Hunter rep was a bit absurd for Dragonflight let's be real here

Literally hours upon hours of rep grinding even if you are singularly purposed to unlock the taming and it has to be on a hunter.

The only comparison is the cloud serpent mounts/pets which were also a really dumb and very specific rep grind to tame.

Yes it is likely hard to get 25 renown in 2 hours but it isn’t impossible. Plus that isn’t what I claimed anyway.

I am not the one who is QQ about how hard it is to get renown for hunter ‘rep’ - you are. My hunter will likely have it within hours of hitting lvl 70 because I am efficient.

62,500 rep for any faction in dragonflight in 2 hours is in fact impossible and you are completely full of it.

Fair enough, your opinion is your opinion.

The average lifespan of an expansion is roughly 2 years. A few weeks to earn a rep reward is in fact, very reasonable.

Here is the exact nonsense you said.

Almost max renown, maybe 2 hours of effort (obviously complete bs.)

The worst part of this forum is people complaining about things when they don’t really understand how things work. Each character that is maxed out on renown earns BoA tokens that can be passed to alts. By the time my hunter gets to 70, I will have at least 4 characters earning those tokens.

pay attention

Max renown (30) is 75,000 rep. Tell everyone here how you got that with “only maybe 2 hours actually working at rep.”

I just did repeatedly. Try reading instead of complaining.

So you just did it… repeatedly in 120 minutes… 75,000 rep.

I didn’t even know about the tame lesser dragonkin, I was blowing through Valdrakken Accord rep just so I could get a bronze dragon skin for my dragons. The lesser dragonkin taming was a nice bonus, though.

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very low quality bait.

i wouldnt call 2-3 weeks absurb for rep farming. i just went in game to check and dragonflight was released on nov 28 and i got the achievement for max renowned level 30 with valdrakken accord on december 21. 3 weeks exactly.

and considering the tome only requires renowned 23 you could get that in little as 1 week without any bonuses to rep etc.


57,500 rep in the first 7 days?
You sure about that?

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well i cant recall exactly when i got to renowned 23 but my achievement for renowned 30 was on december 21. so i would say probably more like 2 weeks to hit 23 and an additional week for 30 say?

that’s literally over 3 weeks. And you were probably constantly farming rares which all gave 50 rep unlike our pro over here who claimed 75,000 rep with only about 120 minutes of effort.

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yea i was heavily doing everything, everyday in the beginning. i might of missed the odd rare or item here or there but in the time it took me to get it i pretty much consumed everything. yes i have a problem lol.

at this point in time everyone’s main should be max renown so it could easily be done in a week if you worked at it.


I got 23 in a week, on an alt, a human, with darkmoon, and I was actuallying trying to get rep.

You were literally just doing everything for the first 3 weeks logging in every day and killing every rare and doing every quest.

I’m saying the rep gate to tame the new pet family, is absurd.

I’m not saying everyone should be full clearing the world map with every quest and full completeing the campaign I’m saying 57,500 rep is way too much gating for taming new pets.