Hunter pets are STILL too STRONG

lightning breath did not have AP scaling at all in vanilla as well

I hope Pets camp you after they slay you over and over.

  1. Stop making overall nerfs to Beast Mastery because of PvP complainers. Nerf PvP specific only.

  2. It’s already questionable whether the nerfs that have ALREADY came out have not pushed Beast Mastery into irrelevancy compared to Marksman in PvE in the next phases.

and that leads into

  1. Stop whining about class balance at the end of the phase. See how the new runes/gear shakes up the meta before you start having meltdowns over Hunters being strong at… level 25.

Anything can 1v1 a geared warrior. They need to nerf warrior damage as they are already scaling at the top well before they should be. Hopefully that comes next!

For that to happen they need to revert the initials needs to
Marksman every one cried about. Probably you as well.

Oh man the same rogue from the other “nerf hunter” thread that has 700 hp and lvl 15 greens, complaining about a pet that killed him.

That didn’t use CC on the pet before attacking the hunter.

And thinks he knows how to play the game better than all the top parsing rogues.

Im sure your fear of hunters being able to 3v1 and 4v1 will come true.


I just don’t agree with any of this.

The pet isnt the problem. Its the gear and skill level of those dieing to it.

“But im bis caster!” Grats on your pve bis that focuses on spell damage and ignores stamina so you do a lot of damage but have 600-800hp. Want to know what could also take over half your health in 2-3 seconds ANYONE else with decent gear. You built as a glass cannon, so you break just as easily.

sleep fear root stun pets. Non issue.

So are 1 button warriors, 2 button rogues, 2 button ferals, 3 button warlocks….

As a rogue you don’t even need to cc the pet, if you cannot kill a hunter as a rogue you should uninstall literally. Stoneform hunters are the only more difficult encounters.