Hunter pets are STILL too STRONG

Yea we all care about your BFD target dummy boss logs lmfao.

You could only do normal ICC and only do the 3 free heroics where you grey parsed.

And the BM hunter is the “moron”.

No wonder you went to SOD full time, target dummy bosses is all you can handle.

You have 9 heroic Anub kills and you average a 10 parse lmfao.

Let me guess, you think you’re good all of a sudden cuz BFD parses??


its an alt, only been to pugs… I have like 5chars on wotlk, I killed heroic anub more times then I slayed your mom.

And I switched to SoD full time because I dont wonna play pay to win crappy expansion. I parsed 99s in in wrath tbc and classic. and btw your own logs are pretty bad so bye.

your logs are absolute trash aswell. so I don’t think you have much room to talk either

link logs plz

I cant post links on here, I dont have trust lvl 3 but you can search Rdy-benediction on wrath thats what I use to play up to ulduar. and on SoD its Mtn - Lone Wolf.

You really got me as you had to hop on a character to get your one post in.

I wonder what character you were hiding?


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my man, you have a 96.3 average with 13 ICC clears, you are dogwater

So 3.7% of mages are better

I’m trash.

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you really are no lie

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You’re either 1st or you’re last. My mage parses better then you and its like my 15th char.

Sure it is LMAO

Yea only a 98.4 in TOGC and a 99.2 in Ulduar.

Tbh my guild should bench me.

Imagine coming to a hunter pet threat trying to flex parses and immediately getting completely owned. Man go touch some grass and stop tieng your whole indentity so sub average parses.

Guys, please don’t get distracted by the matter at hand. Pets are still extremely insane and need to be nerfed. It’s only going to get worse as we progress in SoD

Your perception is interesting.

I came here saw someone calling people morons for playing a spec they like.

Then destroyed another grey parser.

But sure I got owned because you exposed my 99s.


This is SoD forums, nobody cares about Wrath parses, If its not a 100parse you are bad. It’s that easy.

You judging my alt pug parses really showed me. I was parsing when you didnt even know what WoW is. Dont waste my time. I am not interested. You are worse at a mage then my alt.

Wrong, pet scaling actually gets worse. I don’t think you’ve ever played Classic.

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Okay Mr Gray.

This isn’t classic, it’s SoD. You’re extremely naive if you think they won’t introduce additional runes that makes a pet even stronger.

I could be wrong but I don’t think stat scaling for pets has changed at all.

I think you’re misunderstanding why they are strong right now.

It’s because of the damage bonus blizzard gave them on their focus spenders and the fact beast rune exists.

As far as they’re scaling goes I’m pretty sure it’s the exact same so they’re going to start off very strong because of the current modifiers they have but they’re really not going to get stronger in relation to everybody else as they level