Hunter Megathread SV/BM/MM

My favorite part was the lack of talking from the devs for months in their own thread lol.

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We need Bestial Wrath off the gcd and be able to turkey during a stun.

Communicating with Blizz

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My favourite part was how the last blue post in one of those threads was in response to a random Rogue who popped up asking about that class, assuring them that they were looking into Rogue issues.


There is no “being herd” the only thing blizzard cares about is money. They do not care if you are upset, crying, angry, ect. As long as you pay that monthly fee they do not care. The ONLY way to be herd is to stop giving them money and move on to a better game.

We should change the title to “Let’s Talk”

Let’s also try to be civil. I know some people at blizzard, they care. We need to show them that we are open to discussions. It’s not just that we need to make ideas, we need to show we are passionate about changes to the class and just want to be heard.

Maybe they are working on hunters changes for 9.1 We just want some confirmation for that so that we know we are being listened to. We have to extend the branch first though.

My big list of BM changes were posted in the 9.0.5 PTR Feedback thread. Blizzard ignored it just like they’ll ignore this post too. They have no sense of class balance, and no sense of community involvement. No matter how much we plead, nothing is going to get done by our account. It’s all up to Blizzard at this point, and when the changes are finally made to this class, they’ll be wrong and we’ll tell them that, but they won’t listen. Just you watch.

Anyway, here was my big thread:

Yep, just unsub or play another class. Preferably unsub, because that’s the only thing that matters.

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We are .

Oh you mean with Blizz



sorry guys i´ve been working a lot so i couldnt keep up, but lets try to do that now

the game is focus on a single meta, more damage, not fun, survivability or any other aspect of a mmo, so what we have?

MM doing standing still heavy burst dps, in fights that require a lot of mobility and timing to maximize dps without any reward.

BM feels like a warlock, sustain pet and dot based dps, i like the BM ideia but i dont think BM should do more dps than MM or Survival because of the complexity

SV Meme spec, fun but not viable for PvE, we have enuough melee dps in raids, would really be fun to be a Tanking spec…

The fact that you really sat there and suggested it should be a tank, calls your entire opinion of the spec into question. :woozy_face:

Like if you don’t play SV just say so :rofl:


Have you ever played warlock before ?

This entire sentence makes 0 sense to me.

You bring 2 tanks in raid vs 4-8 melee dps. There is 5 tanking specs and 13 melee dps specs.
Of those 13 melee dps specs you’d bring only the best of each class. So you can take out 2 rogue specs and 1 warrior spec.
Ignoring balancing, that leaves you at 5 classes fighting for 2 spots for tanking and 10 specs fighting for 4-8 spots for melee dps. How is survival getting better odds of seeing play as a tank ?

Congratz you know the people that are not the ones choosing the direction of the game then. The people in charges are the ones implementing things like corrupted BOE items to get people to buy tokens and make the company more money.

Complexity does not accurately correlate to how much DPS a spec should do. That’s a terrible mentality and one that WoW can stand do without. Just because one spec is harder doesn’t mean that that spec should automatically be the top DPS. Thinking otherwise is elitist and non constructive to the conversation. Please take this thought out of the conversation.

In addition, I hate people who think BM is “easy.” It’s not as easy as a lot of people make it out to be. Is it easier than some specs? Sure. I played an Unholy DK recently and was blown away by the number of buttons that spec has compared to others. But BM is not easy. Sure it can move everywhere and still deal damage, but that’s about it. There are a lot of complexities a BM hunters has and if your raid knows how to utilize you, you have a lot more to do than just DPS.

Also BM is “like a warlock”? Have you played a Warlock? They couldn’t be further away from each other in terms of gameplay. The alt I play a lot of the time other than my Hunter is a Demonology Warlock. My BM and Demo play nothing alike.

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All hunter specs need a 10% buff to make up for 9.0.5 bugfixes.


Reduce the Rez Pet time. Rescind the Dec. Aimed Shot And Arcane Shot nerfs.

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That hasn’t described Warlock for a while now.

It’s about as viable as the other two.

Only if/when they aren’t dealing more damage than the ranged their utility competes with (or, makes redundant). The actual mechanics-derived reasons to avoid melee past a certain point are almost entirely fight-specific.

That’s quite a leap from the contexts stated (especially as flawed as those contexts would be if used as warrants).

To be fair, I wouldn’t mind there being a talent each in BM and SV trees that suddenly allowed them to queue as tanks (not just in the technical sense, but as in actually made them capable tanks), but I’ve no interest in losing a DPS spec as a whole to support a newfangled Hunter tank concept.

my intention behind it was to make hunte a hybrid class, any hybrid class is outperforming a pure dps class so that was my intention

Let’s talk about how they stealth nerfed shadowy duel + hunter’s mark combo last patch. Another rare hunter comp down the drain.


Warlocks and mages don’t need to be hybrids to have a top tier spec, neither should hunters or rogues.

i appreciate all your feedback but i stand by it, you tried to desconstruct my post but its ok, the only reason i sugested to be a hybrid adding the tank spec is cuz i dont see hunters healing so…

The only other alternative is tanking, it would fit a class fantasy, would be fun, and we are not losing a dps spec, most only have 1 we have 2, and we gained another niche in the game, every tank would roll a hunter to see what it feels like, more ppl playing more attention, more attention, more buffs sadly this is how ian sees it,

I´m thinking towards the well being of the class as a whole you are complaining about not play dps survival when in fact surival is not a competitive dps atm.