter specs for M+. That being said, from my experience playing hunter and other classes MM has few tools to deal with rot damage well, and if we are headed into a prevoker healing meta its extended range is absolutely useless. It’s also locked out of predator’s thirst and fortitude of the bear.

I think they discounted the power of raw damage a bit too much and went all-in on survivability, but I’m also not going to say tankiness isn’t important. Dead DPS do no DPS. Unfortunately, the damage output of tanky specs is competitive or better than hunter as it stands.

Can hunter, especially MM do well in keys? Yes. Will it be played in the highest of keys? I highly doubt it.


The way I see it the worst problems are with the design rather than the tuning, and those issues are harder to fix. I don’t want to deal with aura damage buff after aura damage buff. I want well-designed specs.


I did listen. Did you? Im gonna say no because lack of good damage was a small part of the reason hunter was placed so low. You obviously don’t understand anything about high keys. Iv never even sniffed the level of these guys and I was doing 23s as MM in S3, which at the time was just inside the top 1% and I was already running into these issues. Now just try to use that brain of yours to extrapolate that to 25s, 28s, 30s…look I’m glad you found a good 1v1 wpvp build and it will probably be fairly good in arena but go do high level RBGs or M+ with it and you’ll get laughed out of the group.


Perhaps the thread should get changed to

“Worst class in game at M+ 30 keys”

which is so far removed from the average player that it is not even worth considering. Who gives a rats @ss about +30 keys. At that level with only 3 dps spots open to choose from, of course there will be differences between specs and classes. Some classes will always be better at that content.


Bro. It’s what the damn video was about. High end M+. How dense can you be? Like for real. You and this other guy man holy hell. And it’s not gonna be 30s good luck pushing early 20s because, you know, that’s what vault caps at now.


The point isn’t being “not the best,” it’s about how it feels bad to be the worst. There always has to be a “worst spec,” which feels bad on its own. To be dubbed the “worst class” feels even worse.

The people making the tier list do clarify that they’re just memes, but unfortunately people still take them seriously. These people are usually bad themselves, but people pugging M+ and applying to keys with that kind of lister will feel it.

Is hunter the worst class right now? Possibly, I haven’t played enough of the others to say for certain. I can say confidently that (non-comparatively speaking) it has glaring issues.

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Of course our class sucks in high end content, was no one paying attention during the alpha and beta for this expansion? The comms broke down fairly quickly then became extinct. My post was just a joke and is just as relevant as the vid.

Because we should all know by now that hunter is very weak defense wise and dmg wise. So i was basically putting out other usless info like the video. They can through all the dmg buffs they want at us, because thats easier then developing the class to actually be good and flow and have balance.