Hunter rep was a bit absurd for Dragonflight let's be real here

:clown_face: :woman_facepalming:

Youre such a pathetic troll.

I’m starting to think op is either a brick wall that can’t be reasoned with, or made this thread specifically to argue with people.


you would know since that is obviously what you have been doing most of this thread - you went overboard with this though

You literally made a thread to complain it took a week to get something.

you think 57,500 rep is just a breeze?

Youre literally trolling.

buzz off and find something else buzz about.

(Sucks in breath)

You got it done within a week? Get outta here. What are you throwing a fit for? Good grief.

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Hati is the best. Wish they were as good as a Clefthoof but at least I can bring them as my secondary as a BM Hunter.

No one else seems to have a problem with it but you.

Yes, yes you are.

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See, that’s why I wish they’d return the ability to respec our pets. A spirit beast might still not be as good as a clefthoof for tanking solo stuff, but at least then you’d be able to get the leech instead of the personal defensive.

This thread reminds me, I really should tame some dragonkin.

I’m surprised this took THIS long to come to light

These threads always go sour because there’s evidently a vocal group of players that would happily pay $15/month to mop Blizzards floors for 100 hours for a crappy in-game cosmetic and justify it as an awesome irl gameplay tie-in experience

And this is the exact reason I have not bothered to farm any renown on any of my characters. Completely out of touch system not only gating things like this but lore and storylines - not that its anything special as of right now but it is still gated.

yeah and there is people who pay blizzard $15 a month to do dungeons and raids over and over and over again and they think that is great content. Just because you don’t like ‘x’ content doesn’t mean others have a problem with it.

There are plenty of different rewards in that renown system. Would it have been better if blizzard hadn’t put this in the game at all?

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I always love the implication that the only reason anyone would roll their eyes at the sort of histrionics the OP displayed is because they’re a bootlicker/shill/etc.


No one is complaining about the renown and dailies existing or doing them, we are complaining about having to do them for absurdly out of touch lengths of time for comparably mediocre rewards relative to the time invested. Reps and now renown have been consistently made to be longer and slower and virtually all methods of farming them outside of being forced to do dailies spaced out over a minimum set amount of time have been all but removed in favor of what are effectively forced extended playtime mechanics. I don’t mind or care if you enjoy the tedium of your chore list, what we want is to have the addtional option to farm our stuff outside of dailies just like reps used to allow and for the actual lengths of grind to go down to a reasonable amount.

Like OP pointed out, the renown scaling from last expac to this expac was increased by over 10k renown, max renown at it’s inception in Shadowlands was longer and slower than the max exalted of the expac before it (BFA), etc. There were daily quests in Tanaan jungle in WoD that would give 1.5k rep for total completion of like 3 quests, those same types of quests translated to WQs in current expansion give like 150 rep total for the same time invested lmao

Dailies are a nice break, they are fine for you if you enjoy them and that’s okay. I do not think your preference should govern people who don’t though and I don’t think it’s right to use your preference to justify a documented “time-investment/gating” bloat just the same as I wouldn’t want you to be forced to do raid/dungeon content or afk grind waves of mobs as more “on-demand” rep/renown sources like what many others would like

It also doesn’t help that this expac dropped with so many stupid exploitable renown bugs that some were able to take advantage of to max all their stuff in a few days that will take anyone who didn’t use those methods or started late months and months to do

It took OP one week to get the rep. I don’t think that is very hard to do.

The item is cosmetic, everyone can make the decision on whether or not that is worth doing. Considering most people will hit max renown this expansion just by playing the game without any extra effort, it seems like it is a freebie reward.

lots of options to get rep without dailies - doing one time quests, doing weekly quests, killing rares, doing dungeons and doing the siege event. Just doing those will get someone to max renown before expansion end. That isn’t even counting if your main can send over BoA rep tokens which most people are already in a position to do.

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It’s just a cosmetic form for your pets that’s notably inferior to Clefthoof.

It’s neat of course, but it’s not something you need.

And it’s not hard to get either. Even if you just started today casually you could get it in about 3 weeks.


It took op 1 week of slaving away at every single rep source imaginable during a specific world event that isn’t always available at the expense of doing basically anything else in that week and OP literally stated that it felt like the worst grind they had ever had to do lmfao

I’m not paying a monthly sub to put myself through a torture chamber that consumes all of my free time each day. Any system in a game that feels terrible and tedious on that level is a bad system that needs changing.

Also this thread may specifically be about the Hunter pet tome, but it concerns everything else that has legitimate or cosmetic use that is also being gated behind these absurd amounts of wasted time for no reason.

Besides, Hunter tomes have historically been available for significantly less grind or even as quest rewards/drops. Just because it’s cosmetic doesn’t mean it isn’t also a core aspect of the class it concerns and not everyone even raiders run clefthoofs just because they’re objectively the best and Blizz refuses to rebalance anything else to compete

I’ve been a hunter for 15 years.

I am fine with this. I like lots of small iterative rewards from Renown rather than just four levels. There are so many different rewards from Renown that I was incented to raise my Renown already.

I’ve also been renown capped for about two months. I don’t see how this is a huge ask. Maybe I just play more than the rest.