"Hunter worst class in game"

These guys are some of the best mythic+ players telling you there is an issue in an area of the game you have no experience in and your response is “idiot”. What a clown. Stick to ganking questers and the world pvp forum. Do any high level content then you can have an opinion worth anything.


So nothing what so ever what these guys are talking about? Got it.

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Wait till its time to mythic raid. You’ll see.


Imo they could make scare beast baseline and replace it with aspect of the iron hawk from mop, 10% damage reduction passively

Considering the mobility arms race disengage ought to have 2 charges at this point too, and change trailblazer into old cheetah where it only gets disabled from damage dealt to you instead


Random throwing-stuff-at-the-wall-thought, having disengage reduce the CDs on other movement/defensives/refill Focus would be neat and unique ability for Hunter.


I mean this is a mplus tier list for high tier keys which nobody in this thread does. PVE wise MM does do good burst in raids and was quite popular during certain raid tiers that needed big goes like sylvannas.

Generally though i think they need to add back AOE stun for hunter. It would help in mplus at least. Hunters just have a ton of buttons that are not impactful. This is because blizzard has not put the time into hunters to really give the class the rework it needed at a core level, so iterating through core things that the hunter has\can bring to a group. Part of the problem is survival is a melee spec now so its going to be difficult for them.


The binding nerf in PvE was really unfortunate. It made a very cool and useful ability pretty close to useless. Hunters weren’t necessarily brought because they had binding, but it was a great contribution to the group. Now we have a bad AoE stun. Wailing arrow or even just scatter shot (which clears your barbed shot DoTs) is usually better now.

Survival is a whole other mess. It isn’t working as a spec, IMO, because the class tree (which is where all of our utility and defensives are) is designed as though we don’t have a melee spec at all. I’ll probably summon Bepples with this note, but survival needs to be given the toolkit of a respectable melee in order to work in PvE outside of lottery tosses like SL S3/4 where it’s busted.


We should get some passive leech on our regular attacks.

The benefits of having a pet/lone wolf need to be overhauled entirely.

We should have a talent to reduce trick shots damage to increase our focused single target damage.

Some sort of raidwide/groupwipe buff.

We asked for some variation of all of these in the beta feedback, but got nothing.


since the video is about pve - who cares about how you are doing in pvp

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I watch that video and all I heard from it is "MM and SV have bad AOE(not true) and bad survivability(true) I did not hear anything about actually knowing how to play the spec.

These video’s are design for you to click on them. That benefits the person making them. If you think they are making these videos to help the WoW community, then I have some land on I75 to sell you, Down in Alligator alley.

I’ll keep pushing along. So far I am not doing bad in M0. I seriously doubt I will push 20+ style keys. I just do not have the time. So for what I do, I think I’ll be fine on my Hunter.

The guys are right though


The idea that Hunter issues only matter at the top echelon of end-game is ridiculous. For the most part, those doing any level key or raiding any difficulty, are grouped with equivalent players. Defensives, burst damage, throughput all matter for those players as well. The healers still have to worry about the classes that lack defensives, those burst windows still need to be shattered with lesser geared players, and that enrage timer can get tight for them as well.


It’s impressive how you consistently find a way to provide such utterly useless feedback.

Firstly, they aren’t saying that Hunters are bad just for clickbait. The concerns they talked about have not only been echoed by other cutting edge raiders who analyse this stuff day-in-day-out but it’s also been expressed by plenty of Hunter mains including our very own theorycrafters.

Secondly, circling the wagons and going into denial mode whenever anyone highlights the shortcomings of your spec or class is active self-sabotage. Newsflash: while Blizzard’s communication is dogcrap and it’s doubtful they hear most of the complaints, if all they heard was that everything was fine then that makes certain that nothing will ever improve.

Thirdly, M0 is non-competitive content and an utterly useless comparison. Being attentive and being most-of-the-way-there in terms of executing your basic priority already puts you ahead of like 80% of WoW players you’ll encounter. When a spec is coming up short lowering your standards to “at least I can still play it in casual content” doesn’t fix anything at all. Those flaws with the class are still there and they ought to be fixed.

Finally, it’s notable that whenever this sort of denial of Hunter design/tuning issues pops up on the Hunter forum itself it’s always a Survival Hunter main saying it. I’d say it’s a part of being conditioned to denial and delusion. Hopefully one day you’ll learn that it’s not normal for WoW specs to be this consistently dysfunctional and half-baked. This applies to MM and even BM to some extent as well. The whole class has been chronically mismanaged since WoD.


Also Hunters should not settle for being a dysfunctional class just because you can still play it in casual content. Most players in casual content are barely attentive and not engaged. Showing up and executing your priority even mostly effectively will put you ahead of the vast majority of players you encounter in casual content. It doesn’t mean the class issues don’t exist.


I thought you were not playing retail…so how would you know anything? Unlike others here, I am not going to give you the oxygen to burn through a page and half of retorts and basically one sided opinions. I can think and play for myself. I do not need to get my information on what class can do or not do from someone on YouTube.

Also if you do not know how Youtube works, or why people ask to click on this or that, take the time to educate yourself. You seem to be on the forums 24/7 so you have the time.


They’re wrong even there too, battlegrounds are a terrible metric for our class. hunters are the squishiest class in the game PVP wise too and it will cause issues with the pvp meta coming. Hunters need better survivability in every area of the game atm


You really think people that do high key mplus for a living dont know what specs are strong or not after playing mplus in beta and retail 24/7. okay den


It’s amazing to me how often people miss this extremely basic point.

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dude is an idiot lol. Cant be playing it right to think its anywhere near the bottom 50%.
Leech from pets alone is blasting me with heals all thru combat.
I spect if we arent watching it happen its easy enough to think it aint.
And if the pet is taking damage and we can heal the pet, in effect we are healing ‘ourselves’ and have a VERY good self heal in that regard.

My only complaint is mine is either bugged to hell, or they nerfed the hell out of Feign Death. its actually working maybe 20% of the time.

could you possibly share a details screenie? i’ve always been under the impression leech doesn’t work with pet damage (and never has). my only spells that give me hp back are multishot (hits like a noodle), barbed shot, cobra shot (solid mehs) and kill shot (occasionally gives me a small tick).

i’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. do you mean mend pet healing us? it was specifically hotfixed NOT to heal us when we heal our pet - and only us, other healers get benefit from leech when healing our pets while we don’t. do you mean exhilarate, the CD heal?

or are you being more metaphorical and saying our pet and us have one health pool, one heart, one blood, and healing our pet IS a self-heal because as poetic as that sentiment is, group-wide rot damage doesn’t care about poetry.