Hunter Rotation / Macro

You should join my 5v5 team :smiley:

it works but manual rotation is better. it also seems pretty easy to time as well as long as you have a good auto shot tracker.

It will prolly just be 2 steady shots then 1 auto for the most part, if you use a 2.7 speed bow.

Hmm either you know me or just taking a shot in the dark that I’m good! Let’s just say I “retired” my old vanilla account due to what bfa and blizzard had become😉. I was so torn between Hunter pvp or spriest pve in tbc but due to time and tbc pvp still in the early refining stages I leaned toward spriest.

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Why would anyone want to micro manage a shot every 1.5 seconds. You will be staring at a shot timer 90% of encounters.

As if spriest wont have a spot in tbc arena :slight_smile:

All I am saying Hunter shots/skills should be able to be workable in the macroing commands for ease of use/player customization.
Something that was workable back in original TBC should be workable in the rerelease.

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spriest in arena won’t be anything too special, tbc arena is still mostly cookie cutter being rogue, druid, lock, warrior, rmp, hunter, disc. Splay will be alright and fun but still plenty of tiers above them but that’s with any season. I don’t view 2s as arena due to it not mattering in retail for so long and is super boring, so anything I reference will be for 3s.

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