Are you begging for saber slash, raging blow, mangle, incinerate, fireball, or any of the other class abilities which compromise more than 50% of a classes damage too? Doubt it. You just don’t like hunters.
Rogues and warriors are currently the top dps output too.
And pet dies because it didnt run back for explosion. An easy example of this is the priestest boss. Pets can get frozen in the ice. Wow!
Managing the pets position is part of using it properly. If you send in and forget your pet is likely to die or get CCed, depending on the fight.
They die from the fire totem on Jett as well.
Any of those other abilities/spells you listed are limited by globals, in which hunters have twice as many. If hunters had to spend a global to use a pet ability, then we could talk about it being reasonable.
Pets have a gcd on their spells and a swing timer. They also need resources to cast.
Hunters have to manage 2 different resource pools and 2 different unit positions. It’s twice as much work as other classes and they don’t even do top dps.
Did you not read what I said? If hunter pets are just another “ability,” then their abilities should use hunter resources and be on 1 global, not on their own separate one.
Show me on the doll where the hunter hurt you.
My raid has always killed all totems so didnt know this. I did know the lightning one ruins pets if you dont pull it off fast.
They do use hunter resources. We have to feed our pet.
When was the last time you had to polish your sword or it did 75% normal damage?
We also use ammunition.
Hunters are the most expensive class to just do standard dps. Not even min maxing. Min maxing is even more expensive for a hunter because we have to buff ourselves, and our pets with consumes.
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Removing completly LB interaction from Kill command, it seems a very very small step to you?, for me is a precipitate nerf and they dont have any idea about how fix it.
Pets still deal damage instead of healing the enemy. So they are to strong still. /s
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By the time I sleep a hunter pet with my druid, I am about 10-15% health, IF I AM lucky.
My hunter is under geared and has no issues in pvp, tons of fun and super easy to play.
My druid is a blast when not being focused by anyone.
Maybe you should, you know, use your mana to heal yourself, a luxury not everyone in this game has.
Or maybe not get caught out in the open to give the Hunter first strike… you have stealth, use it. Hunter can’t do jack if you’re on top of him.
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Why do you only have 600ish hp?
The wind scerpent LB burst for all of its focus does about 400-500 damage with double crits, maybe a little past 500 if the hunter is bis.
Assuming your hibernate is a 2.5-3 second cast from getting hit, the pet should never get the 3rd breath off. Hibernate also has 10 yards more range than the pets breath. And if its a melee pet recking you why did it ever even get in melee before it was asleep?
Your story doesnt add up with available evidence.
I think the issue is everyone is running around in PvE gear with no Stamina and not gearing for PvP properly.
Everyone has these small health pools and then complain when it’s a one shot meta.
Chimera at 125% damage hits harder than aimed shot does. It’s a 100% armor pen ability with +32 damage added on top from serpent sting. Aimed is shot is pure physical with +70 bonus damage.
The real issue with Chimera is that it has an insane mana cost that cannot be sustained this phase, and is therefore a dead ability. It’s much better to use beast mastery in your glove slot because it’s DPS without a resource cost.
Things might change in phase two with viper sting and an expose weakness rune, we’ll see.
Sure, then the pet and hunter auto shot makes healing impossible. As stated, hunter is super fun and easy. I love my 25 hunter. With that, my druid does struggle due to all the attacks and push back. I am not heal spec and even when running heal spec in a BG, you only have a 70% chance to reset push back.
The pet should be asleep at this point, and rejuv alone will outpace the hunters auto attacks.
Especially as you change to cat form and run into melee range.
It does add up. My health is about 1100 when buffed. Not great. Hunters are fun as I had said previously, I have one, but they’re stupid easy to play and do a TON of damage even after nerfs / adjustments. The thing is, we’re all level 25 and hunters will likely level out as phases come out.
For now, I will just play my hunter in pvp.
healing himself will put him further behind, a druid can’t outheal a pet and a hunter shooting him, rejuv heals for like 50 every 3 seconds, i swear hunter players have never played casters before.
Unless you are a hunter who can only do 16.6 dps, healing isn’t outpacing your damage
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