Hunter pets are STILL too STRONG

When nobody plays wrath anymore so you have to visit the SoD forums to get the much needed attention. You should go work on your parses instead the fact you talk about parses and cant even parse over 90 on lich king tells me enough.

The fact I have a heroic Lich King kill is good enough for me.

Probably 5 to 8% of the population has it.

And that’s not you

And I got it pre buff.

Whatever you need to tell yourself the fact is that you are on SoD forums fishing for attention with your sub-average parses and we aint taking the bait. I killed Lich king pre nerf back in the day as well. Go buy some tokens and try to fix your parses before you attempt to flex again, you are just slowing your guild down and making yourself look like a fool. Again this is SoD forums unless you got SoD 100 parses nobody is interested.

Method keeps track of world firsts to this day and the world first kill of Heroic Lich King in original was done by Paragon, they were really good back then. Took them 46 days to kill him.

By the time they killed him for world first the 5% buff was already out.

We get I destroyed you for calling people who play BM hunters “morons”, I get you’re a grey parser, but you’re just blatantly lying to safe face.

Get good at a mage and stop bothering me, this is SoD forum nobody cares about wotlk. I killed lich king back in the day and prolly still did more dps then you doing now. Now go away I am ignoring any more pleb messages from you. Imagine trying to post logs and having terrible logs yourself. Get owned. Bye

And you’re a crybaby for assuming they will. Fair?

Atleast the odds are in my favor since the devs love nerfing hunters. I win.

Imagine that the one last pure DPS class in the game mode… does more DPS than other classes. HOLY SMOKES WHY WOULD WE WANT THAT?

At least you rolled the right race to match your forum behavior.

Hunters are fine

I have been a moron for playing a BM Hunter for the past 20 years . My main is actually a fire mage in retail , but i was very disappointed that my fire mage is completely garbage because the mage isn’t overpowered which is the main reason why i chose to play a fire mage , to be overpower in pve . Very disappointed. Being a hunter wasn’t good enough in retail .

you are 100% correct, I had to finally come here to make a post. its gone on for too long.

If a hunter is AFK, and I attack him, there should be a 0% chance that his pet kills me before I can kill him.

Yet several times now i’ve caught hunters afk, and before I Can get them to 1/3 health their windserpent kills me.

this is insanity.

next phase they get bestial wrath! imagine how insane they will be then? they wont be soloing 1 person, they’ll be soloing 2-3 people at a time, while the hunter is taking care of 1 more person.

we’d be ok with that, if their pet got nerfed. buff hunters, nerf their pets.

Yes. 100% this.

Not too far off. I got critted for 255 just an hour ago in wsg. I just don’t like the idea of pets doing so much dmg. Make them super tanky fine. It’s like applying a really good infinite duration dot but the hunter should be doing most of the damage.

bm rune isnt THE problem, player stat scaling is. although only serpent is a problem because it ignores armor for a class that typically does too much burst to classes without armor.

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Hopefully that too will get nerfed as we progress further into the phases.

Never say never :slight_smile:

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They will most likely get nerfed.

Player → pet stat scaling is not that good.
However I realized yesterday that lightning breath actually scales with the pet melee attack power. A blessing of might adds a whopping 35 dmg on LB 3, that’s more than what you get from stat scaling.
I thought the issue with boon was the spellpower, I was wrong. It’s melee AP.

So an easy way to normalize pets without reworking formulas is to disable all buffs from them… but yeha that feels pretty bad.