LoL… “megathread”. I hope you realize it is a well know that Bliz doesn’t read forums nor do they respond to our input. They do what they want to do regardless of what you or I think. That problems with hunters as a whole are glaring yet not a single thing was done to directly improve them in 9.0.5.
Good luck, hope this thread brings about a ton of change, but we all know it won’t; and if change comes, it will have nothing to do with this thread and everything to do about $$$$.
warlock are a a dot cleaving spellcast class… every fight minus sledge and shriek has multi target, and in what reality mage wouldnt be a top tier in a blizzard game… mages are the favorite son…it is a 20 year old game like i posted on the begining, avoid complaining about hunters or comparing with other classes, we all know the problems.
since my contribution was lacking ill post what i think should happen with the class, that is viable…i dont want to enter the dream realm and remake talent tree or fix covenants…here we go:
MM - improve mobility in a lot of dodge mechanics fights it struggle
Steady focus - every 2 steady shots consecutive or not
Sniper Training - after 5 sec standing still you can cast aimed shot while moving for 5 sec, (values may varie)
Remove the aoe cap on explosive shot, any talent shouldnt have aoe cap
lone wolf buff is 10% used to be 20% how about 10% of a stat insted of damage, lets say 10% versatility
hunter ability without the pet should be hysteria insted of surv of the fittest, or just have all 3 with shared cd
hunters lack self healing, chimera shot should heal 5% again but only if hits a single target
precision shot work with chimera shot, not sure it does if already does disregard this one
camouflage should have no duration, but MM and BM cant move, and insted of a cd has a 2 sec cast
calling the shots should be aimed shots and every target hit by it it reduces
volley should be at a target insted of a location, 30 sec cd, 3 sec duration, damage value unchanged
remove aoe cap on barrage.
murder of crows, damage affected by mastery and cd affected by haste, off GCD
deadeye should work with flyed shot (only time ill mention covenant)
I think we, as Hunters did manage to get a fairly recent change.
Remember we were offered the 5% damage buff on targets to which we had applied Hunters Mark? And the cool-down that went with it? It was changed.
That was our doing. (i think)
And, remember the Dec. nerfs? also our doing, LoL
On a more serious note: Lower the Focus cost of MoC !
thank you mister troll to take your time to get off from under the bridge and bring all this positivity to a attempt of have a real conversation, i hope you have a nice
I have been told, when listening to old-time (pre-cata?) players, that BM Hunters could use their pets to fulfill the Tanking role in dungeons.
I wasn’t around to see it, and don’t know why or how it worked.
Maybe someone reading this has the knowledge and could share?
it happened, and they used to be quit effective, but only on low to mid content, no raid, tanks got really upset when hunters could say “my pet tank better than you” blizzard protected the children…
Pet passive move speed increase (30-40% passive increase)
Roar of Sacrifice baseline
Scatter Shot baseline for MM and Survival
Scatter and Freezing Trap no longer on the same DR
Increase radius of Tar Trap by 2 yards minimum
Add some debuff to Freezing Trap to the target that increases over the duration of the CC, ex: after 3 seconds of being Frozen, the target will be slowed for 90%, rapidly decaying over 3 seconds after the Trap effect ends (“Numb Limbs”); after 6 seconds of being Frozen, the target will receive in addition to the movement slow effect, their Haste is reduced by 40% for 3 seconds after the Trap effect ends (“Frozen Nerves”). The reason for this is that Freezing Trap is the only CC in the game that’s unreliable - it can be soaked by other players, pets, and can be kited, as well as requiring more action from the Hunter to reliably land.
Reduce Exhilaration CD to 45 seconds baseline
Buff Natural Mending talent (Remove CD of Exhilaration, but give 1 free use of Exhilaration to heal 30% every one minute, and then every use of the ability in-between that 1 minute window costs Focus and heals for 25%)
Posthaste talent is made baseline
Make Hi-Explosive Trap more reliable; knock the affected units up higher earlier to make it less likely to get hit on some weird geometry that makes the ability fizzle almost 50% of the time
Fix Resonating Arrow effect - the effect of the arrow is blocked by LOS. Early on in the expansion, you could, for example, fire it on the underside of the BEM bridge and the aura would apply to everyone on top of it. This was quickly fixed and as a result now even the slightest LOS or geometric object completely nullifies the effect. I cannot count on both my hands and feet how many times I’ve fired it on the ground in some BG and it had zero effect to anyone “behind it”.
Allow Aspect of the Turtle to be used while CC’d and add a baseline passive that reduces CD on Turtle based on Focus spent
Aspect of the Turtle duration reduced to 5 seconds
Aspect of the Turtle now has 2 charges
Feign Death is 15 seconds baseline
Survival of the Fittest is made into a copy-pasta of Barkskin and is baseline, unaffected by current pet
For MM:
Reduce AiS cast time to 2.0 seconds.
Make Bursting Shot more reliable; knock the affected units up higher earlier to make it less likely to get hit on some weird geometry that makes the ability fizzle almost 50% of the time, increase the cone radius slightly, and the range slightly
For Survival:
Make Mongoose Bite baseline and buff it’s damage substantially
Rework Raptor Strike into something else to make the ST rotation interesting/relevant – armor penetration debuff? armor reduction? more damage from the Hunter? more damage from pet? KC does something to targets affected by this target? buffs the next Bomb/Mongoose?
Remove Wingclip, or make it similar to Monk’s disable where if it’s used on a target affected by CS will immobilize them for x seconds, or immobilizes baseline but longer on a target affected by CS.
