Hunter rep was a bit absurd for Dragonflight let's be real here

I am almost all max renown on my second character and that only spent maybe 2 hours actually working at rep.

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Hey if you feel those two hours are well spent, that’s good for you. Mine was better spent just getting pets I can already tame.

false equivalence fallacy.

All those rep tokens that drop are account bound and I’m just storing them up on my warlock. When I finally get around to leveling my hunter, I’m going to use them all on that character and boom rank up pretty fast.


I needed to level it up anyway so it was no hardship just leveling it up in a certain area.

And yet, you are still levelling up the rep on one character to get that assistance for other characters, and if your main happens to be a hunter, your point is…what?

I’ve said this before, it totally sucks vacuum to place a hunter ability behind that amount of rep. Do any other classes or specs in the game have a basic ability locked behind DF reputation? I imagine if there was, there would be a lot more annoyance happening.

? you came into a conversation about how easy it is to get rep after one character has max renown. There is was no attempt at a comparison. Sorry you haven’t figured out how to get renown easy mode.

being able to tame ‘x’ pet isn’t a basic ability - at this point in time all that is is cosmetics.

This just isn’t true even if you had a fully maxed main, you can’t get that much rep in 2 hours and I don’t know why anyone here is actually believing you.

I guess they coulda not added the ability to tame dragonkin? Would that have made everyone happy because now they know they don’t have to grind a rep for it?

Being able to tame something is central to the hunter class. How about if the ability to use those undead things as a DK was locked behind Renown, how would you feel about that?

you already answered that with one nonsense statement you trying for two?

The claim was I only actually worked at getting rep for 2 hours on that - the other rep just came from playing the game like I normally do.

I have 5 hunters and I have 3 pets on each of them. Taming pets is not central to hunters - I haven’t tamed a pet in years.


I spent an entire week with the darkmoon rep buff to get to 23, on a single alt, with a single faction.

There is absolutely no way you could get anywhere near 30 renown with every faction in " about 2 hours" on some alt.

it’s complete bs. Stop.

learn to read.

You get rep just by playing the game without working on it. If you play the game and get max renown just by playing the game are you grinding rep?

but hunters can already tame hundreds of other things, its not like you literally can’t tame pets until this happens. Its effectively a cosmetic option with MAYBE some minor gameplay options based on what abilities the pets have but its not like there isn’t thousands of other pets you can tame beforehand. Heck don’t hunters even start with a pet these days? Saying they’re gating a required ability behind a rep is like saying they were gating the night fae ability because you could obtain alternate forms. It just aint true unless you look at it from an incredibly narrow lens.

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You have to play the game to get rep.

You can’t pretend that you werent playing when you got the first 99% of the rep.

You were playing, that was real time spent getting rep.

Then you come on here and say ya I just got like 30 renown with everyone in 2 hours when you literally spent the last 8 weeks getting that rep.

I wasn’t playing the game to get rep past those 2 hours - I was playing the game for other reasons.


Alt 1

Alt 2

Alt 3

I could post 5 others as well.

Renown is easy to get. All I do each week is the weekly and the profession quests.

Sorry you just are inefficient.

Back in MoP they introduced the ability to tame Direhorns. All that was required was for the hunter to take a side trip out to Isle of Giants, kill a few Direhorns and the Tome for it dropped. So they did hunter work to get the tame.

In Legion they introduced the ability to tame mechanicals. All that was required was a Tome made by Engineers, which was quite easy to get the schematic for.

As far as I am aware, prior to this, every special training ability was learned through activities in the game, including simply buying the thing from a vendor. It has never previously been necessary to reach a high reputation in order have that ability.

And yet it is an option for those who do.

I think I’m past discussing this with you since you obviously aren’t getting my point. Its a matter of principle relating to how a class is designed, not whether or not I can tame x number of pets. I believe its bad design and I stick by that opinion.

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I just said you earned that over weeks, it’s literally impossible to get 25 renown over “2 hours.”

Please stop you don’t even know what you are talking about.

yes it is an option but it isn’t central to being a hunter. Pets are cosmetics after you have a couple.