Hunter Rotation / Macro

Is the BM Hunter “one button macro” working in the Classic TBC Beta?

What is the manual rotation of the BM Hunter in TBC?

Does the manual rotation or the “one button macro” yield higher dps?

Shoot stuff

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Thankfully it’s not working well! That, as a marks hunter, makes me happy! :smiley:

I also hope to see some better play styles and meta’s coming out of the hunter community when prepatch and TBC come out.


It sort of works.

From what I have seen, the new spell batching changes mess it up.

I have my popcorn ready for all the people who wanted spell batching to be removed (I am one of those!!) who roll hunters and realize it’s not as optimal as it was in dial up days.

They will be demanding spell batching be put back!! hehe

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Yeah there’s a version that mostly works but it does clip auto every now and then.

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Originally, and on private servers, technically yes, the macro rotation is a dps increase.

On the beta? It’s having issues. Sequence breaks easily. Could be from a few things, including pilot error.

It appears the primary problem with the macro right now is something on client/net side of things. Unsure if it will be “resolved”.

However the big thing is you’re just weaving a steady shot between your autoshots just like you do now for multishot. Aimed shot weaved in off cooldown. Kill command baked into steady shot macro to cast it when it’s up.

It’s a pretty simple rotation. it’s more about keeping in rhythm rather than just spamming a button. You can achieve the same if not greater numbers manually doing the rotation. The macro just made the rotation brainlessly consistent.

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You don’t do aim shot or multi shot once you get steady shot.

Let me correct this you will still do multi-shot if there’s more than one target.

god awful thing to say as a hunter. Firstly issues with the shot skills will affect ALL hunter specs. This is something blizzard needs to work on in the beta to ensure hunter skills work in an optimal / viable way and also look into how they can work out with macro commands. This is technical issues when you port a game from an old version to a new version engine.

A lot of work left to be done in TBC BETA.

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Marksmen for LIIIIIFE :wink:

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There’s already work arounds to make it work. Not that it would matter, even if it was fully dead and you just had to manually time the shots, marks still wouldn’t be getting a raid slot in a guild they weren’t leading because BM still trashes them, and surv is more useful.

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The net affect is the same:
Similar to warlock best dps you will be bored out of your mind.

You should reread my statment.
I used multishot as an example of auto shot weaving. And as you corrected yourself it’s our only form of cleave/aoe outside of volley/explosive.

And you will still use aimed shot for opener, misdirection, damage multiplier windows, and pvp. Also useful for some pulls with heavy healing mobs.

And melee weaving is still on the table for some fights.

shadow bolt spam is hard to mess up. Auto shot/ steady shot weaving with Kill command can get real tricky when you factor in multiple sources of different haste procs and various combinations of times. Improve hawk procs, rapid fire , trinkets oh lets not forget drums. They can all proc at same time or one or two in combination. Plenty of room there for clipping fails. Warlock shadow bolt spam zero chance to clip no matter the haste.

Blizzard still needs to take a good look at the shot abilities to ensure hunters can properly use their toolkit optimally regardless of all the bells and whistles that will be popping off.

I’m not sure tricky is the word vs not mindlessly easy (shadow bolt). Hunter rotation (every rotation in tbc for that matter) is simple. That’s why I chose Hunter in classic for a bit since you had to time two shots and spriest in tbc since you have 5 keys to press!

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check out youtuber named Bigbobbedboi, he has tested out the macro on stream, actually hes tested out id say 5-8 macros some work ok, but each one has had some sort of backfire, there was one macro that only messed up and missed one aimed shot through his entire mana pool tho, but he also said that its not really necessary to have this macro you can weave the shots if you have a shot timer and just pay attention honestly

From what I am told its broken by design.


You’re welcome and you’re still my favorite Dwarf.

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I thought the API changes post TBC made the one button macro impossible to use now (as classic servers use the retail macro API)?

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we steadshotin’, they hatin’