Concussive Shot baseline
Give two charges of Aspect of the Eagle and make it also increase melee range to 40 yards as well
Buff Carve damage to be like 10% less than Butchery – it’s offensively low now
Extend duration of all debuffs provided by Wildfire Infusion
Increase duration of Flame Infusion conduit buff
Increase duration of Strength of the Pack conduit buff
Reduce Focus cost of Serpent Sting to 10
Allow Wildfire Bomb (non-Wildfire Infusion) DoT to stack with itself
In vanilla in 5 mans, I pet could off tank a mob. Back then you had to use CC on every pull. I don’t recall a time when a pet could tank relevant content by themselves.
Back in vanilla, pets were awesome though. A “BM” with his pet were a feared thing. I mean BM as someone who had 31 points into the Beast Mastery tree. The last skill healed the Hunter every time the pet attacked and you could get a spider that attacked every .6 seconds , making the Hunter very hard to kill.
There is some good idea but I think some of them are not in accord with how the spec currently plays and in what direction the talents should evolve. Here is my take on it:
Why ? It’s already really easy as it is and it makes you think about it instead of randomly mashing buttons.
That is actually pretty interesting
Would be a good change as well without making hunters over powered
10% damage into 10% vers ? Why ?
Survival of the fittest is the good CD to have. But survival of the fittest is garbage, it’s the weakest wall in the game and has the longest CD. It needs a buff!
Empowering SofT would make hunter not as reliant on self healing, but it could also use some leech as a source to get a new defensive CD.
It does
For camo to have no duration that would be fine I guess. But making MM and BM immobile with it basically makes it worthless. The cast time to balance out the no duration is interesting.
It would make it a descent choice for AOE if you could take it along with Volley. But you can’t so it doesn’t matter.
Cast @mouseover and put your mouse of the mob’s face. It’s fine as it is. Volley is already a good CD. It would be interesting to get it on a 30s CD or a 1min CD with more damage so it’s fits better with our other 1min and 2min CDs.
Doesn’t matter it’s useless
It needs a complete rework to be made into a potent talent. For now it’s crap.
It could stay as it is but make the execute range bigger. Starts at 30% for example. Our execute is quite weak now that Aimed Shot doesn’t have bonus execute damage.
thats what im talking about thank you for your contribution, but making so many talents baseline even tho i agree with you on dont see them doing it cuz that would make the game be fun and would require the internst to come up with new talents and they havent dont it in the past 10 years, i was actually hopeful when they mentioned that every level would be meaniful, i thought talent trees are back baby…i was such a dreamer
I was surprised that it doesn’t, and really, really think it should.
Nope. 10% buff for deliberately gimping yourself is about too generous.
Yes. up the damage too.
This is pretty much what Night Elfs have for a racial. And me, i do NOT want to trade for this and lose my ability to sneak around. No duration as long as I’m motionless? As a Human, it’d be handy.
It does. Chimaera Shot also hits harder, Single-target.
Not really when I’m most likely to need healing. I’d prefer Spirit Bond. (talent)
Hunters HAVE an ability, a Pet ability without the pet? How Strange.
I say, Lower the cast-time on this…
A pruned Ability I’d like to see again is Wyvern Sting for all Hunters.
thank your for your contribution i apreciate the feedback, this what i would like to see, regarding ppl discussing what could be improved in reality, please guys provide ideas too thats how we get to a common goal, so far i’ve seen some great ideas and some nice feedback much appreciated you all for reading
It does not matter if most hybrids only have 1 DPS spec. (Btw, they don’t; classes like Warrior and Death Knight—more common than, say, Priest— already skew this count above 1.) We currently have 3. 2 is less than 3. Thus, we absolutely will be losing a DPS spec.
It would fit a class fantasy, but not necessarily ours. Regardless, the problem again is what it would cost us.
It’s about competitive as the other two specs, with MM’s edge shrinking over AoE fight length. I could handily cap my M+ rewards and do PvP on SV. I could say worse of certain other class’s specs. Do they, too, then have no reason to exist?
Any less than a commensurate buff only removes the option of playing without a pet. You may prefer that, but it does zero harm to you to allow the option. The trick is to make the reward commensurate to what was lost. A pet does solely ST damage: the buff, therefore, should do likewise.
Another day without a single hunter buff or bug fix. They fixed abilities breaking invis potions for all classes but hunters today, really? That just shows how much they care about Hunter class in general.
I have NO doubt that out of the 4 hours they are planning for the maintenance, they are going to devote at least 2 or 3 minutes buffing us. Or at least think about it. Or at least acknowledge it. Or probably nothing, nvm.
My post was a shot at MM Hunters that try to justify the 10% damage compensation when playing with no pet by implying it’s warranted because they chose to play without a pet, that it’s deserved. Crap! It’s a Gimee!, a lucky break, it’s like we got a slotless Talent we can change on the fly, pet/no pet, as we please.
People want to play MM without a pet, I don’t mind, I’m glad to have the option, and the 10% gimee makes it an option, or close enough. (AoE sucks)
What I don’t care for is when people want to remove that option from the spec, when people state MM Hunters were designed to play without a pet, that we don’t need a pet.
We don’t need to equip ranged weapons either, but are they not handy?
So are pets. Learn how to use them, as a MM and realize the benefits.
So many good ideas that unfortunately Bliz will never read.
My only suggestion is that it is obvious there is no longer a hybrid DPS penalty like the old days. That being the case, why not give all DPS classes the same level of healing. I like the Enh Shaman/Ret Pally template where if you want to heal it will be at the cost of damage.
this is amazing!!!I am new to the game and I wonder what was the best design for MM and Survival but no doubt the class as a whole would benefit from some if not all of your suggestions thank you