The wind serpent is still critting for 300 damage. The frequency between its attacks definitely feels slower than before but it’s still too strong and unkillable. I thought the nerf was supposed to fix this? Please investigate and nerf the BM rune more.
And there it is.
It took longer then I thought for this post to pop up. lmfao
Pets do more then zero damage nerf them more!!! /s
Nice troll but at least use believable numbers next time plz.
pulls out a bag of popcorn and giggles, watching everyone point fingers and insist the other guy needs nerfed because their feelings got hurt…
skies called it lmao
Whats that, the enemy hunter pet didnt heal you? Clearly its to strong still.
the pet damage was only reduced by 10%. That’s WAY too little of a change to fix this problem. The developers have been super responsive the past week so hopefully they reduce it even more.
what problem? that you cant CC an npc? or you cant dead zone the hunter?
Maybe they are planning for phase 2 already. So these nerfs will make the new things they are adding later a little more digestable.
Also, why should BM be the only viable Hunter spec?
The damage and hp bonus from the rune was nerfed by 33%. (30% to 20%)
The focus regen part of the rune was nerfed by about 40% (80% to 50%)
So they do less damage and they do that damage less often.
But you all wont be happy until the enemy hunter pet actually heals you…
It shouldn’t. But it’s the first time it’s viable on classic and players are in shambles.
people are just wild and brainless. like no sh*t, the class that invested all of its talents and runes into have a strong pet, suddenly has a strong pet?!?!
Yeah, it’s boring as hell. I’m seeing why I always went MM.
Hopefully they can make survival useful in classic. That would be something to see. (but won’t happen with warriors and rogues as they are already)
That’s exactly my point! Reduce the rune even more. Reduce pet damage & health to 10% and focus regeneration by 25%. That’s generous and seems fair to me. It’s way too strong right now even post-nerf. MAYBE they can reverse the changes they made to kill command but I would rather not see the wind serpent ever again.
I fully support additional hunter pet nerfs.
Yes, I understand it got nerfed but it’s still way too strong. The wind serpent is STILL able to 1v1 a geared warrior. That’s just completely ridiculous.
That’s why they need to go the retail route and make it so the hunter actually has to work for his pet to deal high dps.
Right now it’s just send automated unit and seeing how the balance changes are going it’s actually going to be MM #2 with slightly upgraded pet. Boring af.
So gut the last decent rune in that slot so they are all garbage…
Heres an idea. Buff lone wolf to 30% bonus damage for not having a pet out. Then you wont have to deal with the pet at all.