Hunter pets

Why do hunter pets seem broken? Why is a pet wind serpent hitting 200-300+crits?

The PvP damage hunter pets do is just ridiculous. Can we buff hunter ability damage and nerf pets already?


Let’s file this under ‘thousandth hunter pet post’.


Do it then I just want to play the game without getting mobbed by over powered pets


It’s certainly an issue and they undoubtedly are aware of it, but I’m not sure how many of the same post are going to help. I think megathreads are much better and can compact everyone’s qualms with a specific issue.

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Because they specifically have an entire talent tree and spend all of their points to make their pets stronger? What is it with you people that this is so hard for you to understand?


For some reason this is not on the table at all this phase.

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yes BM. its not supposed to make pets clap people with just pet attacks

Probably because the strongest iteration of lighrning breath is rank3 which is obtainable at level 25 minimum. Just so happens thats max level rn.

Combine that with 80% focus regen from rune, it makes pet look OP.

Think about level 40. The rank 4 lightning breath is level 41 minimum.

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People have the misconception that when it comes to Hunter the damage is always split evenly between the pet and the Hunter 50/50.

But if you go BM which is currently the most viable spec, the damage ratio becomes more like 80/20 with the pet getting the Lion’s share.

Now you can have the opinion that a class shouldn’t be able to sick an AI Controlled pet and essentially be able to win fights with no effort but that’s a class design discussion.


BM can send their pet at someone and the pet will kill them easily.

For some reason the pets are absurdly tanky so killing the pet is not really an option if the hunter is actually attacking you as well. A back pedaling BM hunter in an indoor helmet is basically unkillable

This is mostly due to the massive Health Boost from the Beast Mastery rune.

I suspect they will turn this down the next balance pass.

However, this may affect the Hunter’s ability to solo quest in PvE which will be unfortunate.

People cried day 2 so they gutted hunter abilities. Pet dmg were buffed later.
Now they need to revert it? It’s a never ending circle.


I like how Chimera Shot being nerfed from 125% wep dmg to 85% hasn’t been reverted despite it not even being strong at 125%. The whole “we will look bad if we revert a change we made a week ago” thing might take its toll on SOD.


And they never reverted the Lone Wolf changes despite it not even being good before nerfs either.


Hunters truly are the most punished.




If your character was as geared as my Hunter, you would hit that hard also.

  • Why is druid hitting for 300+, 400+ starsurge crits?
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  • Why is paladin hitting for 300+, 400+ crits?
  • Why are priest dots hitting for more than pre-nerf scorpid poison?
  • Why is mage hitting for 300+, 400+ living flame crits?

Why is it you people only complain about one of the weakest, worst scaling classes in the game? Are you all so bad that you cannot comprehend that the pet is a hunter spell like any other class? Is it too difficult for you to press CC instead of another do numbers button? These forums are filled to the brim with skill issues.


I think of my pet as a DOT, that can hold aggro if I need it too :+1:


Why shouldn’t a pet be able to kill a player? Aside from it upsets your feelings. Give a reasonable articulated response please.

A hunter with everything in BM talents and runes does 16 damage every 3 seconds with serpent sting, and 33 damage every 6 seconds with arcane shot. The pet ability is the only real damaging spell they have. The pet should not be easily killable either. There is no way for another class to permanently kill any other classes ability to deal damage. The pet is a massive liability for the hunter. They’re the only class which can be completely denied their ability to attack permanently by an enemy. The hunter has no cc, no spell interrupts, no stuns, a speed boost with a massive downside, and can be zoned in a manner where they cannot melee or range attacked. Hunters objectively have more weaknesses and ways to counter them than any other class in the game.